• 日冕变化反映太阳内部的变化。

    Changes we see in the corona reflect changes deep inside the sun.


  • 日冕温度高达两百万但是我们不知原因,”

    "The [Sun's] corona has a temperature of 2 million degrees but we don't know why it is so hot," she said.


  • 日冕形状可以使用基于观测太阳表面活动频繁区域先进技术准确地预报

    The shape of the corona can be accurately predicted in advance with calculations based on the observed surface magnetic field.


  • 就证实一些人认为的对流层机械波并不是一个对日冕有效加热机制的说法。

    This confirms the idea that the mechanical waves generated from the convection zone are not very effective in heating the chromosphere and corona.


  • NASA目标能够清楚描述为什么日冕温度要高于太阳表面温度上百,为什么产生加速太阳风

    NASA's goals are to figure out why the sun's corona is several hundred times hotter than the surface and why it produces an accelerating solar wind.


  • NASA的目标能够清楚描述为什么日冕温度要高于太阳表面温度上百,为什么产生加速太阳风

    NASA’s goals are to figure out why the sun’s corona is several hundred times hotter than the surface and why it produces an accelerating solar wind.


  • 人们知道极端情况——包括太阳日冕大量物质喷发——会破坏地球供电线路从而引发大面积停电。

    Extreme events - including massive ejections of material from the sun's corona - have been known to disrupt power lines and trigger widespread blackouts on earth.


  • 日冕电离气体又叫等离子体)不仅非常炙热,而且异常稀薄,其密度还不到组成太阳主体氢气密度的十亿分之一。

    As well as being very hot, the ionised gas of the corona (called plasma) has a superthin consistency. It is less than a billionth of the density of the hydrogen that makes up the main ball of the Sun.


  • 本周加利福尼亚州喷气推进实验室尤金·瑟拉宾同事自然》杂志中描述称为光学涡旋日冕惊人的实验。

    This week, in Nature, Eugene Serabyn of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California and his colleagues describe a stunning implementation of what is known as an optical vortex coronagraph.


  • 巴萨乔夫认为,日食科学家们提供了一个观测日冕绝佳机会,因为其中的某一部分在平时不可见的,甚至太阳监视卫星也无法观测得到。

    According to Pasachoff, eclipses offer scientists unique opportunities to study the corona, parts of which are invisible even to sun-watching satellites.


  • 如果类地行星常见那么第一配备日冕太空望远镜捕获光谱识别生命迹象,”

    "If Earths are common, then the first generation of space telescopes with coronagraphs would get a spectrum and ID signs of life, " she said.


  • 这种变形造就了太阳黑子以及耀斑日冕物质抛射壮观的景象。

    These distortions create features ranging from sunspots to spectacular eruptions known as flares and coronal mass ejections.


  • 在这些之外还有太阳风——由日冕气体流。

    Beyond that is the solar wind, an outflow of gas from the corona.


  • 这种我们称之为“日冕物质抛射”的太空来客进入大气层,破坏电网烧毁变压器进而烧毁我们的等离子显示屏芯片

    These coronal mass ejections, as they're called, hit our atmosphere and can knock out power grids, cooking their transformers, which in turn knocks out our plasma screens and fries our chips.


  • 而且,太阳黑子减少并不一定意味着太阳的其它特征的减少,比如日珥——产生引起极光日冕物质抛射

    What's more, a decrease in sunspots doesn't necessarilymean a drop in other solar features such as prominences, which can produce aurora-triggering coronal mass ejections.


  • 黑子太阳表面比较区域,也活动区。那里经常发生耀斑日冕物质抛射剧烈的喷发现象。

    Sunspots are dark patches marking magnetically active regions that often host solar flares and violent belches called coronal mass ejections.


  • 图像显示太阳外层大气只有日冕

    The images show only the Sun’s corona, the outermost layer of the atmosphere.


  • 大规模日冕物质抛射认为隔500约500年发生一次(最近一次发生1859年)。

    Very large coronal mass ejections are thought to happen every 500 years or so (the most recent was in 1859).


  • 太阳海啸"也是能量释放的结果,天文学家目前认为日冕物质抛射产生的巨大冲击波。

    The tsunami, a circular shockwave, is caused by a huge explosion, known as a coronal mass ejection.


  • 尝试肥皂泡拍摄更好日冕照片,第一次尝试

    'I've been trying to get better shots of "coronas" on soap bubbles. This is my first try.'


  • 这样复合显示内部日冕外部日冕结构关联

    The composite brings out the correlation of structures in the inner and outer corona.


  • 图上太阳外层的区域称为日冕日全食时,照耀得如同月亮周围光环

    The sun's outermost region, called the corona, shines like a halo around the moon during a total solar eclipse.


  • 日冕大部分热量明显地通过日冕应力磁场的强烈作用而释放出来的。

    Most of the heat in the corona, said Klimchuk, is apparently still released by the snapping of stressed magnetic fields in the corona.


  • 所以好好的享受这些美妙太阳耀斑日冕带来的太阳风吧,可能经过相当长时间我们才能再次观赏到他们了。

    So enjoy the current rash of solar flares and beautiful coronal mass ejections; it might be some time before we see a solar cycle like this again.


  • 这个图片里,日冕出现太阳中心顶部附近与之相对的日冕,出现在视野底部附近。

    In the image, one coronal hole appears near the top center of the sun while another one — a polar coronal hole — is visible near the bottom of the view.


  • 戏剧化前景岛上著名巨大的单体石像莫埃,与微亮的日冕黑暗白天天空共同出现在海边的景色中。

    In the foreground of the dramatic scene, the island's famous large, monolithic statues (Moai) share a beachside view of the shimmering solar corona and the darkened daytime sky.


  • 日全食期间看见只有太阳上部相对模糊大气被称为日冕

    All that's visible during totality is the sun's relatively faint upper atmosphere, called the corona.


  • 文学家们对日全食特别感兴趣因为可以地球表面看到太阳日冕唯一一次机会。

    Total solar eclipses are of special interest to astronomers because it is the only time the sun's corona can be seen from the Earth's surface.


  • 航天器不同视角太阳进行一项观测很大程度破解了为什么太阳的大气层——或者说是日冕层——的温度太阳表面还要高上百万这个让人困扰不已的谜团

    A new look at the sun using views from two different spacecraft has put a big dent in the nagging mystery of why the sun's atmosphere, or corona, is millions of degrees hotter than its surface.


  • 最后恒星大气外层部分日冕由于外层对流导致超热区域。

    Finally, the outermost part of a star's atmosphere is the corona, which if super-hot might be linked with convection in the outer layers.


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