• 基于合理施工过程分析模型,进一步讨论吊杆次序优化施工偏差调整

    Based on the proper analysis model, optimization of suspenders drawing and adjusting of construction divergency are discussed.


  • 论文总结近年来应用桥梁工程中的施工控制方法结构施工过程分析理论

    This thesis summarizes the construction control methods and the construction process analysis theory of the structure applied recently in bridge engineering.


  • 导流风险分析模型分析施工导流过程中的不确定因素,如水文不确定性因素、水力不确性因素。

    The diversion risk analysis model analyses a series of uncertain factors during the diversion such as hydrologic factors, hydraulic factors.


  • 文中通过施工过程影响工程质量主要因素进行分析阐述了工程施工阶段过程中,工程质量进行有效控制方法

    Through analysis on the main factors that influence project quality in construction process, the effective control methods for project quality in construction period are narrated.


  • 分析中,考虑非线性应力-应变关系、土土体的相互作用,以及分步施工过程

    In this finite model, the nonlinear stress - strain relationship of soil, the soil - nail interaction and the staged construction are all taken into consideration.


  • 由于采用显式差分尤其适合于材料的塑性、变形分析以及施工过程模拟

    Because of the application of explicit difference method, it is especially suitable to elastoplastic analysis, large deformation analysis and construction process simulation.


  • 文章介绍了该桥悬臂浇筑施工过程监控目标方法数据分析调控措施监控效果

    The article describes the monitor objective, method, data analysis, regulating control measures and monitoring result in the course of cantilever concreting construction of the bridge.


  • 本文工程例,以冲孔灌注桩施工过程中的技术要点进行分析简述保证工程质量所必须采取的相应措施

    Abstract: Based on analysis of key points in construction process of punch filling pile in the technical of, the paper introduces corresponding countermeasures for ensuring the quality of projects.


  • 以此算法基础,基于MSTCAD平台采用面向对象编程技术编制了空间结构施工过程仿真分析程序模块

    Based on this method and adopts object-oriented programming technique, an emulator program module for construction process analysis of space structure is developed on the platform of MSTCAD.


  • 文章针对建筑给排水施工过程中易出现部分理由分析

    Analysis of the problems in the building water supply and drainage construction process is easy to appear.


  • 施工过程中的安全分析控制要求施工荷载有较准确的估计

    Safety analysis and control during construction require better estimation of live loads.


  • 对于隧道施工过程安全控制采用FLAC进行数值模拟分析偏压隧道稳定性

    During the construction of tunnel, FLAC numerical simulation is used to analyse the stability of shallow tunnel under unsymmetrical pressure for safe control.


  • 介绍一种新型轨道形式双块式无碴轨道施工工艺过程进行造价分析

    This article introduces the construction technological process of a new type of ballastless track, viz. the double-block track and performs a cost analysis of the same.


  • 介绍强夯试验设计情况分析施工过程质检情况,对强夯和碾压方面进行了比较

    The thesis introduces the tests and designs of the strong rammer analyses the quality testing situation of the course and compares the strong rammer sith rolling from every side.


  • 路基填筑施工过程中,根据沉降观测数据时间序列分析方法建立信息动态预测模型

    During the filling construction of the roadbed the total settlement value could be predicted by using time series equal interval prediction model of recent information.


  • 隧道围岩局部块体稳定性分析隧道设计施工过程必不可少的环节。

    Assessment on stability of partial rock-block mass is essential during tunnel's design and construction.


  • 大体积混凝土结构施工运行过程中,温度位移应力分析研究有着重要的实际意义

    It's of practical importance that research intensively the temperature field, displacements field and stresses field of mass concrete during it's construction and operation.


  • 文章分析园林绿化过程施工管理存在问题,园林绿化工程施工三个阶段提出质量控制措施

    This paper analyzes the process of landscape construction management problems, from landscape project construction before, in and after three stages puts forward the measures of quality control.


  • 本文简单介绍工民建建筑的基础上,对施工过程可能出现质量影响问题进行了分析介绍。

    This paper briefly introduced the construction in civil engineering, on the basis of the construction process of possible influence quality analyse and introduced.


  • 介绍了在黄土地区双连拱隧道选择施工过程分析如何加强对中墙的监控测等。

    The paper introduced the choice and construction process of loess multi-arch tunnel middle wall, analyzed monitoring and measurement of strengthening the middle wall for reference.


  • 因此大跨空间结构施工过程模拟监测稳定性分析保证结构施工过程安全性日后正常使用重要环节

    The simulation and monitor of the structure construction process and the analysis of stability are important steps to guarantee safety in the construction course and the normal use in the future.


  • 施工过程结构分析可以反映施工过程中的结构行为,同时还可以确定结构各个阶段合理状态以便为桥梁施工过程中的预测监控提供依据。

    Structural analysis in construction can reflect structural behavior and can ascertain reasonable state of different segment so as to give prediction and monitoring in construction.


  • 通过污水雨水管道施工过程分析找出管道施工过程中常出现问题。

    By analyzing the constructing process of sewage pipeline and rainwater pipeline, the existing problems in it were discovered.


  • 针对工程特点考虑了单层网壳结构三种不同的施工方案对索体系拉成形过程施工方案进行了分析

    Based on the characteristic of this project, three construction schemes were considered, and the process how the cable-strut system is hauled was also analyzed.


  • 通过施工过程中的结构有限元分析,揭示施工过程中钢吊箱整体结构受力特点

    After analyzing the finite element of structure on steel box sling during the construction, the author exhibited the bearing force characteristics of overall structure on steel box sling.


  • 详细介绍二次加固的内力分析过程,讨论了加固施工的工法要点

    The internal force analysis procedure is put forward in detail, and the construction process is given briefly.


  • 通过高速公路隧道施工监测有限元数值分析方法,分析隧道施工过程围岩应力变化情况

    Based on the monitoring for expressway tunnel construction and finite element analysis, the paper analyzed the country rock stress state in the process of tunnel construction.


  • 通过高速公路隧道施工监测有限元数值分析方法,分析隧道施工过程围岩应力变化情况

    Based on the monitoring for expressway tunnel construction and finite element analysis, the paper analyzed the country rock stress state in the process of tunnel construction.


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