• 模式依照德国2002年空气清洁研制拉格朗日模式

    This model is a Lagrangian particle model after TA Luf 2002 of Germany.


  • 用户时区中的变化可能会对您Cognos部署负载的模式产生深远的影响

    Variations in the time zones of your users can result in surprising impacts on the daily patterns of load on your Cognos deployment.


  • 国外商业银行公司治理模式划分模式、德日模式亚洲家族模式转型经济治理模式

    Overseas' commercial bank governance models can be classified as : American and British style, Asian family model and transforming economy governance model.


  • 不列颠正经历着道德危机自我认同危机,7月7的伦敦爆炸案使人们多元文化的模式缺乏信心移民问题现在成为了担忧的一个来源

    Britain is in a crisis of morality, and of identity. It is unsure, in the wake of 7/7, of its multicultural model; immigration is now a source of concern.


  • 只有wifi以及同时拥有3G模式iPad可以312预定苹果零售店4月3号正式出售平板电脑

    iPad pre-orders start on March 12 for both the Wi-Fi-only and 3G-enabled models, and the tablet will be sold in Apple Stores on April 3.


  • 4月14电话会议上Rudin记者透露了美国航空已经为用户付费模式制定一个基本框架的消息。

    Rudin, addressing journalists in a conference call April 14, says the airline outlined the basics of a user-pay model.


  • 选举当天在里加氛围肯定愉快的:希腊相比拉脱维亚看起来一个调整过的模式

    The mood in Riga on election day was positively cheerful: compared with Greece, Latvia looks like a model of adjustment.


  • 每个小学孩子严格地执行一小时模式主要学习阅读的构成。

    A rigidly-structured daily one-hour lesson was prescribed for all primary-school children, focusing on the mechanics of reading.


  • 长期以来视低收入国家纯粹生产基地产品运往富裕国家销售,这样模式已经过时了。

    Japanese firms have long used poor countries merely as production bases and then shipped their products to rich ones. That model no longer works.


  • 今年12月4俄罗斯模式准备红场地方为自己旗帜性摇滚团体组织场音乐会

    This year on November 4th, Russian Mode managed to organise a concert of its flagship rock group a few metres from Red Square.


  • 61释放清理,释放掉能量模式

    June 1: release and cleansing, release of old energy patterns.


  • 3月11星期五(健康新闻):是否担心周末提前小时起床而打乱了你以往的睡眠模式呢?

    FRIDAY, March 11 (HealthDay News) — Worried that your sleep patterns will be disrupted when the clocks move ahead one hour this weekend?


  • 根据1月9新闻RobertRubin董事会里超级全能模式铁杆支持者,退出董事会。 这也是对这个转变确认

    The news on January 9th that Robert Rubin, a powerful voice in favour of the universal model, is to quit the board affirms the change.


  • 小额信贷就是穷人小额贷款,让他们些小本生意这种理想状态下的贷款模式四分之三人均消费不足美元印度人而言,已经成为他们的最美好的生活愿景之一

    Microcredit—small loans to the poor, ideally to start a tiny business—has until recently been seen as one of best hopes for the three-quarters of Indians who still live on less than $2 a day.


  • 截止6月30or bitzWorldwide网站提供全球将近10万家酒店的预订,其中包括7万家净价模式的酒店。

    As of June 30, 2010, Orbitz Worldwide offered approximately 100, 000 bookable hotels on its websites, including nearly 70, 000 merchant hotels.


  • 还有富有科技公司模仿苹果音乐商业模式,如谷歌510上线了它的音乐存储服务产品。

    And rich technology firms want to emulate Apple by building businesses on music: Google launched a music-storage service on May 10th.


  • 记住一个职业学位高级管理人员教育模式就是那些全职工作的人员设计的,同时课程

    Keep in mind this is a professional degree and executive education model that is intended to be designed for people who are themselves working full time and still taking classes full time.


  • 雅虎TripAdvisor不愿透露协议详情。这份协议在1月1生效,针对美国市场采取了收入分成的模式

    Yahoo and TripAdvisor wouldn't release details of the new agreement, which began Jan. 1, other than to say that it involves the U.S. market only, and is a revenue-sharing arrangement.


  • 所知中国模式——粉丝阅读网络小说更新内容——没有其他任何国家复制

    As far as I know, China's model - in which fans read daily updates of online novels - has not been replicated in any other country.


  • 1月21所有授权服务中心接收耳机模式一个稍微不同颜色相同运动一部分号码

    Starting January 21st all authorize service centers have been receiving new earpiece models that have a slightly different color, but sport the same part number.


  • 大陆法系德、公司采用二元模式监事会制度监督机制核心又有所不同。

    While Germany and Japan adopt dual-pattern model under the Mainland legal system, in which the Board of Supervisors System is the core.


  • 重复周期开始符合定期模式。将重复周期的开始期从周末更改工作

    The recurrence start date doesn't correspond to the recurrence pattern. Change the recurrence start date from a weekend day to a weekday.


  • 虽然不良公司2推出10地图总共某些地图的某些游戏模式播放

    Whilst Bad Company 2 launched with 10 maps in total, certain maps are only playable in certain game modes.


  • 通过上述分析,可以证明,语义扩展模式在汉对比研究也是一个十分重要有效方法

    This paper also demonstrates that the meaning expansion network model is a significant and efficient method to conduct a contrastive research.


  • 如果生活被固定复一的循环模式里,也许时候尝试事物了。

    If you're stuck in the same old routine, it might be time to try something new.


  • 我国2000年1月1实行药品分类管理以来,药品营销模式逐步发生变化

    Since the classified administration of medicinal drugs was introduced on January 1, 2000, changes gradually took place in the marketing models for medicinal drugs.


  • 我国2000年1月1实行药品分类管理以来,药品营销模式逐步发生变化

    Since the classified administration of medicinal drugs was introduced on January 1, 2000, changes gradually took place in the marketing models for medicinal drugs.


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