• 但自柏林墙倒塌日本泡沫经济破裂同时发生的那刻起,自民党就时日无多了。

    Its days have been numbered since the collapse of the Berlin Wall coincided with the bursting of Japan's bubble economy.


  • 日本泡沫经济破灭后自救压力相比,企业背负的这种削减开支的压力自然不可同日而语

    The pressure on companies to cut costs is nothing like it was when Japan was trying to dig itself out of its post-bubble mess.


  • 就像日本泡沫经济年间导致全球金融危机几年已经银行家庭的资产负债表上。

    Like Japan's bubble years, the years that led to the global financial crisis have left a heavy legacy of debt on the balance-sheets of Banks and households.


  • 目前投资者之间流传一种说法任何人只要经历日本泡沫经济起落,听到这种说法就应当拉响警钟。

    Such is the narrative now forming among investors. To anyone who has lived through the rise and fall of the Japanese bubble economy, it should set off alarm bells.


  • 目前我国股市泡沫经济不仅明显超过了日本泡沫经济程度而且投机繁荣的背后形成了促进投机机制

    The current bubble economy in Chinas stock market has already surpassed the extent of bubble economy in Japan, and has also formed the mechanism of encouraging speculation.


  • 泡沫经济由来已久十六世纪荷兰郁金香疯狂日本泡沫经济的破灭和东南亚金融危机,人类已经多次领教了经济机体的剧烈冲击

    The bubble economy has a long history. From the "tulip crazy" in Holland in the 16th century to the financial crisis in Southeastern Asia, we have suffered the severe strike taken by it.


  • 没错相比美国以个人债务为主,日本泡沫经济主要体现多数以地产物业抵押公司过重债务。

    True, Japan's bubble economy was much more about corporate-debt excesses, most of it borrowed against land or property collateral, rather than personal debt, as is the case in the U.S..


  • 土地价格日本泡沫经济”里顶峰缩水超过80%。

    Average land prices have fallen by more than 80% from their peak during Japan's "bubble years".


  • 企业获得利润生产力得以提升,经济健康的标准,最终有助于其他部门得以复苏。 美国经济日本泡沫经济后期将形成鲜明的对比日本经济消失长达十年之久,生产力的企业完全僵尸企业拖累。

    This is in sharp contrast with the experience of post-bubble Japan, which indeed had a lost decade and more, but its corporate sector was plagued by zombie rather than productive firms.


  • 日本银行1990年的泡沫经济破裂以来一直处于麻烦之中。

    The Japanese Banks have been in trouble ever since the economic bubble burst in 1990.


  • 日本外务省初级秘书日本日本曾处在所谓泡沫经济中,当时日本民众债务问题并不十分谨慎。

    KAORI MARUYA, Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Japan: Japan was in the so-called bubble economy, and at that time the Japanese people were not very careful about debt.


  • 90年代初泡沫经济危机冲击日本企业集团机制发生变化进入了一个转折

    In the early 90s, under the impact of the crisis of foam economy, the system of Japanese business groups underwent major changes and entered a transitional period.


  • 事实是,日本泡沫经济最后破裂了,之前已经引发了(美国)愚蠢的保护主义浪潮。

    In fact, Japan's bubble economy ended up bursting; but not before an outbreak of foolish protectionism.


  • 日本经济困境,既是泡沫经济崩溃结果体制和制度上的根源

    The predicament of Japanese economy is not only a result of the foam economy burst, but also the origin of its system.


  • 通常人们将日本银行坏账不良资产问题归咎于日本泡沫经济以及东南亚经济危机

    It is usually argued that the bad debts and non-performing assets of Japanese Banks are due to the bubble economy of the country and the economic crisis of the Southeast Asian countries.


  • 泡沫经济崩溃出现日本年轻人就业问题正是反映了日本旧有企业体制封闭性

    The Japanese youth's employment problem after the breakdown of the economic bubble reflects the closeness of the old Japanese corporate system.


  • 争论涉及《前报告》、国际政策协调泡沫经济资产价格减缩日本银行的货币供给政策等一系列问题

    Many issues have been involved in this debate, e. g. issues related to Maekawa Report, international policy coordination, bubble economy, assets depreciation and national monetary supply.


  • 海部俊树担任日本首相日本经济进入泡沫经济最高峰

    The sea department Jun tree: When I held the post of Japan a prime minister, Japan economy got into a bubble economy most high peak.


  • 日本泡沫经济崩溃之后,经济长期处于低迷状态直至2002年后期才有所好转

    After the collapse of bubble economy in Japan, the economy has been at the murky condition for a long time, which had a better change until the later period of 2002.


  • 泡沫经济以来十几年间世界上贫富差异激化日本没有例外

    Ten years after the Bubble War, the dichotomy between the rich and the poor in the world becomes more prominent and Japan is no exception.


  • 泡沫经济以来十几年间世界上贫富差异激化日本没有例外

    Ten years after the Bubble War, the dichotomy between the rich and the poor in the world becomes more prominent and Japan is no exception.


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