• 公司员工访客进行相应旅行住宿安排包括机票旅馆护照签证等。

    Makes travel and lodging arrangements for staff and visitors, including flight ticket, hotel and car reservations, passport and visa applications.


  • 旅行夜间住宿包含在内的。

    Travel and overnight accommodation are included.


  • 家人朋友一起旅行确保选择住宿能让质量时间都花在一块儿

    When traveling with family or friends, make sure that the accommodation you select allows you to spend quality time together.


  • 愈来愈多的旅行寻找由私人住户提供住宿早餐的服务。

    More and more travelers are looking for bed and breakfast accommodations in private homes.


  • 如果拥有一项技能烹饪畜牧按摩音乐能力基本木工,你可以以此来你的旅行交换免费食物住宿

    If you have a skill, such as cooking, animal husbandry, massage, musical ability or basic carpentry, you can barter for free food and accommodation as you travel.


  • 然而,仔细研究一番,利用灵活方法可以免去常规旅行大多数费用,找到免费住宿以及免费(廉价)机票

    With research and a flexible approach, however, you can wipe out much of the cost of conventional travel, sourcing free accommodation and free, or cheap, flights.


  • 如果打算延长逗留时间、住院一些其他住宿安排、顺延航班这些费用应该包含旅行里。

    If you need to extend your stay, either in hospital or in some other accommodation, and arrange a later return flight, this should also be covered by your travel insurance.


  • 之前期间之后节日期间两个城市住宿难得的。但是这里的旅行通常也会增加两三

    In both towns accommodation just before, during and immediately after the festivals is very difficult to come by, and rates usually double or treble.


  • ——自助旅行大多数度假人士非常精明自信可以自己进行旅行安排,将不同旅游住宿结合起来

    DIY: the majority of holidaymakers are savvy and confident enough to make their own travel arrangements, by matching up different travel and accommodation components.


  • 为了避免不愉快意外,请精心安排旅行计划。 计划不周的旅行可能会造成例如飞机延误或者没有像样地方住宿等问题

    Organize your trip seamlessly to avoid the unpleasant surprises that a poorly planned trip can present-such as a missed flight or lack of decent lodging.


  • 搜索以上旅游服务消费者首先访问在线旅行网站(搜索航空公司或住宿比例分别为42%31%);

    Consumers who are searching for these travel services first visit the Web sites of online travel agencies (42% and 31%, respectively).


  • 至少安排旅行第一晚上住宿

    Arrange accommodations for at least the first night of your trip.


  • 对于短期志愿者专门的机构旅行公司联系住宿,组织活动

    There are organizations that partner withtravel agencies or other businesses to have accommodations and activities forshort-term volunteers.


  • 空档年旅行会追求舒适旅途67%会选择酒店不是旅馆,8%的人选择豪华型住宿

    Gappers are also opting for comfort with 67% choosing hotels over hostels and 8% opting for luxury accommodation during their trip.


  • 度假打包产品濒临消亡:半数(42%)现在喜爱自助出国旅行选择分别预订机票住宿

    The package holiday is in danger of dying out, as nearly half of us (42 percent) now favour DIY trips abroad, choosing to book our flights and accommodation separately.


  • 他们许多人都追求无畏探险旅行花费年轻的空档年旅行者要得多他们会选择优质住宿环境

    While a lot of them are looking for intrepid adventure, their spend is much higher than younger gappers and they opt for better quality accommodation and surroundings.


  • 无论交通接送住宿翻译导游单项或多项服务旅行提供

    The travel agency can provide both single and manifold services such as communications, receptions, lodgings, interpretation, and tour guide.


  • 然而有些旅行没有多大兴趣因为旅游交通住宿花费大量而且他们觉得游览观光可能会很累

    While some people are not interested in traveling at all, since traveling will cost a great deal of money on transportation and accommodation, and they may feel tired after sightseeing as well.


  • 这次新月带来旅行理由如果是这样住宿宽敞豪华的,反正好消息

    This new moon could bring reasons to travel and if so, the accommodations would be spacious and luxurious, always good news!


  • 宽敞当代小屋精致私人住宅客人一个独特的旅行需要住宿理想选择

    From the spacious and contemporary Mountain Casitas to the exquisite private homes, guests have a selection of accommodations ideal for unique travel needs.


  • 根据PhoCusWright一项研究显示,77%商务旅行57%的休闲旅游者使用手机查询本地服务例如住宿餐饮景点

    According to a study by PhoCusWright, 77% of business travelers and 57% of travelers have used a mobile device to find local services such as lodging, restaurants and attractions.


  • 方济各起初同意支付1000美元旅行费用拒绝了她内森纽约住宿的报销请求

    The Franciscans initially gave them $1,000 toward the trip, but then refused Ms. Bond’s further requests for reimbursements for lodging expenses for her and Nathan in New York.


  • 67%旅行77%的商务旅客已经利用他们手机寻找本地服务(住宿)和景点信息(PhoCusWright数据)。

    Sixty-seven percent of travelers and 77% of frequent business travelers have already used their devices to find local services (e.g. lodging) and attractions (PhoCusWright).


  • 由于已付机票酒店住宿费用无法回收,39岁的科鲁特决定按原计划旅行并且女伴同行,这位女伴只需付给642英镑旅行费用。

    But rather than lose the money on the non-refundable flights and hotel deposit, the 39-year-old decided to go anyway and find another woman to join him, for a payment of 642 pounds ($1, 259).


  • 免费旅行住宿发言国外

    Free travel and accommodation to speak in foreign countries.


  • 随着原野旅行用餐徒步旅行通过意大利北部农村住宿OrtaSanGiulio那样的城镇

    Dine and hike through the northern Italian countryside, stopping at towns such as Orta San Giulio, with Wilderness Travel.


  • 旅行我们邀请客户家中住宿不是住在酒店

    When we used to travel, we'd be invited to stay at his customers' homes as opposed to a hotel.


  • 一位旅行顾问安排机票酒店住宿以及租车等事宜。

    A consultant has to arrange airline tickets, hotel accommodation and car rentals.


  • 几个网站的功能都让当地人需要住宿旅行者找到对方(配对)。 这个配对完全自愿的,没有人被要求一定接待或者成为客人

    The pairing is entirely voluntary, and there is no obligation to be a host or a guest.


  • 几个网站的功能都让当地人需要住宿旅行者找到对方(配对)。 这个配对完全自愿的,没有人被要求一定接待或者成为客人

    The pairing is entirely voluntary, and there is no obligation to be a host or a guest.


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