• 即便已经使用完了对象依然会占据无法回收空间

    Even when you have finished using an object, it continues to use up space that cannot be reclaimed.


  • 破坏性还是明显失业率、上百万因抵押而无法回收房屋千疮百公共财政

    There is obvious damage: high unemployment, millions of foreclosed homes and a huge hole in the public finances.


  • 破坏性还是明显失业率上百万抵押而无法回收的房屋千疮百公共财政

    There is obvious damage: high unemployment Cosplay Synthetic Wigs, millions of foreclosed homes and a huge hole in the public finances.


  • 一旦腐殖质消失养分无法土壤回收过滤,致使土壤肥沃变为贫瘠,适于热带草原植被的生长。

    Once the humus layer disappears, nutrients cannot be recycled and leach from the soil, converting soil from fertile to infertile and making it suitable only for savanna vegetation.


  • 汽车制造商们正在使用很多塑料制品无法回收再用的。

    A lot of the plastics that carmakers are using cannot be recycled.


  • 回收海底沉积的粘土矿物中所含的盐无法准确计算的。

    There was no way to account accurately by recycled salt and salt incorporated into clay mineral deposited on the sea floors.


  • 料吸管绝对不是塑料污染的最大来源,但是它们最近饱受抨击,因为大多数人不需要用它们来喝饮品,也因为它们尺寸小、重量轻,无法回收利用。

    Plastic straws are by no means the biggest source of plastic pollution, but they've recently come under fire because most people don't need them to drink with and, because of their small size and weight, they cannot be recycled.


  • 能起到一点作用,无法分离可燃那些垃圾- - -倒是回收兴许还能价钱

    That helps a little, but does nothing to separate out the items that do not burn or that would fetch a higher price if recycled.


  • 即便如此大多数街道回收项目还是无法在财政上达到自给自足

    Even so, most kerbside recycling programmes are not financially self-sustaining.


  • 携带武器,藏身之处狭窄无比,需要母舰投放回收偷偷溜正常船只无法进入的区域

    It carried no weapons, provided cramped quarters, and required a "mother ship" for transport and recovery, but it could slip into regions that normal ships could not.


  • 传统GC无法满足这个需求因为应用程序必须暂停以便GC可以回收所有未使用内存

    A traditional GC can't meet this requirement because the application must halt for the GC to reclaim any unused memory.


  • 尽管如此这样实现无法接受的因为从来不回收不使用空间,它导致程序很快会用光内存

    However, such an implementation is hardly ever acceptable: it will cause a program to run out of memory quickly since it never reclaims unused space.


  • 他们坐视久了,已无法回收多余货币

    They wait too long to drain the excess money.


  • 不同于一些生物塑料一种既不能堆肥无法生物降解的物质,尽管可以进行回收利用

    Unlike some bioplastics, it is a drop that will neither compost nor biodegrade, though it will be recyclable.


  • 无法使用这类建材的话,就要尽可能利用可回收材料

    When such materials could not be avoided, recycled stuff was used wherever possible.


  • 询问一下上网一下附近提供了哪些服务,可以那些无法放在路边物品拿去回收设施,物品如油漆、汽车流体、玻璃将要被运然后放下在回收站。

    Look online and then see what is offered nearby. I can take items to the recycling facility that I can't put on the curb.


  • 一些额外的性能开销为代价,使用WeakHashMap解决了无法Thread对象进行垃圾回收的问题

    Using WeakHashMap solves the problem of Thread objects not getting garbage collected, at some additional performance cost.


  • 由于已付机票酒店住宿费用无法回收39岁的科鲁特决定按原计划旅行并且女伴同行,这位女伴只需付给642英镑的旅行费用。

    But rather than lose the money on the non-refundable flights and hotel deposit, the 39-year-old decided to go anyway and find another woman to join him, for a payment of 642 pounds ($1, 259).


  • 机构协助会员企业进行出口产品货款回收工作避免产品扣押,货款无法追回风险

    The agency will assist member companies for the purchase price of export products and recycling efforts to avoid products were seized, the purchase price could not be recovered risk.


  • 原有地板大门无法修复所以回收用作桌子其他家具的材料。

    The original flooring and gates were beyond repair, so were recycled and made into tables, beds and other pieces of furniture.


  • 复合矿中综合回收产出的粗阳极铜低,含铅杂质很高,无法采用常规电解方法电解。

    The copper recovered from jamesonite concentrate contains too much impurities like lead, sliver, antimony and bismuth, and can't be refined with normal electrolysis process.


  • 程序员无法控制何时调用析构函数,因为垃圾回收决定的。

    The programmer has no control over when the destructor is called because this is determined by the garbage collector.


  • 对象的此路径存在便会被识别无法达到,垃圾回收下次运行时便其收集(删除)。

    If no such path to the root set exists for an object, it is called unreachable and will be collected (deleted) the next time the garbage collector is ran.


  • 唯一无法回收利用浪费掉时间

    One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.


  • 水瓶回收塑料树脂公司声称他们无法得到收集到足够的旧瓶子。

    Companies that reclaim the plastic resin from empty beverage bottles say they can't get enough of the stuff.


  • 40溶酶体储存引起疾病身体无法产生分解回收利用材料细胞

    It is one of nearly 40 lysosomal storage diseases caused by the body's inability to produce enzymes that break down and recycle materials in cells.


  • 为解决氧化塔塔顶氧化尾气经过净化回收后仍无法满足日益严格排放标准难题,先后应用了片状活性炭吸附技术、活性炭纤维吸附技术催化氧化技术。

    The oxidized tail gas at the top of the oxidization towers of these units has been unable to meet the increasingly strict emission standards even after being purified and recycled.


  • 如何监控应收账款发生以及如何处理企业逾期应收账款无法得到回收、而且拖欠数额呈现有增无减趋势等问题,已经成为我们企业管理中不容回避个重大课题。

    How to control the receivables and how to suppress the trend of failing to get back outdated receivables and increasing of the outdated receivables has become an unavoidable problem.


  • 描述动态程序创建使用执行代码无法访问这些程序集包含类型时,可以卸载这些程序集并让垃圾回收回收它们

    Describes the creation and use of dynamic assemblies that can be unloaded and reclaimed by garbage collection when none of the types they contain are reachable by executing code.


  • 描述动态程序创建使用执行代码无法访问这些程序集包含类型时,可以卸载这些程序集并让垃圾回收回收它们

    Describes the creation and use of dynamic assemblies that can be unloaded and reclaimed by garbage collection when none of the types they contain are reachable by executing code.


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