• 目前,两国跨境旅游人数达300万人次

    Today, some 3 million tourists travel between the two countries every year.


  • 那种情况下旅游人数只持续下跌

    In that case, tourist Numbers fell for about a year.


  • 国际旅游人数下降可能会印度游客的出游有所缓和。

    The decline in the number of foreign visitors may have been mitigated somewhat by Indian tourists.


  • 近年来,我国商务旅游人数保持持续稳定增长

    In recent years, the number of China's business tourists has maintained a sustained and stable growth.


  • 资料来源国内旅游人数相关资料来自北京市旅游

    Sources:Data related to"Number of Domestic Tourists"in the table were provided by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Tourism.


  • 因此四面迎来了旅游旺季旅游人数去年同期一定增长

    Therefore four sides the mountain welcomed on season, the traveling population compared with the same time last year also had certain growth.


  • 旅游人数不断增加旅游产业规模不断扩大旅游经济地位显著提升

    The number of tourists has ever been on the rise, the scale of the tourism industry has been in constant expansion, and the position of tourism in the economy has clearly risen.


  • 因为大部分主要旅游市场旅游人数锐减亚洲旅游短期前景仍不乐观。

    The immediate outlook for Asia's tourism industry remains bleak as most major markets report sharp falls in visitor arrivals.


  • 此外航线航班频率提高以及签证手续简化使得赴韩国旅游人数大增

    New air routes and added flight frequencies and easier visa procedures to South Korea have once again pushed up the number of visitors to the country.


  • 瑞士信贷银行表示公路的经济收益体现运输效率提高旅游人数的增长。

    Swisss bank Credit Suisse has said its economic benefits will include the easier movement of goods and increased tourism.


  • 截至到2008年,亚太地区旅游人数达到3.85亿人,几乎10年前了一番。

    By 2008, tourist arrivals to the Asia Pacific region had nearly doubled, to 385 million, from a decade earlier.


  • 根据相关数据分析我们相信上海旅游人数将会有持续增长繁荣未来

    Based on the analysis of related data we do anticipate continuous increase for Shanghai tour population and more prosperous future.


  • 运用时间序列模型中的曲线拟合方法重庆入境旅游人数旅游收入进行预测

    Curve Fitting Method of Time Series Model can be used to predict the number of inbound tourists and tourism revenue of Chongqing.


  • 旅游人数增加使山岳型风景区资源保护压力不断增大,资源保护方面不足频出

    The growing tourists have made the pressure of its resource protection become larger and larger.


  • 五一黄金周还是不能撤销现在黄金周旅游人数激增主要体现两个方面矛盾

    Labor Day Golden Week can not be revoked, and now the number of Golden Week tourism surge, the main manifestation of the contradiction between the two areas.


  • 近年来,随着旅游人数增多高校医学旅游作为一种新兴的特色旅游项目逐渐赢得市场关注

    In recent years, with the number of tourists increasing, the University medical tourism as a new tourism project wins the market's attention.


  • 国庆期间全国旅游人数二千八百万,到了2000年几乎翻了一番达到了五千五百万。

    During the National holiday of 1999, the number of tourists nationwide was 28 million, but it nearly doubled to reach 55 million in the year 2000.


  • 长夜短的夏季大家纷纷外出旅游目前瑞典成为世界上外出旅游人数最多国家之一

    In summer when days are longer, all the people are on their journey. Nowadays, Sweden has become one of the countries boasting greatest number of travelling fans.


  • 联邦统计局报告显示在2009年12月份圣诞节,较大一些城市里旅游人数总计达到450万。

    The Federal Statistical Office reports a total of around 4.5 million overnight stays in larger German cities in December 2009.


  • 随着更多旅游目的地2016年中国免签,中国出国旅游人数旅游支出次排在全球第一位。

    As more tourist destinations became visa-free for China in 2016, China was once again first-overall globally in terms of the number of people traveling abroad, and for tourism spending.


  • 因为大部分主要旅游市场旅游人数锐减亚洲旅游短期前景仍不乐观旅游有望2010年复苏

    The immediate outlook for Asia's tourism industry remains bleak as most major markets report sharp falls in visitor arrivals. There are hopes a recovery will come in 2010.


  • 尤其近几年随着新西兰旅游人数不断增加航空公司不断增开直飞航线抢占这块潜力巨大蛋糕

    Especially in recent years, with the increasing number of tourism in New Zealand, the airline also continue to open direct flights to seize the huge potential of the cake.


  • 随着旅游人数增长西安酒店业也蓬勃发展容易就西安五星级酒店青年旅社不等酒店

    As tourist development grows in Xi 'an, the hotel industry flourishes more and more. It is very easy to find a hotel in Xi 'an, ranging from 5 star hotels to youth hostels.


  • 英国旅游局官方网站周五公布数据显示,2015年上半年中国旅游人数达到9万,比2014年同期增长28%。

    Thee number of Chinese visitors to Britain in the first six months of 2015 reached a record 90,000, a 28 percent rise on the same period of 2014, figures from visit Britain revealed Friday.


  • 目前2010年旅游人数显示印度旅游国外人士起初9个月内去年相比,上涨了10%,甚至快要接近2008年的同期人数

    Provisional figures for 2010 reveal that the number of foreigners arriving in India in the first nine months was up 10 percent from the previous year, exceeding even the same period in 2008.


  • 现在旅游夏威夷创造了超过州总税收四分之一业绩,而且旅游人数源源不断,持续增长(至2006为七百五十六万; 比2003年上升了17%)。

    Now tourism creates more than one-quarter of Hawaii's tax revenues, and the number of visitors continues to grow (to 7.56m in 2006, up by 17% since 2003).


  • 现在旅游夏威夷创造了超过州总税收四分之一业绩,而且旅游人数源源不断,持续增长(至2006为七百五十六万; 比2003年上升了17%)。

    Now tourism creates more than one-quarter of Hawaii's tax revenues, and the number of visitors continues to grow (to 7.56m in 2006, up by 17% since 2003).


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