• 那些坚信人定胜天的来说,所有上帝试验性探索看来必要的

    "The Kingdom Within You." For those with a faith that can move mountains, all this tentative groping for God in human experience may seem unnecessary.


  • 这些诉讼风险增加了开始,迫使医生们进行必要检测时进行[font=宋体]“防御式医疗”。

    The risk of being sued pushes up costs, obliging doctors topractice “defensive medicinein the shape of needless tests and procedures.[/align]


  • 并且理想情况下,还希望不会宿主服务器添加太多负载,不会触发必要的动作,并且也不需要适当时间间隔内重复爬行这个Web站点

    And, ideally, doing so without adding too much load on the hosting server, triggering unwanted actions, and allowing repeated crawls of that Web site at appropriate intervals.


  • 我们必要妒忌其他任何人因为我们存在独一二的

    We do not need to envy any other person, for our existence is unique.


  • 重新计票实际必要选举法作为法律基础

    The recount is a practical necessity but has no basis in electoral law.


  • 大多数情况下垂直滚动也是必要的

    Also, in most cases, no horizontal scrolling is necessary.


  • 然而这些年,松岗已经看到这个职业一个变化,现在,越来越少的女孩觉得有必要隐藏他们背景只有一些女孩会退回默默的状态。

    Yet Matsuoka has seen a change during his years in the profession, stating that these days fewer and fewer girls feel the need to hide their background and only a few slip back into total obscurity.


  • 节省更多必要的开销尽情享受一个的背包客!

    Save more unnecessary cost and enjoy being a free and untrammeled backpacker.


  • 尽管一些情况下这种管理必要的(比如团队完全是初级经验工程师组成的),仍是一个效率很低的模型

    Although in some instances this type of control is necessary (e.g., if the team is composed of extremely junior, inexperienced engineers), it is a very inefficient model.


  • 嵌入设备电话数字电视没有必要支持杂乱遗留webHTML,可以毫负担地利用xml词汇表XHTML 2.0的优势

    Embedded devices such as phones and digital TVs have no need to support the Web's legacy of messy HTML, and are free to take unburdened advantage of XHTML 2.0 as a pure XML vocabulary.


  • 媒体集团这个名称使用不过确立对于清理杂乱、各自为政的多个品牌十分必要的

    The name Ascent Media is only a year old: establishing it was essential to cleaning up the clutter left by the different and highly individualistic brands.


  • 可试提供口袋型收音机配充电电池充电器。(耳机随身听,耳机必要!)亦能挂树上。

    Try providing a pocket radio, with rechargeable batteries and charger. Note we are not talking about a "walkman" with earphones. Earphones are not needed!


  • 我们认为使用UDP协议进行随机接入时,没有必要确认数据包可以采用重发的随机接入方式。

    But we think, when using UDP protocol, it is not essential to make affirmation and retransmission, so we can adopt random access schemes without retransmission.


  • 本文讨论了集成有源波导的某些必要技术介绍了几种典型器件

    This paper discusses some techniques necessary to integrate native and passitive optical waveguides and describes several typical integrated devices.


  • 一计划包含全部资料以往任何时候都需要帮助,你融化永久肌肉损失没有使用药物必要的补助金

    This program contains all the information you'll ever need to help you melt away body fat permanently without muscle loss and without using drugs or unnecessary supplements.


  • 必要树立一类搜索算法可以知脚反单个地域外查询,可以扩铺搜索地域大的地域,或许者道能反在更大的地图外查询。

    So it is necessary to create a new method to query not only in one field but also in a large wider field, or in a larger map.


  • 本人深知先生过分繁忙多余时间浪费必要的工作上。

    You are too busy to waste your time on unnecessary things , i know.


  • 理解设备是否必要简单只要设想一下公司在设备情况下的运营状况即可

    To understand whether equipment is essential is as simple as thinking about what would happen to business if you pulled the equipment out.


  • 矿用风门可靠运行取决于连杆机构受力传动效果因此必要连杆机构的参数进行合理地设计

    The reliable working of balancing pressure pneumatic controlling doors lies on the driving effect of its link machine, so the rational parameters of link machine need to be designed.


  • 密封旋转轴密封结构实际应用并不理论研究还是实际应用开发都是必要

    In the actual, the rotate axis seal construction that has no dynamic leaking point is not much seen, and both study from the theories and application from actual are necessary.


  • 一个正式场合中仕们穿尾晚礼服必要

    At a formal occasion, it is necessary for men to wear a tuxedo.


  • 给出收据定义证明满足收据性的充分必要条件

    This paper first gives out definition of receipt-freeness, and prove necessary and sufficient condition of receipt-freeness.


  • 那么寻找一种侵蚀低温介质替换盐水,成为解决题目的必要手段之一。

    So it is a necessary means to find a kind of non erosion low temperature medium instead of salt water.


  • 目的了解环充填式张力疝修补术后成型补片形态探讨改进手术方法的必要

    Objective Investigate the shape of plug mesh and patch after plug-mesh hernia repair and discuss the necessity of improving the operative procedures.


  • 催化转炉减少一氧化碳氧化挥发性有机混合物排放而且燃料应用也当成为必要

    Catalytic converters reduce carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and volatile organic compounds in emissions and necessitated the use of lead-free fuel.


  • 必要强调一下,该策略我们不断每日价格变化速度反应在不断上移起始价格上,从而形成止损策略独一二的双重加速因素

    It is important to emphasize that we are constantly adding our daily acceleration to an upward moving starting point that produces a unique dual acceleration feature for this exit.


  • 必要强调一下,该策略我们不断每日价格变化速度反应在不断上移起始价格上,从而形成止损策略独一二的双重加速因素

    It is important to emphasize that we are constantly adding our daily acceleration to an upward moving starting point that produces a unique dual acceleration feature for this exit.


- 来自原声例句

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