• 对于那些依赖冰层生存北极生命而言——行走的北极熊还是寄居于内的细小生物——冰全部融化场浩劫

    When it disappears, it will be a disaster for all the Arctic life that depends on ice, from the polar bears that walk on it to the tiny creatures that live within it.


  • 测试官从中找寻茫然失的神情缺乏共鸣明显自己姓名反应能力以及其他病症行为

    The examiner looks for blank expressions, lack of empathy, an apparent inability to respond to one’s name, and other telltale behaviors.


  • 冷水腥味,一次水,中途再加水,冲淡原汁的鲜味。

    Add sufficient cold water once and for all to stew fish, or else it will dilute its freshness.


  • 这样显现我们可以坦然的时候,在面前不至于惭愧

    And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.


  • 能量可变不变,可增加减小,或保持动能不变系统外力动量总是守恒

    Energy can change or cannot change, can increase or decrease or remain the same kinetic energy, but if there are no external forces on the system, momentum is always conserved.


  • 奇怪是,镜头成了阿根廷未来希望形象忌惮束,就像一个孩子,忘乎所以,心;竟没想到,49了,还有如此疯狂。

    Oddly, this became Argentina's new image of hope; the sheer unbridled, reckless joy of a man-child, still crazy after all those 49 years.


  • 物为素就要用调面饼,或是油的薄饼

    And if thou bring an oblation of a meat offering baken in the oven, it shall be unleavened cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil.


  • 物为素祭,就要用调面饼,或是抹油的薄饼

    If you bring a grain offering baked in an oven, it is to consist of fine flour: cakes made without yeast and mixed with oil, or wafers made without yeast and spread with oil.


  • 物为素就要

    If your grain offering is prepared on a griddle, it is to be made of fine flour mixed with oil, and without yeast.


  • 如今,一项惊人研究发现老人丧失嗅觉表明此人是时日多。

    But a surprising study has now claimed that losing your sense of smell when you are older could mean that your time is nigh.


  • 流水清楚惜花这个责任真的身份不过送运趟旅行开心,一生

    The water is very clear, took the responsibility. True identity but sent, this trip if you are happy, is also a life without a negative.


  • 壹二28现在孩子们,你们要主里面;这样显现我们就可以坦然惧,当来临的时候,也不至于蒙离开

    Jn. 2:28 And now, little children, abide in Him, so that if He is manifested, we may have boldness and not be put to shame from Him at His coming.


  • 对于线性时变端口网络初始条件下存在互易性对称性,则其电路参数具有一定的特殊性。

    If reciprocity and symmetry exist for passive two port networks of linear time invariant under zero intial condition, the circuit parameters will have some important characters.


  • 几种植物中的任何一种,具类似属植物叶的茎干上长有球形的头状花序。

    Any of several plants of the genus brodiaea having basal grasslike leaves and globose flower heads on leafless stems resembling those of genus allium.


  • m任意两个子集或者它们共同元素或者子集,这样的M称为分类

    M is called taxonomic class of sets if. for every two elements of m, either they are disjoint, or one is a subset of the other.


  • 安全性工作阶段活动时间间隔内接收到讯息伺服关闭

    If the security session has not received a message for the inactivity interval of time, it is closed by the server.


  • 我们家族企业每月再这样亏损下去,恐怕就来日

    EXAMPLE: If our family's business keeps losing money every month, it's probably not long for this world.


  • 我们抱歉通知价格竞争力贵方降低价格,使我方可接受的话,我们交易兴趣。

    We're sorry to inform you that your price has been found uncompetitive, but we're still interested in doing business if you can bring down your price to a level acceptable.


  • 攀登路线角度小于直角,应使用机械锚栓,减低景观影响

    For climbs less than vertical hangerless machine bolts are recommended to reduce visual impact.


  • 方法操作专属对象本地变量冲突的数据成员(构造时期初始化的数据),那么同步就是需要的。

    If a method only operates on independently synchronized objects, local variables, or non-volatile data members, such as those initialized during construction, then synchronization is not required.


  • 切割眼睛磨损严重,切割环和眼睛板间距<0.1mm它们之间超过1mm沟槽划痕可用直接打水法。

    If the cutting ring and eye wear plate is not serious, cutting ring and the eye plate spacing <0.1mm, and no more than 1mm between them in a trench scratches, water law can be used directly.


  • 大姐就抠出眼珠下头-----《天下贼》。

    If Big Sis were a thief, I'd chop my head off…


  • 年轻患者晕厥复发率且未导致损伤器质性心脏疾病时,作精神病学检查很有效

    Psychiatric evaluation is useful in the setting of a high recurrence rate in a young patient without resultant injuries and no evidence of organic heart disease.


  • 我们当然愿意服从经验引导留给时间静静雕刻已经熟美,我们兴致

    Of course, we are willing to obey the experience to guide, leave time to quietly carving, and if the wine is ready, is our interest less than alcohol concentration?


  • 进入飞行器,把那本视珍宝但实际上一是处的关于语的了个粉碎。

    I got in my flying machine and began tearing away at his precious, stupid, dumb-head book on Draconic.


  • 穆加贝先生不诚心诚意协商,那么茨万吉拉伊先生可能会驱逐出境。届时,津巴布韦的社会将会更加杂乱,更加贫穷,国民将更加绝望

    And if Mr Mugabe fails to negotiate in good faith, Mr Tsvangirai may be forced to walk away, as Zimbabwe falls ever more deeply into lawlessness, poverty and despair.


  • 穆加贝先生不诚心诚意协商,那么茨万吉拉伊先生可能会驱逐出境。届时,津巴布韦的社会将会更加杂乱,更加贫穷,国民将更加绝望

    And if Mr Mugabe fails to negotiate in good faith, Mr Tsvangirai may be forced to walk away, as Zimbabwe falls ever more deeply into lawlessness, poverty and despair.


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