• 新建风景区山门、上湖旅游石宝峰游客中心

    Gate of the scenic spot, falls viewing pavilion, Shanghu Tourism Village, Tourist Center in Shibao Peak have been newly built.


  • 旅游位于景洪城区公里风光秀丽的澜沧江畔。

    Graceful cup travel village locate in distance scene flood the city proper 6 kilometers, is showy beautiful Lan dark blue river bank.


  • 民俗旅游村所具备民俗文化民俗旅游主要旅游资源这个地区特色文化的主要展示形式

    Folk village, for instance, which contains all kinds of folk cultures, is the main tourism resources, and the main form to display cultural characteristics of the region.


  • 比赛专门用来支持旅游经营商的,那里备受游客欢迎。

    Matchvilles are places designed to support tour operators and are popular tourist attractions.


  • 警方已经暂缓对这19个的居民申请赴外旅游探望旁系亲属颁发护照。

    They suspended issuing passports for overseas travel and visits to collateral relatives.


  • 这种房产形式主要应用度假旅游景点。在那里一些购买并且获得房子的某特定时期的独家使用权通常星期月份来计算

    This applies mainly to vacation and resort homes, where a number of people purchase and own the right use the home exclusively for a specified period of time, usually measured in weeks and months.


  • 确实柬埔寨旅行使想起童年时代泰国那时还没有建起度假购物中心,没有无处不在旅游大巴

    And indeed, during our trip, I was struck by how reminiscent the country was of the Thailand of my childhood, before it was overrun with resorts, shopping malls and tour buses.


  • 旅游预计20之内海棠拥有40家顶级度假

    The tourism board predicts that Haitangwan will boast some 40 top-end resorts within 20 years.


  • 因为独特景色石制建筑物现在郭亮已成为了一个独具魅力的旅游景点

    Guoliang Village is now an attractive spot because of its unique scenery and stone buildings.


  • 于是他们海滩度假同样旅馆的房间,去味的鸡尾酒,然后继续安排旅游的行程,让其他人艰难跋涉去吧。

    So they go to beach resorts and drink cocktails out of coconuts. They book into the same hotel for a week.


  • 澳大利亚旅游经营商Voyages目前蜥蜴度假刊登了一则诚招总经理广告职位配有卧室住所,能俯瞰大堡礁

    Voyages, an Australian tour operator, is advertising for a general manager for its Lizard Island resort, a post that comes with a two-bedroom house overlooking the Great Barrier Reef.


  • 就像之前告诉庄子寅的那样,我计划进修旅游管理或者工商管理的课程,学业结束返回菲律宾着手旅游宾馆度假等相关行业

    Like what I told your son Ziyin before, I have plans to study Tourism or MBA and go back to the Philippines to start a business in travel, hotel or resort.


  • 这些岛屿会用作旅游休闲居住度假同时这个国家海岸线延长120千米

    They are being developed as tourist, leisure, and residential resorts, and will increase the coastline of the country by 120 kilometres.


  • 一些叫做比赛地方,在那里人们可以游客他们商品。比赛专门用来支持旅游经营商的,那里备受游客欢迎。

    There are places called matchvilles where people have the opportunity to sell their wares to tourists. Matchvilles are places designed to support tour operators and are popular tourist attractions.


  • 近年来,黄家借助得天独厚的地理环境优势大力发展农业旅游

    In recent years, Huangjiabang village kept developing agriculture and tourism according to its unique geographical and environmental advantages.


  • 天波出来分钟能看到啤酒矿泉水瓶其他垃圾就是差不多一个旅游垃圾。

    This heap of beer cans, mineral water bottles and other material was just a few minutes' walk outside the village of Tengboche. It represents about a season's rubbish.


  • 旅游角度上讲,分时度假可以选择中心城市可以选择相对边远的风景名胜地。

    From tourism Angle of view, vacation village for timeshare can be located not only in central cities, but in remote scenic areas.


  • 现已建有度假宾馆、酒店、户外浴场旅游接待设施

    Holiday village, hotel, outdoor bathing place and other tourist reception facilities have been built now.


  • 研究上述因素龙潭的表现的基础上,本文结合旅游社区整合模型进行分析

    After a field research of those elements in Longtan Village, the paper then makes an analysis combining the model of community integration in tourism.


  • 满寨瀑布旅游号称我国东南第一大瀑布,距离温泉度假15公里

    Huang Manzhai waterfall Group tourist area, known as the southeast of China's largest waterfall, it is 15 km away from the Beijing Ming Hot Spring Resort.


  • 完成院温泉度假旅游总体规划地热水资源勘查

    Overall Tourism Planning and Terrestrial Heat Resources Survey of Tangyuan Hot Spring Vacation Village have been completed.


  • 笔者希望通过对黄山奇国际旅游度假景观设计探索获得答案

    I wish to find the answer based on the research work of Qishu International Traveling and Vacationing Village landscape design.


  • 境内北方著名的祖山风景旅游青松度假

    There is the famous ancestors in the northern mountain tourist resort area and the pine ridge.


  • 山地温泉度假其良好生态环境独特的沐浴体验得到人们青睐成为一代旅游度假产品宠儿

    Hot Springs Hilly Resort in good ecological environment and unique shower experience, the people have been favored to become the new generation of tourist products darling.


  • 企业木兰旅游度假区环境最美服务质量最好度假之一被游客誉为木兰湖的名星企业

    The enterprise is Mulan Lake Tourist Resort most beautiful environment, the quality of service one of the best resorts, tourists as the Mulan Lake stars enterprises.


  • 辗转于珠海市旅游珠海度假有限公司等之间,其间获评广东省劳动模范

    She previously worked in Zhuhai Tourism Bureau and Zhuhai Vacation Village Co Ltd, honored as Working Model of Guangdong Province.


  • 所在地,现在溪塔规划旅游——旅游,是溪塔经济收入重要来源之一

    The old village has been turned into a tourist attraction, tourism being one of the village's principal sources of income.


  • 所在地,现在溪塔规划旅游——旅游,是溪塔经济收入重要来源之一

    The old village has been turned into a tourist attraction, tourism being one of the village's principal sources of income.


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