• 报告列出了避免足够证据推荐做法

    It also identifies approaches that either should be avoided or are not backed by sufficient evidence to recommend them. For example, it concludes.


  • 可能传输已经中断无足够空间文件

    Transmission may have been interrupted or there may be insufficient space to write the file.


  • 本文目的是研究对足够雨量观测资料泥石流,如何确定发生泥石流临界雨量问题

    This paper discusses the problem of the way to determine the value of beginning rain causing debris flow when sufficient observed rainfall data for the gully concerned are not available.


  • 如果需要更多出力时,可以平顺转换姿来踩踏,但切记不要,因为如此重压前轮而后无足够抓地力

    If you need more power make a smooth transition to the crouched standing position don't stand straight up you will too much weight of the rear wheel and lose rear wheel traction.


  • 大量边际气田一般为地处偏远的海上中小型气田,如采用常用的固定式平台进行开发收益风险太大投资者足够吸引力

    If these gas fields are developed by use of the common fixed platform, the profits will be relatively low and risk great, having no sufficient appeal to the investors.


  • 照明程度闪光灯摄影应该足够

    Lighting levels should be sufficient for photography without flash.


  • 到目前为止连接结构多连接结构修辞研究尚未得到足够重视

    Asyndeton and polysyndeton so far have not received adequate attention in rhetorical studies.


  • 甚至饮料标签'','还原糖''低糖'仍然可以包含足够糖,造成损害牙齿作为碳酸饮料相同含量标准

    Even drinks labelled 'sugar free ', 'reduced sugar' or 'low sugar' can still contain enough sugar to cause damage to your teeth, and have the same acids as the standard carbonated drinks.


  • ID区域应该一个足够独一标识符可以适合但是可以是任何独一二的字符串。

    The id field should be an identifier that is sufficiently unique (the qualified class name works well for this, but it can be any unique string).


  • 狮子鱼类软体动物脊椎动物为食足够将身体至高达480他们所居住珊瑚礁大量杀死本地物种

    The lionfish gorge on small fish, mollusks and invertebrates, enough to fill out to as much as 480 grams and decimate local populations on the coral reefs they inhabit.


  • 这样可以重述需求使清晰二义性提供足够细节支持设计

    Then you would restate the requirements to make them clear and unambiguous, providing enough detail to support a design.


  • 热情的同盟者也是同盟者,我们来说已经足够好了。

    Jaded Allies are Allies, and that's good enough for us.


  • 许多过敏症专治医师认为,现在足够数据可以开始认真考虑一个特定限额低于此限额的食品可以视为坚果过敏原。

    And many allergists reckon there is now enough data to start giving serious thought to a specific limit below which foods can be deemed free of peanut allergens.


  • 航行船只局限于小船,即使短短夏季数月冰期,通行起来足够困难

    Navigation was confined to shallow vessels, tricky enough even in the few summer months when the river was free of ice.


  • 进入乡村那里人们更加食物充足一个旅行者星空足够空间展开睡袋休息。

    Go to the country, where people are more relaxed, food is plentiful and there's ample room for one traveler to lay out her sleeping bag under the stars.


  • 者不只享用大量蛋白质肥胖之忧,饮食足够维生素而且不用辛苦工作

    Not only had hunter-gatherers enjoyed plenty of protein, not much fat and ample vitamins in their diet, but it also seems they did not have to work very hard.


  • 实际上如果一个公司没有URL搜索引擎中没有足够位置,那么它注定会默默

    Indeed, without a URL and adequate placement in a search engine, a business can go unnoticed.


  • 缺乏足够食物职位医疗保障的社会,信徒却是信仰者更加乐观。

    In societies that lack proper food, jobs, or health care, religious people are indeed happier than those who are not religious.


  • 如果我们足够胆大而不鲁莽或许会出现意想不到结果——极可能是独一二的即创造出价值领先于竞争对手。

    If we are adventurous yet disciplined, the result may be extraordinary and possibly unique in creating value and competitive advantage.


  • 名字姓氏成就故事从此以后,故事平淡当中有已经足够

    With your name and my name to the success of this story, from now on no worries, the story is plain but you have enough!


  • 与之对照IPv 6采用了128地址可以分配出数十亿地址——专家估计足够地球棵草所有叶片分配独一地址

    By contrast, IPv6 USES 128-bit web addresses, creating billions of possible new web addresses - experts estimate it could assign a unique address for every blade of grass on the planet.


  • 在花费足够达成满足之后,事业生活上的杂乱压力竞争糟糕状况将会使曲线向下弯曲。

    Beyond Enough, the curve dives downward into clutter, stress, competition and an array of other sorry outcomes


  • 他们说,氧全弥散决定呼吸安全的,没有足够证据决定用于呼吸检测各种技术方法的不同价值。

    Oxygenation diffusion to determine apnea is safe, they report, but there is insufficient evidence to determine the comparative benefit of the various techniques used for apnea testing.


  • 习惯如果没有足够的助跑空间甚至不会尝试终身囿于一个囚笼中。

    Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top.


  • 然而十分的差异——是否足够说明高尔最初观察实际意义的。

    It is, nevertheless, quite a small difference-and whether it is enough to account for Galton's original observation is moot.


  • 大自然不是知的,只是等待人类提高足够的觉知开始自然界进行有意识合作

    Nature is not unaware; it is simply waiting for humans to increase in enough awareness to begin to work with the natural world consciously.


  • 大自然不是知的,只是等待人类提高足够的觉知开始自然界进行有意识合作

    Nature is not unaware; it is simply waiting for humans to increase in enough awareness to begin to work with the natural world consciously.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定