• 梦中讲法的佛佛讲法的,巴日玛其他人指示应该请求尊师讲述的故事。

    He who was teaching the Doctrine in my dream and those who listened to him, Bharima and the others, indicated that I should ask the Master for his story.


  • 第一911报警电话192月16阿里拨打的。

    The very first 911 call was made on February 16, 19 in Alibama.


  • 2010年11月12早产下了女儿迪琳。

    Shaw gave birth early to daughter Madilyn on November 12, 2010.


  • 克莱,虽说427会议没有发生什么事情刺激弱不禁风债券市场马德里交涉迫在眉睫。 试译:斯克莱说加泰罗尼亚与马德里的中央政府达成一项协议,但在4月27的会晤中,这个协议并未达成,这使得证券市场出现了急剧的变化。

    Mr Mas-Colell says a deal with Madrid will emerge, but it did not happen at a meeting on April 27th, making bond markets jumpier.


  • 四月发生罗南·科尔谋杀案地点而显得特别受关注:附近。1998年在这里颗炸弹杀死了29个人

    The murder of Ronan Kerr on April 2nd was especially resonant because of its location: near the County Tyrone town of Omagh, where in 1998 a bomb killed 29 people.


  • 这个小女孩是个私生女,1926年6月1出生于洛杉矶一家医院取名·吉恩·莫藤森

    The girl was born out of wedlock on June 1, 1926, in a Los Angeles hospital. She was named Norma Jean Mortenson.


  • 耶路撒冷教会逼迫除了使徒以外,门徒都分散犹太列亚各处

    That day a severe persecution began against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout the countryside of Judea and Samaria.


  • 要在之内将犹大人招聚了,你回到这里来。

    Then said the king to Amasa, Assemble me the men of Judah within three days, and be thou here present.


  • 儿子比加杀了犹大人十二万,都是勇士,因为他们离弃耶和华他们列祖

    In one day Pekah son of Remaliah killed a hundred and twenty thousand soldiers in Judah-because Judah had forsaken the Lord, the God of their fathers.


  • 9月29生成至今,整整折腾13。”预计将有15以上寿命,超过台风平均寿命3以上。

    Parma, which formed on September 29, has already sustained for 13 days, and it is expected to last over 15 days, 3 times longer than the average length of typhoon.


  • 29麦迪逊广场花园,这位演员神似的12岁女儿德琳尼克斯和国王队之间精彩比赛吸引住了。

    The actor and his look-alike 12-year-old, Madelaine West, are both mesmerized by the Feb. 9 basketball game between the New York Knicks and the Sacramento Kings at Madison Square Garden.


  • 第八,是拿西子孙首领,比大儿子列。

    On the eighth day Gamaliel son of Pedahzur, the leader of the people of Manasseh, brought his offering.


  • 我们引用一个评判标准,部落生活维多利亚大湖海湾(Homa Bay),其平均寿命仅为38岁;而生活于恩耶Nyeri)中心地带的奇库族人却盼着62岁。

    To cite just one comparative yardstick, the lifespan of a Luo living in Homa Bay, on Lake Victoria, averages 38; a Kikuyu living in the tribal heartland in Nyeri can expect to reach 62.


  • 2005年6月14过去18年中,蒂娜·尼拉修女一直卢旺达首都基加利最贫困人口稠密地区的一家医疗中心工作。

    June 15, 2005 - For the past 18 years, Sister Dina Nyiranuma, has worked in a health centre in one of the poorest and most densely populated neighborhoods of Kigali, Rwanda's capital.


  • 尽管文章没有发布但是女士10月5结束询问时提出,感觉的声望名誉因为珀罗先生言论而置于危险的境地。

    The article was not published. But, questioned on October 5th, Ms Marcegaglia said that she felt her name and reputation had been put in jeopardy by Mr Porro’s remarks.


  • 2008年6月14桑德兰驾船离开了洛杉矶南部琳娜得瑞港,途中在非洲好望角附近海上庆祝了自己十七岁的

    He left Marina Del Rey, just south of Los Angeles, on June 14, 2008, and celebrated his 17th birthday at sea while off Africa's Cape of Good Hope.


  • 3月19一年一度的米兰-圣雷莫自行车大赛首次亮相并冠军特·科斯(Matt Coss)所骑赛车就是款非供消遣的赛车。

    This is a serious racing bike which made its debut at the annual Milan-San Remo cycle race on March 19th, where it was ridden by the winner, Matt Goss.


  • 第八拿西子孙首领,比大蓿的儿子列。

    On the eighth day offered Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur, prince of the children of manasseh.


  • 2005年10月26威尔飓风过后辆1959年款正陷于哈瓦那海边瓦砾堆

    A 1959 Chevrolet amid the rocks and rubble on the Miramar coast in Havana, on Oct. 26, 2005, in the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma.


  • 第七来献以法莲子孙的首领,亚米儿子以利

    On the seventh day Elishama the son of Ammihud, prince of the children of Ephraim, offered.


  • “穿过海南岛,将1213凌晨进入北部湾海面。”

    Parma is expected to swirl into Beibu Bay from Monday night to early Tuesday morning after leaving Hainan.


  • 2011年5月11女星萨尔·海耶克出席第64届戛纳电影节开幕仪式

    Actress Salma Hayek poses on the red carpet for the opening ceremony of the 64th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes May 11, 2011.


  • 5月28拉合尔周五礼拜期间,有90多名阿迪派教徒少数教派成员—葬身这次丧心病狂袭击之中。

    Over 90 Ahmadis, members of a religious minority, died in frenzied attacks during Friday prayers in Lahore on May 28th.


  • 1963年2月2美国凯恩”号油船例行出航

    On February 2, 1963, the United States "malin, Kane" tanker sailing routined.


  • 1963年2月2美国凯恩”号油船例行出航

    On February 2, 1963, the United States "malin, Kane" tanker sailing routined.


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