• CodeProject没有协作功能因此人们无法参与Hawkeye开发中来,阻碍了款工具发展

    CodeProject is not collaborative, so people could not participate in developing Hawkeye, which stopped the tool from progressing.


  • 人们普遍接受一个关于“无聊”的心理学定义:“因为渴望无法参与令人满意活动而带来的不愉快体验”。

    One widely accepted psychological definition of boredom is "the distasteful experience of wanting, but being unable, to engage in satisfying activity."


  • 那么选择活动永远无法参与其中

    There are so many options and activities that you will never be able to participate in them all.


  • 男人们不要以为你们无法参与可以选择武士装

    Men, don't think you're getting out of this: There's a samurai option for you.


  • 或许过去无法参与,但你的未来一定陪伴到底

    Maybe I can't participate in your past, your future I will accompany to the end.


  • 地方不能跟着去,我的事你无法参与

    Where I'm going, you can't follow. What I got to do you can't be any part of.


  • 即使无法参与决赛,温格觉得法布雷加斯依然理应得到块奖牌

    Even though he won't be involved, Wenger feels Fabregas still deserves a medal.


  • 当感染细菌老鼠被喂食一类无法参与新陈代谢葡萄糖时反而存活

    But infected mice fed a version of glucose that they could not metabolise lived.


  • 如果正在调用组件无法参与一个全局事务将在组件运行强迫执行一个提交

    If a component you are invoking cannot participate in a global transaction, it forces a commit before the component can run.


  • 一位爱沙尼亚外交官如此说道:“它们无法参与主要政策会议实在人心痛。”

    "It really rankles that they can't get into important policy meetings," says an Estonian diplomat.


  • 尽管一般来说视力受损无法参与任何体育比赛但瞎子足球的确一个很有启发性例外

    Now imagine playing a game of soccer with the same impairment. While the visually-impaired are usually unable to participate in athletic activities, blind soccer is a truly inspirational exception.


  • 情况由于严重性不同表现各异,一些能够表现良好,而一些人却完全无法参与正常社会活动

    The condition varies in severity, with some people functioning well, but others completely unable to take part in normal society.


  • 由于人民币无法自由兑换,加之国际资金无法参与中国内地股市,因此,两地股票价格差距颇大。

    But with the renminbi not freely convertible and China's stock markets isolated from international capital flows, valuations diverge widely.


  • 其他项目一样,《西奈抄本存在着缺点,比如公众学者无法参与修改摹本译本可能出现错误

    As is also typical for these projects, however, there is no way for the public or other scholars to directly participate by fixing potential errors in the transcription or translation, for example.


  • 一旦被称为办公室工作狂之后,你可能会发现理想项目下来的时候,你却无法参与其中。

    Once you've solidified your reputation as the office workaholic, you may find that when your dream project comes through the door, you aren't asked to work on it.


  • 补充道:“有些朋友无法参与这样实习因为白干一个暑假他们支付学费家里开销

    Some of my friends can’t take these internships and spend a summer without making any money because they have to help pay for their own tuition or help their families with finances, ” she said.


  • 这些计划推行者们害怕会谈双方他们的排斥害怕无法参与对加沙地区、人民期待已重建

    Its promoters fear exclusion not only from the Israel-Palestine peace talks but also from Gaza's long-awaited reconstruction.


  • 文章版权反映了夜生活趋势但是同时也那些因某些原因无法参与活动的人提供资讯,浏览图片

    This website not only shows new trends in nightlife, but also gives the picture to the folks who for whatever reason could not come over to an event marked 'must-be'.


  • 一般通过各类严格资质认证需要几年的时间,没有资质没有相关市场准入资格无法参与市场竞争。

    In general, through various types of rigorous certification requires a few years, and no qualifications are not eligible for the relevant market access, can not participate in market competition.


  • 人们听到打坐”,他们认为自己永远无法参与这种活动因为他们没有时间佛堂或者安静外表,以及胭脂

    When people hear "meditation," they think that they could never participate in such an activity because they don't have the time, the chapel, or the comfortable-looking, rouge robe.


  • 但是如果马利基想使该党无法参与竞选那么,萨达尔将是独立党,如此以来,他们甚至可能南部获得全胜

    But if Mr Maliki seeks to disbar the movement from competing in the elections, the Sadrists may still run as independents-and could yet sweep the board in the south.


  • 看来艺术家作品中表现那么公众能所见所闻很少是因为他们无法参与艺术的创造中来,才是问题的症结所在。

    it seems the curse of art that artists can say so much in their work and most people will hear so little because they cannot participate in the art.


  • 哈马斯的“道德运动”还有其他动机:他们不仅害怕被排除以和谈之外,害怕将无法参与加沙盼望已重建之中。

    Their morality campaign has other motives too. Its promoters fear exclusion not only from the Israel-Palestine peace talks but also from Gaza’s long-awaited reconstruction.


  • 哈马斯的“道德运动”还有其他动机:他们不仅害怕被排除以和谈之外,害怕将无法参与加沙盼望已久的重建之中。

    Their morality campaign has other motives too. Its promoters fear exclusion not only from the Israel-Palestine peace talks but also from Gaza's long-awaited reconstruction.


  • 尽管有了这些变化,但中国国内投资者实际上海外证券的涉足依然十分有限,海外投资者也基本上无法参与中国国内股市债市

    Yet even with the new changes, China's domestic investors have virtually no exposure to foreign securities, and the domestic stock and bond markets remain largely inaccessible to foreign investors.


  • 设计是从场馆地面升起根冰柱,共同组成奥运火炬,但其中一根冰柱出现故障,导致速滑名将卡特里·奥娜•勒梅•多恩无法参与点火

    One of four pillars designed to rise from the stadium floor and form the Olympic cauldron malfunctioned, leaving the speedskater Catriona LeMay Doan unable to join in the lighting.


  • 此外它们不能参与WebSphereApplicationServer提供jca托管环境因此无法参与RMLT范围全局事务

    In addition, they are not able to participate in the JCA-managed environment provided by WebSphere Application Server, and so are not able to participate in the scope of RMLTs or global transactions.


  • 此外它们不能参与WebSphereApplicationServer提供jca托管环境因此无法参与RMLT范围全局事务

    In addition, they are not able to participate in the JCA-managed environment provided by WebSphere Application Server, and so are not able to participate in the scope of RMLTs or global transactions.


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