• 史密斯师长教师下月第一回家

    Mr Smith will return home on the first Sunday next month.


  • 亚伯拉1987年10月19回家秋天假期

    Abraham had come home for fall break on October 19, 1987.


  • 上周六试图购买一张2月8回家车票屡试屡败。

    On Saturday, he tried to buy the ticket for his trip returning home on Feb 8 but failed after numerous attempts.


  • 每个工作回家列出第二程表重要优先工作放在前面,不重要置于后面

    At the end of each workday, before you go home, make a to-do list for the next day: prioritize by placing your most important tasks at the top and your least important tasks at the bottom.


  • 23所有回家了。

    On 3 February, all the men were heading home.


  • 将在那里度过工作,周末回家

    I will spend the weekdays there and come home at weekends.


  • 如果他们只是离家上大学参加工作或者服兵役,那么他们知道,有朝一他们能够回家家人团聚

    If they're leaving home for college, the workplace or the military, they know they can always return home to reconnect with family.


  • 部分,2月12萨曼莎朋友一个派对开车回家路上出车祸去世了。

    Early on in the book, on Feb. 12, Sam is killed in a car accident on the way home from a party with her friends.


  • 驻守巴格达美国大兵在2010年813开始踏上回家路。

    U.S. Army soldiers in Baghdad as they begin their journey home on Aug. 13, 2010.


  • 星期五(3月14)是艰难一天但是艾伦·施瓦茨(Alan Schwartz)准备回家时,还认为自己的时间这家摇摇欲坠的公司寻找买家

    It had been a rough day, but when Alan Schwartz headed for home on Friday, March 14, the Bear Stearns Cos. chief executive thought he'd have a month to find a buyer for his teetering firm.


  • 1976年78,丹尼斯·卡恩斯(DennisKearns)一家梅赛德斯服务中心购买了一个雨刷控制器回家父亲

    On July 8, 1976, Dennis Kearns stopped in at a Mercedes service center, bought a wiper control, and brought it home to his father.


  • :“5月29周五山姆被确诊因严重感染无望复原时,按照他父母的要求他办理出院手续并送他回家安详。”

    When it became clear that Sam had no hope of recovery from his severe infection, he was discharged to his family home on Friday 29 May at his parents' request to die peacefully.


  • 很多应用程序一天表现出峰值(例如工作开始午餐时间、晚上早些时候当大家下班回家的时间)。

    Many applications exhibit strong peaks in activity throughout the day (e.g. start of working day, lunchtime, early evening when people return home from work etc.).


  • 伊拉克发工资意味着老板大笔现金回家它放在你床下面或者另外隐秘的地方。以后时间当地银行存起来

    PAYDAY in Iraq means taking home a wodge of notes from your boss and shoving it under your bed or into some hidey-hole before finding time to visit your local bank to make a deposit.


  • 西雅图七月下旬阳光明媚工作下午自行车下班回家目击者,一辆棕色的多功能车突然左转,压到了王然后扬长

    He was pedalling home from work in Seattle on a sunny weekday afternoon in late July when, witnesses say, a brown SUV made a left turn, crunched into Wang and sped away.


  • 5年前一些位于新泽西最大城市纽瓦克的警局甚至没有许多工作人员周一到周五的工作上班,一到下午五点就下班回家

    Five years ago some police stations in Newark, New Jersey's biggest city, did not even have a computer. Many officers worked only on weekdays, heading home at 5pm.


  • 5月31我们结束四项工作的同时结束我们使命。我们的士兵将在接下来2个月内回家

    Having completed the four tasks we will end our mission on 31 May and our troops will be coming home in the next two months [afterwards].


  • 10月17呼吸道症状住院,后来完全痊愈出院回家

    He was hospitalized with respiratory symptoms on 17 October and has since returned home, fully recovered.


  • 104出现症状住院治疗,完全康复回家

    He developed symptoms on 4 October, was hospitalized, recovered fully, and has returned home.


  • 17公布一份分两实施的大纲阐述了核电厂计划采取一系列步骤依然存在风险但是没有成千上万疏散时间给出答案。

    A two-step plan published Sunday Outlines a number of tasks and risks that remain, but doesn't provide an estimate for when thousands of evacuees can return home.


  • 这两个孩子十一月黄昏划船经过红树林发现一具地毯严重腐烂的尸体,就马上跑回家告述父母

    As they paddled past mangroves at dusk on 1 November, they spotted a badly decomposed body wrapped in a rug and raced to tell their parents.


  • 这两个孩子十一月黄昏划船经过红树林发现一具地毯严重腐烂的尸体,就马上跑回家告述父母

    As they paddled past mangroves at dusk on 1 November, they spotted a badly decomposed body wrapped in a rug and raced to tell their parents.


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