• 部分顽固驾车人无视这项法律

    A hard core of drivers ignores the law.


  • 董事会完全无视建议

    The board completely disregarded my recommendations.


  • 不能无视这种情况了。

    This state of affairs can no longer be ignored.


  • 无视所有禁止吸烟”的警示香烟

    He ignored all the 'No Smoking' signs and lit up a cigarette.


  • 无视母亲警告

    She ignored the admonitions of her mother.


  • 如果他们拒绝无视公民立法提案程序,公众11月对进行投票表决。

    If they reject or ignore the initiative, the public will vote on it in November.


  • 要求完全无视

    Her claim has been completely disregarded.


  • 调解人没有威慑力孩子们完全可以无视他们的请求

    Mediators have no teeth, and a child could simply ignore their pleas.


  • 台北出租汽车司机拒载无视标志坚持出租汽车里吸烟的乘客

    Taxi drivers in Taipei will refuse to transport passengers who ignore the sign and insist on lighting up inside the taxi.


  • 他们手机一直开着,一直他们的口袋里,成为广告工具不能无视这一事实。

    Their mobiles are always on, always in their pocket—you just can't ignore cell phones as an advertising tool.


  • 他们看到年轻中国人无视中国文化购买日本漫画观看韩国肥皂剧甚至庆祝西方节日

    They see young Chinese ignoring Chinese culture and, instead, buying Japanese cartoon books, watching Korean soap operas and even celebrating Western holidays.


  • 椋鸟试图抢走一只饥饿草原土拨鼠的午餐的时候,这只土拨鼠继续啃咬坚果完全无视它们的存在。

    A hungry prairie dog carried on nibbling his nut as a flock of starlings tried to get his lunch, and he completely ignored them.


  • 随后乌鸦要不就无视对象,要不就工具丢到一边,然后用喙猛啄该对象——这工具觅食很大不同

    Subsequently, the crows either ignored the object or dropped the tool and pecked at the object—which is very different from using the tool to get access to food.


  • 无视他人情感敏感之处。

    She was blind to the feelings and sensitivities of other people.


  • 新的考试无视大多数孩子需要

    The new exam mocked the needs of the majority of children.


  • 一些外国政府无视人权的践踏问题。

    Some foreign governments gloss over human rights abuses.


  • 无视安全,高坐在墙头观看比赛

    He watched the game from his precarious perch on top of the wall.


  • 一位喜欢无视传统习俗年轻女子

    She is a young woman who enjoys flouting conventions.


  • 驾车者经常无视法律

    Motorists regularly flout the law.


  • 他们伐木工正在破坏雨林无视当地人权利

    They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives.


  • 他们无视所有那些危险水域告示牌,还是游泳了。

    They went swimming in spite of all the danger signs.


  • 从来不自己澳大利亚热爱无视同胞过错

    He never allowed his love of Australia to blind him to his countrymen's faults.


  • 无视我们投诉拒绝道歉

    He swept aside our complaints, refusing to make an apology.


  • 无视罪行严重程度或者个人状况前提下,许多这样惩罚施加

    Many of these penalties are imposed regardless of the seriousness of the offense or the person's individual circumstances.


  • 这个故事告诉我们人们应该无视自己能力或者超出自己能力事情

    This story tells us that people should not be ignorant of one's strength or doing something beyond one's ability.


  • 理查无视医生建议,上周六比赛提前使用氧气帐篷肌腱伤势中恢复

    Richards had defied doctors by using an oxygen tent to recover from his hamstring injury ahead of schedule to play in the showpiece last Saturday.


  • 认为如果选择生活社会可能完全拥有自我因为你不能无视周围的存在。

    I think that you don't really have self possession if you choose to live in a society because you cannot just discount the people around you.


  • 牧羊人无视了希斯洛普的警告

    The sheepman ignored Hislop's warnings.


  • 孩子们无视勿踏草坪告示

    The children disregarded the notice about not walking on the grass.


  • 无视精心布置的晚餐座位

    He ignored carefully-crafted seating plans at dinner.


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