• 纽约时报美国第三大畅销报纸仅次于华尔街日报今日美国》。

    The New York Times is the third bestselling American newspaper, behind the Wall Street Journal and USA Today.


  • 这个故事晚些时候刊登在一家星期上。

    The story was published in a Sunday newspaper later that week.


  • 周前纸上刊登进行尖酸刻薄攻击的文章。

    There was a vicious and vitriolic attack on him in one of the Sunday newspapers two weeks ago.


  • 过去几年里,副刊游行》中,一个名为问问玛丽莲”的特色专栏

    For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called "Ask Marilyn".


  • 严肃财经报纸华尔街日报刚刚严厉抨击了这个法案,称它可能美国人民带来罗斯福时代以来严重的损害

    The Wall Street Journal, the newspaper here of serious money, has just savaged the Bill as perhaps the worst inflicted on the American people since the era of Roosevelt.


  • 他们中的一些接受华尔街日报的采访,周六报纸详细报道了这件事。

    Some of those wound up with the Wall Street Journal, which examines them at length in Saturday's paper.


  • 可笑了,李振盛想那时是党办报纸黑龙江日报摄影记者。

    How absurd, thought Li, who was then a photographer for the Heilongjiang Daily, a party newspaper.


  • 华尔街日报少数几个网上内容收费报纸

    The Wall Street Journal is one of the few papers that charges for its content online.


  • 华尔街日报一家发表众多报道精良报纸社论版经常是人们嘲弄对象坦率地讲太做作了。

    The Wall Street Journal is a fine paper that breaks a lot of stories, but its editorial page is frequently the subject of ridicule for people who find it to be, frankly, pretty hackish.


  • 美国新闻集团旗下报纸不多(虽然各个大报),其中包括华尔街日报纽约邮报

    In the U.S., News Corp only owns a handful of papers (though these tend to be relatively powerful), including the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post.


  • 新闻集团拥有华尔街日报》,后者是少数几家成功网站访问者收取费用大型报纸之一。

    News Corp. owns the Wall Street Journal, one of the few large newspapers that has successfully charged fees for access to its website.


  • 这本书文章最先出现作者报纸华沙日报》上。

    The ten essays in this book appeared first in the author’s newspaper, Gazeta Wyborcza.


  • 犹太前锋日报》,《犹太人周报》这样的犹太人为主题的报纸评论此事则毫不拐弯抹角

    There was no hedging in editorials by Jewish-themed newspapers like The Forward and The Jewish Week.


  • 可以看到就是金融界的规则,《华尔街日报一份令人尊敬报纸金融信息来源并不盈利

    You can see, this is how the unseen rule of finance — the Wall Street Journal is a venerable newspaper and source of information about finance, but it's not making money.


  • 华尔街日报所有者鲁伯特-默多克本周二称,该报不久开始对通过黑手机终端阅读报纸的读者进行收费

    The Wall Street Journal soon will begin charging people to read the paper on mobile devices such as their BlackBerrys, the paper's owner Rupert Murdoch said on Tuesday.


  • 目前,《华尔街日报默多克集团旗下唯一一份在线内容进行固定收费报纸

    Currently the Wall Street Journal is the only paper in Mr Murdoch's stable that charges for online content.


  • 反响如此的强烈以至于迫使光明日报将的攻讦大使评论报纸版面上了。

    The backlash was so strong that the Guangming Daily commentary attacking Locke has been deleted from the paper's Web site.


  • 有着4百万发行量印度时报成为世界最大英语报纸,它的广告费是地区性日报

    The Times of India, whose circulation of 4m makes it the world's biggest English-language newspaper, charges roughly ten times more than regional dailies do.


  • 报纸宾夕法尼亚州密歇根州俄亥俄州康涅狄格州纽约拥有20家日报

    It owns 20 daily newspapers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Connecticut and new York.


  • 华尔街日报龙头报纸近来都罕见的广告放登首页上

    Some leading titles, including the Wall Street Journal, have recently decided to put advertisements on the front page for the first time.


  • 唯一的例外华尔街日报》,只有时间才能验证读者是否愿意付费订阅自己喜欢的报纸

    The only exception here is the Wall Street Journal, which is really a special case, and only time will tell if readers are willing to buy online subscriptions to their favorite papers.


  • 部分订阅者选择网络版,这使华尔街日报成为可向在线读者成功收费少数报纸之一

    Some of those subscribers receive only the online version, making the Journal one of the few papers to successfully make its online readers pay for content.


  • 走向回家电车时,大街上正在渐渐变暗——当时华尔街日报位于宽街44号——那些报童街上大声的叫卖着报纸增刊

    As I was walking back to the trolley in the darkening streets - the Wall street Journal was then at 44 Broad street - the newsboys were all out on the streets Shouting their extras.


  • 走向回家电车时,大街上正在渐渐变暗——当时华尔街日报位于宽街44号——那些报童街上大声的叫卖着报纸增刊

    As I was walking back to the trolley in the darkening streets - the Wall street Journal was then at 44 Broad street - the newsboys were all out on the streets Shouting their extras.


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