• 一位旅行摄影师拍摄到了壮观的着火了彩虹奇观,罕见的“环天弧顶现象

    A travel photographer captured this spectacular fire rainbow - a ' circumzenithal arc' - a phenomenon so rare he had to ask other experts what it was.


  • 以下这文章就是Mitchell一系列文章里最初一篇,指出了一些很多新手旅行摄影师会犯的常见错误

    This post, written by Mitchell, is the first part of a short series introducing some of the mistakes many new travel photographers make.


  • 为了记录实验朋友摄影师杰斯格洛同行,将在每个星期拍摄制作部视频短片,放在我“行李旅行”的博客上

    In order to document this experiment, I travelled with a cameraman, my friend Justin Glow, who shot and edited three webisodes each week for my No Baggage Challenge blog.


  • 摄影师丽莎·贝塔最近刚完成她迪斯尼乐园生日旅行,并且在这大家分享一些如何假期照片的技巧

    Photographer Lisa Bettany recently took a birthday trip to Disneyland and Shared some great tips for getting better vacation photos.


  • 吉星写了关于自己旅行费德里柯·费里尼(Frederico Fellini)的电影剧本作家刚好读到了这本书。那个时候,剧组人员正在电影《甜蜜生活》(La Dolce Vita)中的那个摄影师角色寻找名字

    He wrote a book about his travels and Frederico Fellini's script writer read the book about the time they were casting around for a name for the photographer in their movie La Dolce Vita.


  • 提供当地导游摄影师Ashley Banwell的观鸟旅行

    offers birdwatching tours with local guides and photographer Ashley Banwell.


  • 作为我们这个旅行团中第一尝试的人,安排坐在个拍照里,摄影师要求脑袋扭向了合适角度抬眉头按动了快门儿

    The first in our group to have a go, I was seated in a photographic booth and, after tilting my head at an appropriate Angle and lifting an eyebrow at the cameraman's request, he snapped away.


  • 假期雇了一个出色的摄影师一起旅行记录大自然美丽

    I hired an excellent photographer to travel with me on vacation to capture the beauty of nature.


  • 旅行途中马宇安遇见来自全国各地同龄人如今已经名自由主兼摄影师,和大家一起分享着自己行者故事尽管他的父母对此并不满意

    After meeting peers from all over the country on his trip, Ma now shares his stories of being on the road as a freelance blogger and photographer, even though his parents aren't happy with it.


  • 摄影师就是空想家旅行拥有视觉世界观的人。

    Photographer is visionaries, traveller, with the visual world view.


  • 伦敦摄影师保罗·布朗日本度假期间就在上来了次特别旅行

    Photographer, Paul Brown, from London, made a special trip to the island while on holidaying in Japan.


  • 我们两个旅人——名作家,萨拉——一名摄影师,我们漫步彼此生活此刻一起度过着生命中最美好的旅行

    We were both travelers - me a writer, Sara a photographer - who had somehow wandered into each other. And here we were, together, on the greatest journey of our lives.


  • 故事讲述摄影师跟随沙漠商队旅行旅行中出现海市蜃楼的景象- - -彩光斑斓处一年轻貌美的少女骏马迎面缓缓而来。

    The story of a photographer to follow the desert caravan Tours, mirage appears a beautiful young girl, head slowly riding a horse.


  • 跟着学者一同旅行摄影师纪录片制作者们记录下了这个场景,当时学那些者们遍手记事本一遍蹦跳着爬上山寻找洞穴

    Photographers and documentary filmmakers traveling with the group of scholars recorded the scene, as the scholars, clutching notepads, scampered up a hill in search of caves.


  • 西安的一位摄影师年前次偶然的旅行中他第一次来到了彝族聚居区

    Li Fan, a Xi 'an based photographer, first came across the Yi people on a chance trip to the Great Liangshan Mountains over ten years ago.


  • 过去几年里,一直婚纱摄影的主流,拍摄更多目的地婚礼使得摄影师可以将旅行拍摄两种热情结合到一起。

    The trend in wedding photography for the past few years has been travel. Photographing more destination weddings allows photographers to merge two passions in their lives in travel and photography.


  • 假期出色的摄影师一起旅行记录大自然美丽

    I photographer hire on nature excellent I hired an excellent photographer to travel with me on vacation to capture the beauty of nature.


  • 假期出色的摄影师一起旅行记录大自然美丽

    I photographer hire on nature excellent I hired an excellent photographer to travel with me on vacation to capture the beauty of nature.


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