• 美国汽车公司必须研发日本对手更好

    The American auto makers need to learn how to build better cars than their Japanese competitors.


  • 的确是这样美国汽车公司必须研发日本对手更好

    They sure do. The American auto makers need to learn how to build better cars than their Japanese competitors.


  • 的确是这样美国汽车公司必须研发日本对手更好的车。

    They sure do. The American auto makers need to learn how to build better mousetraps than their Japanese competitors.


  • 同时日本对手丰田汽车实力日渐强大,计划2008年取代通用全球最大汽车制造商的位置。

    Meanwhile, its increasingly rampant Japanese rival, Toyota, was making plans to overtake GM as the world's biggest carmaker by 2008.


  • 同时底特律继续难以日本对手竞争时美国消费者汽车有了很多新的负担得起选择

    Meanwhile, American consumers had many new, affordable choices in cars - while Detroit continued to have trouble competing with its Japanese rivals.


  • 标致雪铁龙三菱之间谈判在继续,法国汽车生产商有望收购日本对手50%的股份

    Talks are continuing between PSA Peugeot Citroen and Mitsubishi, which could see the French carmaker take a stake of up to 50% in its Japanese counterpart. See article.


  • 联合航空公司和国际商用机器公司居于这些公司之列,它们许多方面超过了他们日本对手。 收藏。

    United Airlines and IBM were among these firms, and in a variety of ways they outperformed their Japanese counterparts.


  • 日本对手日产展示了一电动充电轿车名叫叶子日本市场销售今年将会美国展示,2012年进入英国

    Its Japanese rival, Nissan, displayed a pure electric plug-in car called the Leaf, which is already on the market in Japan and will hit US showrooms this year, arriving in Britain in 2012.


  • 竞争对手印度艘。泰国一艘。个竞争对手日本也有一艘搭载直升机的航母,可改装用于战斗机

    Its rival India has long had one. Thailand has one too. Japan, another rival, has a carrier for helicopters that could be adapted for fighters.


  • 日本经济在未来几年内继续超过外国竞争对手

    The Japanese economy will continue to outpace its foreign rivals for years to come.


  • 日本我们最大的经济竞争对手

    The Japanese are our biggest economic rivals.


  • 二十年前,日本就曾看作是美国主要对手

    Two decades ago Japan was seen as the main rival to America.


  • 这样一来日本制造商最大对手不仅造成它们困难的原因,成了它们的救星

    Thus corporate Japan's great rival is not only the cause of its distress, but also its saviour.


  • 不过来自日本放款者抱怨他们外国对手相比根本算不了什么

    But the complaints from Japanese lenders are nothing compared with those from their foreign-owned rivals.


  • 自民党几乎连续统治日本超过半个世纪,今年全国大选中面临着与竞争对手胜负难分的比赛。

    The LDP, which has ruled Japan nearly continuously for more than five decades, faces a close race in this year's national elections.


  • 沃达丰股票业绩表现不如对手饱受困扰日本业务虽经多次转型,但仍以失败告终

    Vodafone's shares were doing worse than those of its rivals, and repeated attempts to turn things round at its troubled Japanese unit had failed.


  • 而且不论谁和日本——两历史上共同死敌亚洲足球的共同对手——碰头,他们也都会携手喝彩

    And they will be united in cheering for whichever country is playing against japan-the Koreas' bete noire of history and their Shared rival in Asian football.


  • 韩国协定使日本担心国内公司与韩国对手的竞争失败

    The South Korean pact had fuelled fears in Japan that domestic companies would lose out in competitiveness to their South Korean rival.


  • 作为软件巨头,微软坚不可摧。但是,在硬件上却碰到两位强大对手日本索尼任天堂

    Despite Microsoft's impregnable strength as a producer of software, its foray into hardware brings it up against two other considerable powers, both from Japan: Sony and Nintendo.


  • BYD采用一种竞争对手日本公司甚的劳动密集型生产体系取得劳动成本优势

    It USES a more labour-intensive production system than the Japanese firms it competes with to take advantage of low Labour costs.


  • 男子方面,韩国朱世赫日本水谷隼强劲的对手韩国的雅典奥运会冠军柳承敏缺席本次比赛

    Among the men, South Korea's Joo Se-Hyuk and Japan's Jun Mizutani are likely challengers, while South Korea's Athens gold medalist Ryu Seung-min will miss these games.


  • 日本前景担忧压低估值使得定价竞争对手低了许多。

    Concerns about the outlook for Japan weigh on its valuation, leaving it priced well below its competitors.


  • 美国日本竞争对手雇佣不起这么多人

    His US and Japanese competitors cannot afford to hire so many, he says.


  • 同时地区人力成本的竞争对手迫使日本出口商削减劳动力成本

    At the same time cheaper competitors in the region are forcing Japanese exporters to cut Labour costs.


  • 范思哲这样较小时装公司压力最大原因它们缺乏较大竞争对手用以应对日本经济低迷财务实力规模经济

    Smaller fashion companies like Versace are under the most pressure, because they lack the financial firepower and economies of scale that larger rivals are tapping to ride out Japan's economic woes.


  • 范思哲这样较小时装公司压力最大原因它们缺乏较大竞争对手用以应对日本经济低迷财务实力规模经济

    Smaller fashion companies like Versace are under the most pressure, because they lack the financial firepower and economies of scale that larger rivals are tapping to ride out Japan's economic woes.


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