• 虽然朱光潜著述中几乎没有提及日丹诺夫”这个名字,日丹诺夫主义朱光潜关系考察1949年后朱光潜美学一个极为重要视角

    Zhu Guangqian seldom mentioned Zhdanov in his writing, but the relationship of Zhdanovism and Zhu was a crucial viewpoint of researching Zhu's aesthetics after 1949.


  • 9月15蒂米科是一家钢铁公司柯公司负责人,其宣称与第二季度相比第三季度的开工率有所提高仅仅是因为库存一些补给罢了

    On September 15th Dan DiMicco, head of Nucor, a steel company, said operating rates would be higher in the third quarter than the second, but only because of inventory replenishment.


  • 斯马的第一家修理咖啡馆于2009年10月18在阿姆斯特开业,并取得了巨大的成功。

    Postma's first Repair Cafe opened on Oct. 18, 2009, in Amsterdam, and was a huge success.


  • XTech 2005于525 - 27阿姆斯特召开(XMLEurope 2004地点相同可能2006年也在这里召开)。

    XTech 2005 was held in Amsterdam (the same venue as XML Europe 2004, and the likely venue for the 2006 conference as well) from May 25th through 27th.


  • 能别出心裁,他沤绿肥来培植一些稀有珍贵美洲中国灌木方面他超过了苏兰·波

    He was ingenious; he had forestalled Soulange Bodin in the formation of little clumps of earth of heath mould, for the cultivation of rare and precious shrubs from America and China.


  • 三十年前美国越南撤军之时,哪会有人想到摩根士(MorganStanley)有朝一在《华尔街报》(Wall Street Journal)头版刊登广告,说越南前景大好的奢侈品市场

    S. pulled out of Vietnam three decades ago, would anyone have imagined a Morgan Stanley ad on page one of The Wall Street Journal lauding Vietnam as a promising market for luxury goods?


  • 尽管目前矿业能源股是主要股指重头板块,也于事无补。8月5摩根·士利资本国际全球指数(MSCI world index)中,能源股较五月高峰期下降21%。

    It has not helped that mining and energy stocks now have such big weights in the major indices; on August 5th energy stocks within the MSCI world index were 21% below their May high.


  • 一个黛安•阿摄影展十月十八2012年二月巴黎网球场美术馆举办之后将会苏黎世柏林以及阿姆斯特巡展

    An exhibition of Diane Arbus's photographs will be held at the Jeu DE Paume, Paris, from October 18th to February 5th 2012, and then travel to Zurich, Berlin and Amsterdam.


  • 6月6坎大哈南部Rambazi巡逻时,印第安纳州富兰克林陆军上士约瑟夫·()名阿富汗男孩握手

    Sergeant First Class Joseph Denny of Franklin, Indiana (right) shakes hands with an Afghan boy during a patrol on June 6, 2010 in Rambazi, a village south of Kandahar, Afghanistan.


  • 网络视频叫做梦空间的角色并不真正了解盗梦空间”,·古尔维奇戴维·杨格创作,于8月2CollegeHumor发布。

    The Web video called "Inception Characters Don't Understand Inception," was written by Dan Gurewitch and David Young, and posted on CollegeHumor on Aug. 2.


  • 今年5月,基普西城举行了阵亡将士纪念仪式伦·约翰逊吉,得以相见。

    It was a Memorial Day ceremony in the Town of Poughkeepsie this May where the meeting between Glenn Johnson and Dingee took place.


  • 据英国《每邮报》9月25报道。用餐后埋诺尔·汉维克·波特拼命了命才叫到了服务生顿饭让他们受挫,继而俩人研发出一套互动点单系统

    A restaurant meal that ended in frustration as Noel Hunwick and Danny Potter tried desperately to get the attention of the waiter to pay the bill led them to develop an interactive ordering system.


  • 发布于2010年818

    Posted by Dan on August 18, 2010.


  • 女儿约翰弗朗西斯·德里奇,于1731年62威廉斯堡附近一个种植园出生

    Oldest daughter of John and Frances Dandridge, she was born June 2, 1731, on a plantation near Williamsburg.


  • 来自文登县的29岁女性于2008年1211出现症状,12月13住院于12月16死亡

    A 29-year-old female from Tangerang District, Banten Province developed symptoms on 11 December 2008, was hospitalized on 13 December and died on 16 December.


  • 尼卡于10月31零点分钟出生于菲律宾马尼拉的一家公立医院那儿迎来了大家的欢呼

    Danica was born two minutes before midnight and arrived to a celebratory cheer at the packed Government-run hospital in Manila.


  • 预期KKR将会阿姆斯特泛欧证券交易所退市最终7月15在在纽交所挂牌上市。

    KKR is expected to transfer its current listing in Amsterdam and finally float on the NYSE on July 15th.


  • ·米尔莫,行业编辑卫报,2011年11月4星期五格林尼治时间0829。

    Dan Milmo, industrial editor guardian.co.uk, Friday 4 November 2011 08.29 GMT.


  • 在截至519收市过去12个月里,基金上涨了28.7%,而相比之下,摩根士利资本国际新兴市场指数的同期涨幅为24.6%。

    The fund is up 28.7% over the last 12-months compared to the index’s gain of 24.6% as of market close May 19.


  • 6月9查理斯·约翰逊兄弟爱德华·约翰逊,杰拉尔丁·约翰逊,格伦·约翰逊,奥克·塔维娅埃尔南德朱厄妮塔·门德斯一起下来告诉他们他们哥哥英雄故事

    Dingee sat down with Charles Johnson's siblings Edward Johnson, Geraldine Johnson, Glenn Johnson, Octavia Hernandez and Juanita Mendez on June 9 to tell them the story of their brother's heroism.


  • 据英国《每邮报》10月31报道,作为象征性世界第70亿个居民之一,小尼卡·卡马乔是的出生单单只是她的父母意义重大

    As one of the world's symbolic seven billionth occupants, little Danica May Camacho's birth is not only significant to mother and father.


  • 废除美国南方种族隔离制度斗士沃伦弗雷德沙特尔斯沃思分别9月1810月5逝世享年分别为85岁,89岁。

    Dan Warren and Fred Shuttlesworth, fighters for desegregation in America's South, died on September 18th and October 5th respectively, aged 85 and 89.


  • 摩根士发布份名为《主权事项》出版物的创刊号(8月25出版)中就反映了以上的思想。

    These reflections are suggested by the first issue (August 25) of a new publication by Morgan Stanley called Sovereign Subjects.


  • 荷兰当地时间9中午,名男子在阿姆斯特一家购物中心外用机关枪扫射人群,截至目前事件至少造成5丧生,肇事者其后也举枪自尽

    At least five people have died at a shopping centre outside Amsterdam after a gunman opened fire with an automatic weapon before killing himself.


  • 可是如今由于此次诞辰庆典(布兰特出生于1606年7月15)缘故,至少已经开始尝试了解了。阿姆斯特举行了一系列活动人们提供了走进伦布兰特了解他的机会。

    Now, at least, I have made a stab at doing so because, for this anniversary (he was born on July 15, 1606), Amsterdam has organized a host of events that offer insights into Rembrandt's world.


  • 1864年的10月30第二次什勒苏益格战争(或译战争)结束弗雷德里克公爵皇室承认了普鲁士奥地利对于什勒苏益格、荷尔斯泰因鲁恩伯格的所有地位。

    October 30, 1864, Second war of Schleswig ends: Duke Frederick and the Danish Crown recognize Prussia's and Austria's annexation of Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg.


  • 是的他们定于23亚洲开工……随后,紧接着第二拉丁美洲开工。

    Dan: Yes. They're due to start on the 23rd in Asia... and then the following week in Latin America.


  • 阿姆斯特——1941年430个阿姆斯特犹太男子情急之下美国朋友写了一封信恳求这位朋友协助他移民美国

    Amsterdam - On April 30, 1941, a Jewish man here in Amsterdam wrote a desperate letter to an American friend, pleading for help emigrating to the United States.


  • 阿姆斯特——1941年430个阿姆斯特犹太男子情急之下美国朋友写了一封信恳求这位朋友协助他移民美国

    Amsterdam - On April 30, 1941, a Jewish man here in Amsterdam wrote a desperate letter to an American friend, pleading for help emigrating to the United States.


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