• 45岁以上美国人GPS导航仪屏幕上打发掉的无聊时间要比网上视频打发掉的时间

    Americans over 45 spend more time fiddling with the screens on their GPS navigation systems than they spend on watching Internet video.


  • 麻将游戏可以打发无聊时间心情不好时候麻将烦躁情绪消除,难怪人们都喜欢游戏。

    Play mahjong game can be sent boring time, when the mood is bad at playing mahjong also can let be agitated mood, no wonder people like to play the game.


  • 儿童旅行百宝箱- - -箱内包含了多玩具游戏儿童公路旅行在家无聊时间可以自己玩耍。

    Kid Travel Kit - Kit contains a multitude of toys and games to keep kids occupied during road trips or for quiet time at home.


  • 不能时间浪费这种无聊的活动上。

    I can't waste time on such frivolities.


  • 格林一家终于登上飞机后,虽然有趣的电影杂志报纸音乐他们选择打发无聊时间,但查理和凯特·格林还是马上睡着了。

    When the Greens finally got on the plane, Charlie and Kate Green fell asleep at once, though there were interesting films, magazines, newspapers and music for them to choose to spend the boring time.


  • 这些研究令人印象深刻,现实中无聊好处可能时间清理大脑安静待着做白日梦有关

    These studies are impressive, but in reality, the benefits of boredom may be related to having time to clear your mind, be quiet, or daydream.


  • 我们知道时间没有变化缺乏挑战导致无聊,造成身体心理上疲惫

    We also know that a long time without change or challenge can lead to boredom, and physical and mental strain.


  • 时间等待实在无聊我们就打扑克解闷儿

    We played cards to relieve the boredom of the long wait.


  • 花了大约个月时间托马斯·山》,大多数时候安·兰德的《特拉斯耸耸肩》都让我感到非常无聊

    Thomas Mann's difficult The Magic Mountain took me about six months to read; Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged made me very bored most of the time.


  • 希望这段时间不会觉得很无聊

    I hope you weren't bored.


  • 如果减少无聊增加意义感,那就份你可以做出独特贡献工作或者一份需要时间才能事业

    If you want to reduce boredom and increase your sense of meaning, seek work where you can make a unique contribution, or find a cause you can support with your time and talent.


  • 了一段时间,他觉得很无聊

    Some time later, he got very bored.


  • 生活目的无聊生活中消失,这多少时间无关

    But live with a purpose that inspires you, and boredom will disappear from your life, regardless of how much time you have.


  • 精神上也许段艰难时间跑步机的单调斗争。(这儿一些技巧克服无聊)。

    Mentally, you may have a tougher time dealing with the monotony of the treadmill. (Here are some tricks for beating boredom on the treadmill.) it's easier to distract yourself when running outside.


  • 无聊有些他们必要尝试多相睡眠因为多出来的时间会让他们无聊

    Boredom: Some people said they wouldn't want to try polyphasic sleep because they'd be bored with all that extra time.


  • 在等你男友或者某个飞来这座城市的熟人时间无聊难熬的时候,那为什么想象一下某个漂亮的滑雪胜地度假呢?

    To pass the time while waiting for your boyfriend or an acquaintance who just flew into the city and is most likely lost, why not pretend you're on holiday at some opulent ski resort?


  • 手工编写技术文档通常乏味、无聊而且时间

    Manually written technical documentation is usually a tedious, boring, and time consuming task.


  • 如果每天上班感到无聊,花大部分时间上网,那么你可能考虑一个新的工作了,找一份能有激情更有责任感的工作。

    If you are bored and surfing the web most of your work day, you may want to think about looking into job options where you’ll get more stimulation and responsibilities.


  • 当然,过时间,一直附近同样可能会觉得无聊

    Of course, running the same roads in your local neighborhood may getboring after a while.


  • 这些人忽视很多正在欣赏艺术这种艺术能把每天无聊时间变成一种享受

    What they don't see is a lot of people enjoying an art form, and turning the dullest stretch of their day into a treat.


  • 没有必要时间浪费无聊计时器上。

    No need to mess around with silly timers.


  • 无聊移动缓慢时候,比如开车匀速驶过片单调乏味景致时,时间似乎又像冰川挪动速度一样慢。

    When we're bored, or moving slowly -for example, driving at constant speed across a monotonous landscape -it seems to pass at glacial speed.


  • 问题在于,这些小任务通常超时无聊吸走你精力时间

    The problem is, little jobs often go on over time and become tedious commitments, draining energy as well as time.


  • 就像一个无聊之极的人一起,你可能认为浪费了时间,但如果换个角度想,这件事让你学会忍耐、学会了理解他人

    If I’m with someone boring or obnoxious, it’s a lesson in patience, or empathy, or in learning to understand people better.


  • 最主要优点之一工作过程更有效率,另外,也不必时间无聊寒暄以及流言八卦上了。

    One of the main is the high efficiency of the process of work, furthermore not a lot of time is spent for the idle talks, spreading silly rumors and gossiping.


  • 与其无聊中等待或是翻看杂志,不如这些时间梳理一下那些烦恼

    Rather than mooching around looking bored, or flicking through a magazine, use your pocket of time to sort out something that's bugging you. Here are some examples.


  • Rae这个治疗项目就是病人模拟回去以后正常的家庭生活。当然咯,中间特意安排了空闲的时间,这可以他们学会如何打发无聊的时光。

    Rae says the program is designed to mimic what life will be like once patients return home - downtime is built into the routine, so people can learn to cope with boredom.


  • 但是我们不想一周工作40个小时以上,我们喜欢穿舒适衣服上班,喜欢一边听iPod一边打发无聊工作时间

    But we don't want to work more than 40 hours a week, and we want to wear clothes that are comfortable. We want to be able to spice up the dull workday by listening to our iPods.


  • 但是我们不想一周工作40个小时以上,我们喜欢穿舒适衣服上班,喜欢一边听iPod一边打发无聊工作时间

    But we don't want to work more than 40 hours a week, and we want to wear clothes that are comfortable. We want to be able to spice up the dull workday by listening to our iPods.


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