• 完成仪式后,夫妻走出教堂宾客们皆新人出手中的象征送上最好祝福仪式完美无瑕

    To complete the ceremony, the couple left the church when the guests are on the sides of new to sprinkle in the hands of the meters, symbol of best wishes, ritual flawless.


  • 清晨初升太阳同学穿着绿相间的校服来到校园值周老师同学校门同学们点头问好美好一天开始了

    Early yin the morning to meet the rising sun, the classmates dressed in green and white uniform came to the campus, weeks of teachers and students in school to nod to say hello, have a nice day began.


  • 人群闪开通过

    The crowd parted to allow her through.


  • 一张照片上显示的是,靠近茅草屋15印第安人,其中一些准备飞机射箭

    Another photo shows about 15 Indians near thatched huts, some of them also preparing to fire arrows at the aircraft.


  • 公牛接近时,笨拙地一闪,公牛了过去。

    When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass.


  • 周二晚上开始贴上西班牙国旗容器然后围着水族箱打转,德国的箱子徘徊

    On Tuesday night, he at first crept towards the container bearing the Spanish flag before moving around the tank and hovering over the German cube.


  • 他用粗鲁将狗枪口打到耳朵连声尖叫

    He pushed the spaniel away, roughly, with the gun in his hand, catching her on the ear with the muzzle. She cried in pain.


  • (对方不方便电话)应询问对方是否可以等一下,不要对方晾,应该30 ~45对方报告一次进度。

    Always ask the caller if it's all right to put her on hold when answering the phone, and don't leave people on hold. Provide callers on hold with progress reports every 30 to 45 seconds.


  • 建立座大山间河谷中,绿油油稻田镶嵌在公路四面延伸

    It is nestled in a river valley between two mountains, and electric-green rice fields line the roads radiating from it.


  • 最后员工就要边站在教练解释自己在干什么

    Finally, as the coach observes, the employees perform the taskagain as they explain to the coach what they are doing.


  • 微弱光线流泻,照出的景象美丽阴森

    Its pale rays fled out on either hand; beautiful but grim was the vision they disclosed.


  • 耶和华乌撒发怒,因错误杀他,就死约柜

    And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God.


  • 阿让(我们以后不再名字称呼了)立起来,柔和最平静的声音芳汀

    Jean Valjeanwe shall henceforth not speak of him otherwise — had risen. He said to Fantine in the gentlest and calmest of voices.


  • 在门一个年轻妇女所有进入大厅散发传单

    A young woman standing at the door gave out leaflets to all those who entered the hall.


  • 鼹鼠默默地划着船,不一会他们来到河道岔的地方,一股长长的回水分流出去。

    In silence Mole rowed steadily, and soon they came to a point where the river divided, a long backwater branching off to one side.


  • 床上跳起来,匆忙穿上衣眼,诺科姆山上白垩矿场自己田地跑去

    He jumped out of bed, threw on his clothes and ran up Norcombe Hill, to his fields near the chalk-pit.


  • 到了在乞讨使唇音颤抖得更加厉害技巧,以及为了咖啡摊主讨要免费馅饼而使自己在摊正好显出一副凄惨面容的技巧。

    He also acquired the trick of making his lower lip tremble when asking, his pathetic face only just above the counter, for a free pie from a coffee stall.


  • 椅子拉了拉,舒服喝着一杯辣辣的加了水的杜松子酒,打开报纸

    He pulled up his chair to the fire, to enjoy his hot gin-and-water in comfort, and opened the newspaper.


  • 老百姓点着火把,站铁路两林肯的遗体告别

    Citizens lit torches along the railroad track to pay their last respects to Lincoln.


  • 形状相同笔直似岑树木的,有伸展伞状的,

    The shape of the tree also each are not identical, have straight upward cen day of trees, both sides have to stretch of umbrella, look!


  • 大门走去的时候,棵小树停留了片刻,双手了碰枝头

    As we talked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching tips of the branches with both hands.


  • 了一步过去

    She stepped aside to let me pass.


  • 宫眉立刻凤冠锦绣百花盖头不翼而飞

    The view temple eyebrow smells speech immediately touch to bride's headdress side, ugg boots red cover head of that rich brocade always flowers disappears.


  • 位于伦敦市中心公里环境优美的公园绿地接近的接近度结合绿色领域校园伦敦更大的。

    Located eight kilometers from the heart of London but set in beautiful parkland, it combines green field campuses with close proximity to London.


  • 了一眼,发觉先前作者默默地那里,两看。

    I glanced sideways and noticed that the previous author was standing silently, with his eyes fixed on me.


  • 了一眼,发觉先前作者默默地那里,两看。

    I glanced sideways and noticed that the previous author was standing silently, with his eyes fixed on me.


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