• 堂兄(或弟)及律师山口一说,”类似亚利桑那洲的法规已经日本实行了时间从没有受到批评。

    “The same thing as in Arizona has been in place in Japan for a long time without much criticism,” says my cousin and lawyer Genichi Yamaguchi.


  • 例如,新版10000券上微缩文字NIPPONGINKO”(“日本银行”),是印钞票底纹大小不同的微缩文字。

    For example, the new 10, 000 yen note bears the wordsNIPPON GINKO” (“Bank of Japan”) printed in microletters, with additional microletters of different sizes included in the background design.


  • 此外日本年时间花费超过100兆额外公共债务代价从这个错误出来

    Moreover it took Japan nearly ten years to climb out of the mistake at the cost of well over 100 trillion yen in additional public debt.


  • 日本已经提供了20亿帮助拆除70多个俄罗斯遗弃远东地区退役核潜艇

    Japan has already provided around 20 billion yen to help dismantle more than 70 retired nuclear submarines believed to have been abandoned in the Russian Far East.


  • 最近日本一家公司计划推出印有恐怖小说卫生纸,每售价210(约合15人民币),供人们如厕时阅读。

    A Japanese company is advertising a new literary experience - a horror story printed on toilet paper, which will sell for 210 yen (RMB15) a roll.


  • 前面我们已经假设过,360兑换1美的前提下,所有日本商品都便宜所以美国市场上根本没有日本的东西。

    We have assumed that at 360 yen to the dollar everything is cheaper in Japan, so there is nothing in the U.S. market that they would want to buy.


  • HKR今年日本购买了3住宅,总价90亿先生公司目标是充分扩展日本的业务。

    HKR this year bought three residential buildings in Japan for a total of nine billion yen, and Mr. Cha said the firm aims to significantly expand its Japan portfolio.


  • 2010年升值超过了11%。日本银行及时递交了数据,更多数据去年排名时使用2009年3月财政年度数据。

    The yen appreciated more than 11% in 2010, and Japanese banks have delivered more timely data – most figures in last year’s ranking were for the financial year ended March 2009.


  • 日本国民仍然拥有另外14100亿金融资产

    And Japanese citizens are sitting on another {Yen} 1, 410 trillion of financial assets.


  • 这种蓝玫瑰售价预计为每支2000到3000之间(合2233之间),日本普通玫瑰的售价贵

    They are expected to be priced between 2, 000 and 3, 000 yen (22 and 33 dollars) per stem, about 10 times more expensive than normal roses in Japan.


  • 据悉视频长约19秒,日本街头叫价16万(约合人民币1.2万)。

    The 19-second short clip, which was peddled at 160000 yen (RMB12000) in the street, has caused a sensation in Japan.


  • 这家商场日本设计,装修耗资1000万人民币现在该商场内拥有饮料面包房红酒以及热点摊等配套设施。

    It has had a 10m yuan facelift by Japanese designers and now features a juice bar, bakery, wine room and hot-food stalls.


  • 如果到了901美日本最好出口商受益

    And at 90 yen to the dollar, the best Japanese exporting companies will be profitable.


  • 人们感到失望至极,因为这些努力回的恰恰愿意看到的:日升值。日已经8月23日的一兑85.2日91日的一美兑84.4日

    Disappointment over token efforts resulted in exactly what Japan didn't want: an even stronger yen, which has gone from 85.2 to the greenback on Aug. 23 to 84.4 on Sept. 1.


  • 二次禁断综合症这个名词最早1980年代初期日本提出

    Withdrawal syndrome secondary element in the 1980s this term was first proposed early in Japan.


  • 今年开始,日本家庭开始享受每个孩子每月13000(150美津贴并且取消了公立高中学费每月大约115美)。

    Starting this year, families began receiving monthly allowances of 13,000 yen ($150) per child, and fees for public high school, which ran at around $115 a month, were scrapped.


  • 日本田径联合会9日举行理事会,决定了北京奥运会奖金额度。金牌得主1000万日(约65.8万人民币)奖金,数额相当于雅典奥运会2倍

    Each gold medallist at the 2008 Olympic Games will get a JPY10m (RMB658000) bonus, which is twice the amount for the Athens Olympics, Japan Association of Athletics Federations announced Monday.


  • 日本财务大臣额贺福志郎(Fukushiro Nukaga)汇率跌破100日关键点位表示:“汇率过分波动不利于经济增长。”

    “Excessive volatility in exchange rates is not desirable for economic growth,” Fukushiro Nukaga, finance minister, said after the currency broke below the key Y100 mark.


  • 日本警事打算在下财政年度内获得2786亿(约合23.8亿美年度预算一数字较之上一财政年度预算额增长了7.4个百分点。

    The agency would seek an annual budget of 278.6 billion yen ($2.38 billion) for the next fiscal year, up 7.4 percent from the current year, he said.


  • 通常情况下,日本办理入境签证需要花3000(约合29),办理两次入境多次入境签证则需要花6000日

    Japan generally charges 3,000 yen (29 dollars) for a single-entry visa and 6,000 yen for a double-entry or multiple-entry visa.


  • 日本公司发明出款可折叠充气"浴缸",使用者床上可直接洗澡,每个售价2.48万(约合人民币1944)。

    Priced at 24,800 yen (RMB1,944), a foldable and inflatable "bathtub" for users to enjoy in bed was invented by a Japanese company.


  • 日本已经发达世界负债最重的国家平均每位国民背负着520万的总债务

    But Japan is already the most indebted in all developed countries with every national saddled with average 5.2 million yen in debt.


  • 过去日本人统治时期,劳动阶级平均每月工资一百台币,还吃得一点油。

    Under the Japanese, the laboring classes had been able to eat fish, eggs and some meat on an average wage of a hundred yen a month.


  • 过去日本人统治时期,劳动阶级平均每月工资一百台币,还吃得一点油。

    Under the Japanese, the laboring classes had been able to eat fish, eggs and some meat on an average wage of a hundred yen a month.


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