• 们将于6月1开始,与曼彻斯特·卡拉塔和尼古拉·贝内代蒂一起上演莫扎特作品的精彩节目。

    We begin on 1st June with Manchester Camerata and Nicola Benedetti, presenting an amazing programme of Mozart pieces.


  • 根·马克尔于5月19加入了英国王室。

    Meghan Markle joined Britain's royal family on May 19th.


  • 帕米萨诺7月29同一天,这可是365分之1的小概率考虑到闰年,可能小;某种预兆吗?

    In a 1-out-of-365 chance, or less considering leap year, Palmisano and Rometty share the same birthday, July 29th; is that an omen of some kind?


  • 美国艾奥瓦州地区社区学院教室内上课的学生于4月26时突然校方紧急疏散到了安全地带,而具体原因则是因为一个看上去颇为可疑包裹使得学校管理者变得万分紧张

    Several classrooms at Des Moines Area Community College were evacuated after college officials became nervous about a suspicious package.


  • 马拉多纳3月3阿根廷慕尼黑举行世界杯热身赛中1 - 0小胜德国的赛后,西交谈两个小时,探讨了许多问题

    Maradona said that after Argentina's World Cup warm-up against Germany in Munich on 3 March, a 1-0 win, he spent two hours with Messi talking about many issues.


  • 依据森尔的证言FBI取得了搜查证,1977年7月8突袭华盛顿洛杉矶的山达基总部

    With Meisner's testimony, the FBI obtained search warrants and, on July 8, 1977, raided Scientology headquarters in Washington and Los Angeles.


  • 7月7巴拉克·奥巴马德米特里·德韦杰夫克里姆林宫讨论世界安全问题之际,车臣的地方安全人员绑架当地一名男人及其儿子

    On JULY 7th, as Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev discussed world security in the Kremlin, people charged with security in Chechnya kidnapped a local man and his son.


  • 9月4克伦堡—西波美·拉尼亚(Mecklenburg - West pomerania)邦柏林选举可能巩固反对派优势

    Elections in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania on September 4th and in Berlin two weeks later are likely to confirm the opposition's strength.


  • 2010年7月22希腊扮演祭司希腊女演员伊诺·妮佳奇手捧圣火奥林匹亚体育场内。

    Greek actress Ino Menegaki, playing the role of high priestess, carries the flame inside the ancient stadium at Olympia, Greece on Thursday, July 22, 2010.


  • 因此新闻主管克雷格·奥利弗7月5喀布尔外的架拥挤飞机来爬去时,这标志着有什么急事正在发生。

    Thus it signalled that something urgent was afoot when David Cameron's director of communications, Craig Oliver, began clambering about on a cramped flight out of Kabul on July 5th.


  • 不管什么原因现在看来,有可能最终无法5月7成为英国首相

    Regardless of the reason, it is now possible that Mr Cameron will not, after all, be prime minister on May 7th.


  • 还有人说可能会参加星期五祷告,并以此表示投降,事实上,自6月19内伊发布训诫以来,他一直缺席祷告。

    Another suggests he may signal his surrender to the inevitable by attending Friday's prayers, whereas he was conspicuously absent when Mr Khamenei gave his sermon on June 19th.


  • 拉费外长是应李肇星外长邀请5月19开始中国进行正式访问的。

    Foreign Minister Merafhe started his official visit to China on May 19 at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart Li Zhaoxing.


  • 印度亚洲通讯社报道,印度东北部加拉亚邦13凌晨发生5.6地震,目前尚无人员伤亡报告

    A 5.6-magnitude earthquake hit the northeastern Indian state of Meghalaya early Saturday, but no casualties have been reported, the Indo-Asian News Service reported.


  • 2009年11月5苏格兰考登·比斯·凯莉·莫法特()注视丈夫托马斯·下士的棺木三一教堂出。

    Kylie Moffat (right) watches the coffin of her husband Corporal Thomas Mason, carried from Trinity Parish Church on November 5, 2009 in Cowdenbeath, Scotland.


  • 中间人卡多纳·迪纳最后通信时间5月10早上8——通知刽子手罗森博格上路了

    The inside man had communicated with Cardona Medina for the last time at 8 A.M. on May 10th—to alert the executioners that Rosenberg was on his way.


  • 即将卸任尼亚议会议长•班科莱涉及他的16项贪污指控作无罪辩护。据称,他公款放贷中把6500万美金弄到手中。

    The outgoing speaker of Nigeria’s parliament, Dimeji Bankole, pleaded not guilty to 16 counts of corruption after he allegedly secured $65m in loans using public assets.


  • 1610年7月18米开朗基罗·里西·卡拉瓦乔托斯卡尼海岸的埃尔·科莱港逝去

    MICHELANGELO MERISI, called Caravaggio, died in Porto Ercole on the Tuscan coast on July 18th or 19th 1610.


  • 12月1议会上,更是毫不留情批评布朗儿子”,这是米利班德惨痛的失败。

    His showing on December 1st, when Mr Cameron woundingly branded him the “son of Brown”, was his worst yet.


  • 9月14雅罗斯拉夫尔召开国际安全会议上,德韦杰夫再次严厉指责美国造成全球金融危机

    On September 14th, at a conference on global security in Yaroslavl, Mr Medvedev again lambasted America for causing the global crisis.


  • 在本月三周三苏富比伦敦拍卖会上贾科蒂的雕塑拍卖价创下了历史记录新高。

    A SCULPTURE by Alberto Giacometti, one of the 20th century's greatest artists, fetched a record price at Sotheby's, a London auction house, on Wednesday February 3rd.


  • 福克斯六月二十四,在夏威夷洁白沙滩上落时分秘密布莱恩·奥斯丁·格林举行了婚礼。 在旁的还有布莱恩八岁儿子,也是这对新人唯一见证人

    Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green were married in an intimate, sunset ceremony June 24 on the beach in Hawaii, with the actor's son, Kassius, 8, their only witness.


  • 戈尔耶(Mezhgorye)俄罗斯一个封闭的村镇,据传闻,镇里住的都是亚曼塔瓦(MountYamantaw)周边从事高度机密任务工作人员,直到1979年这个小镇才为世人发现

    Mezhgorye is a closed town in Russia which is believed to house people working on the highly secret Mount Yamantaw. The town was founded in 1979.


  • 戈尔耶(Mezhgorye)俄罗斯一个封闭的村镇,据传闻,镇里住的都是亚曼塔瓦(MountYamantaw)周边从事高度机密任务工作人员,直到1979年这个小镇才为世人发现

    Mezhgorye is a closed town in Russia which is believed to house people working on the highly secret Mount Yamantaw. The town was founded in 1979.


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