• 疾病无法治愈但是可以通过流感疫苗预防流感。对于大多数来说,对抗流感最佳方法

    There is no cure for either illness, but the flu can be prevented by the flu vaccine, which is, for most people, the best way to fight the flu.


  • 人们找到对抗物质主义的方法之前,无法逆转道德沦丧的趋势。

    Moral decline will not be reversed until people find ways to counter the materialism in society, she says.


  • 我们星系中超过10亿颗恒星已经耗尽它们内部能量来源因此无法产生恒星所需热量对抗内的引力

    Upwards of a billion stars in our galaxy have burnt up their internal energy sources, and so can no longer produce the heat a star needs to oppose the inward force of gravity.


  • 尽管如此,阿披实自有道理:仅靠大选本身无法结束无尽对抗局面。

    He has a point, though, that an election in itself would not end the cycle of confrontation.


  • 不过分析人士认为人类不论进行了充分准备最终无法完全对抗大自然的力量

    However in the end, analysts say that no amount of human preparedness is foolproof against the power of nature.


  • 有时候它们呼声媒体曝光它们无法对抗强大游说团体

    Sometimes their voices are heard in the media, but they are no match for powerful lobby groups.


  • 悲伤瘦弱无法坚持再坚持的时候,当我如此渺小却要对抗这么砖块的时候,我看着树儿

    When I am too sad and too skinny to keep keeping, when I am a tiny thing against so many bricks, then it is I look at trees.


  • 由于踵上小腿腓肠肌紧张无法伸展,引起脚趾拉低,让你小腿正面肌肉受到压力,你小腿正面肌肉还无法对抗这种拉力,好

    This puts strain on the muscles in the front of your leg, which unfortunately are not strong enough to resist the pulling. Ouch.


  • 最近伦敦大学学院一项研究发现抗氧化剂身体里中和有害分子任何分子无法对抗老化

    Recently a study at University College London found that antioxidants (any molecule that neutralises harmful molecules in the body) don’t combat ageing.


  • 有时候只想阅读网站内容,可是你却无法聚精会神,为了对抗盲目旗帜广告,这些动画广告通常.gif图像或者Flash影片形式的。

    Sometimes you just want to read the content of a web-site you are visiting. And you can’t.


  • 绳肌腱拉伤使无法参加星期三对抗西班牙国际比赛。

    A damaged hamstring has ruled him out of contention for Wednesday's international against Spain.


  • 事实上性格冲突可能导致组织权力无法发挥,造成领导员工公开对抗

    In fact, the personality conflicts can lead to a power struggle within an organization, openly pitting leaders against employees.


  • 悲伤瘦弱无法坚持再坚持的时候,当我如此渺小却要对抗这么砖块的时候,我看着

    When I am too sad and too skinny to keep keeping, when I am a tiny thing against so many bricks, then it is I look an trees.


  • 年轻玛雅扮演那个常常母亲对抗女儿离家灌录自己编写父亲歌曲悲伤过度,无法完成

    The young Maya Maron is Maya, the alienated daughter who confronts her mother, runs away to record the song she composed for her father but, in grief, is unable to complete it.


  • 这些防御武器设计用来对抗大型目标的威胁主力舰的攻击,但它们过于笨重无法咬住同盟星际战斗机那样快速移动的飞船。

    These defenses were designed against large scale threats, such as capital ship attacks, and were too ponderous to track fast-moving vessels such as Alliance starfighters.


  • 科学家正在努力发掘新的对策以期对抗目前抗生素无法战胜那些病菌日益增大威胁

    Scientists are working to develop new strategies to combat the growing threat of germs that current antibiotics can't fight.


  • 菊花具有适度的镇静效果,无法放松的神经身体来说完美的天然对抗手段

    Chrysanthemum tea can bring certain calmness effect. for those nerves or badies that is hard to realx it is a perfect natural countermove.


  • 似乎只能对抗埃博拉病毒两种常见菌株之一并且可能无法提供长期保护

    It appears to work against only one of the two most common strains of the Ebola virus, and it may not give long-lasting protection.


  • 就算放弃最终她也得认头,她无法对抗那些最终丑闻辩解三寸鸟七寸嘴的家伙。

    She wouldn't have given up but in the end she'd prove no match for the ultimate spin doctors.


  • 几乎无法忍受此时扔弃牙齿锡纸对抗神经而且战栗

    Nearly unbearable at this point, it grated against his nerves like tinfoil scraping teeth, and he shuddered.


  • 然而总会有一再也无法退避那么那样的时刻,期望你能带尊严接受对抗,战斗,死亡

    There will, however, come a day when you can't retreat any longer, and on that day, I expect you to stand and fight and die with honor.


  • 武力对抗另一重要力量保持法律化学物质暂时搁置肌肉力量无法控制行动身体力量。

    One force counteracts another: vital force keeps the chemical laws of matter in abeyance; and muscular force can control the action of physical force.


  • 很酷但是表示我们无法得知牠能否击中对抗的AC。

    That's cool, but it means I don't really know how likely he is to hit a given AC.


  • 现在是个难以对抗的强手。在手桥牌下棋,做字谜游戏时,他心理上你施加的输定了压力通常无法抵御的。

    Now he was a tough cookie! At bridge table or a chess board at a word game -the psychological pressure he put on you to lose was usually irresistible.


  • 由于欧洲步兵无法对抗紧密结成阵型的不对,这样的伤害使致命的

    Since the European infantry can't counterattack in cohesive formation, this would be deadly.


  • 纳姆无法对抗帕金斯加内特对手其他内线球员。波士顿凯尔特人也显示出他们对手均得分只有联盟最低的86.8的实力。

    Andrew Bynum couldn't shake Kendrick Perkins, Kevin Garnett and a slew of help in the lane as the Boston Celtics showed why they have allowed a league-low 86.8 points a game.


  • 牛津大学病毒学家阿德里安希尔认为艾滋病疫苗失败最大原因还是在于无法激发足够免疫能力对抗艾滋病病毒。

    Oxford University virologist Adrian. Hill believes that the failure of AIDS vaccine is still the biggest reason is that it can not be enough to stimulate immunity against HIV.


  • 牛津大学病毒学家阿德里安希尔认为艾滋病疫苗失败最大原因还是在于无法激发足够免疫能力对抗艾滋病病毒。

    Oxford University virologist Adrian. Hill believes that the failure of AIDS vaccine is still the biggest reason is that it can not be enough to stimulate immunity against HIV.


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