• 看来,9.25似乎只是其他施卡更加锐利一点

    In my opinion, the 9.25 seems just a little sharper than other Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes.


  • 与格哈特•罗德SPD观点相异的菲舍尔支持布科管道项目这样欧盟便不必完全依靠进口俄罗斯天然气了。

    Pitted against both Mr Schröder and the SPD view is Mr Fischer, who has lent his support to the Nabucco pipeline , which would give the EU an alternative to Russian gas.


  • 研究报告作者之一、加州大学圣地亚哥分校(Universityof California, SanDiego)的施卡教授指出,这些事情选择的,不是被迫去做的。

    'These are things you choose to do, rather than have to do,' notes one of the study's co-authors, Prof. Schkade of the University of California, San Diego.


  • 需要技能工作需要大量技能的工作之间存在差距。”蒙特社区学院商学教授罗布·波尔表示。

    "The gap is between the jobs that take no skills and those that require a lot of skills," says Rob Spohr, a business professor at Montcalm Community College.


  • 需要技能工作需要大量技能的工作之间存在差距。”蒙特社区学院商学教授罗布 · 波尔表示。

    "The gap is between the jobs that take no skills and those that require a lot of skill," says Rob Spohr, a business professor at Montcalm Community college.


  • 看来我们似乎要放任安尼·普尔自由伦敦斯坦福德2012伦敦奥运会场址上设计座巨大高塔,钢铁巨头拉克希米·米塔尔赞助

    It looks as if Anish Kapoor will be let loose on the site of the London 2012 Olympics at Stratford, east London, to design a gargantuan tower sponsored by steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal.


  • 第二我们杰姬毛里斯弗农特德维基·肯尼迪以及埃德洛琳·肯尼迪。斯·贝格一起去划船游泳

    The next day we went sailing and swimming with Jackie and Maurice, Ann and Vernon, Ted and Vicki Kennedy, and Ed and Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.


  • 上个月艾德里安·塞尔一块儿去了伦敦皇家艺术院,赶上安尼·普尔展览最后一

    Last month I took a trip to the Royal Academy in London with Adrian Searle, to catch the Anish Kapoor show in its final days.


  • 公司在因戈尔塔特的工厂增加周六的工作班次增加A3A4车型产量;生产更大型A6A8车型的内苏姆工厂也一样。

    It has added Saturday shifts to both its Ingolstadt site, to help boost production of its A3 and A4 models, and its Neckarsulm factory, where its larger A6 and A8 models are manufactured.


  • 位于德国达姆塔特的控制中心爆发热烈掌声探测器地面指挥所负责人奥克塔米诺说:“成功了!我们撞上了卓越湖区

    "That's it -- we are in the Lake of Excellence," said spacecraft operations chief Octavio Camino as applause broke out in mission control in Darmstadt, Germany.


  • 43岁的里夫·伯雷41岁的奥米·沃茨2005年开始相恋,目前两个儿子:亚历山大·萨沙和撒母耳·

    Liev Schreiber, 43, and Naomi Watts, 41, who have been together since 2005, have two boys Alexander "Sasha" and Samuel "Kai".


  • 公司时,有限公司发放股利,这是年轻公司通常做法。

    When I set up a company — Case Shiller Weiss, Inc. — typical of young start up companies, we didn't pay a dividend.


  • 受刑的过程中,想起纳·凡尼的话,他的话让一刻不停得想到:‘他们只是恐惧,必须傲慢方式表达。’

    During the torture I remembered the words of Kanafani, which always reminded me of her: 'If the prisoner is beaten, it is an arrogant expression of fear.'


  • 大家知道警察不在他们正在其它事情,”莫·尼议会成员鲍比·莱佛(BobbyShriver)说道

    "People know the cops aren't around or they are working on other stuff," said Bobby Shriver, a member of the Santa Monica City Council.


  • 7月专业军士阿尔马诺·巴(ArmanoBaca)指控杀害来自威斯康辛的战友瑞安·理查德·拉克(RyanRichardSchlack),凶案发生伊拉克执行任务回国

    In July, Specialist Armano Baca was charged with murdering a fellow soldier, Ryan Richard Schlack from Wisconsin, after the two had returned from Tours in Iraq.


  • 遵守达西戒食本身就已经足够使臻达至尊居所

    Observance of this Ekadasi fast alone promotes one to the supreme abode of Sri Visnu.


  • 无论米尔林特雀巢托克,这里仅他们发誓这个包装色彩光泽形式容易回收

    Whether Milka, Lindt, nestle or Storck, to name just a few, they all swear by this colourful and shiny form of packaging, which is also easy to recycle.


  • 这里印度西部马哈拉特拉邦阿实蒂郊外勒身旁是一片遍地是粪的荒地帕蒂种族的男女们此定居。他们从出生起标记上“罪犯”的烙印

    Squatting beside Mr Kale, on a turd-strewn wasteland outside Ashti, a village in India's western state of Maharashtra, Pardhi men and women describe what it is like to be branded criminal at birth.


  • 纳塔克邦以及古吉拉特邦马哈拉特拉邦中央邦安得拉邦该国主要棉花种植区之一。

    Karnataka along with Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh is one of the country's main cotton-growing areas.


  • 奥内·明必须离开,人声和钢琴而作的三重唱民歌

    Schöne Minka, ich muss scheiden, folk song for voice & piano trio.


  • 过去年里,已经有90家酒厂纳塔克邦马哈拉特拉各地开业那里气候有利于种植酿酒葡萄

    Over the last 10 years, 90 wineries have opened across Karnataka and Maharashtra states, where the climate is favorable for growing wine grapes.


  • 波士顿瓦依坦威锤不同,瓦依工厂voicers接受特殊指令表达他们

    Boston hammers are made differently from both Kawai and Steinway hammers, and voicers in the Kawai factory receive special instruction in voicing them.


  • 美国《娱乐周刊》杂志报道,最新超人”系列电影敲定人选:英国男演员亨利·维尔将克·奈德掌镜的《超人:钢铁之躯》挑大梁。

    British actor Henry Cavill has been cast as the man of Steel in director Zack Snyder's new Superman movie, the Entertainment Weekly reported.


  • 美国《娱乐周刊》杂志报道,最新超人”系列电影敲定人选:英国男演员亨利·维尔将克·奈德掌镜的《超人:钢铁之躯》挑大梁。

    British actor Henry Cavill has been cast as the man of Steel in director Zack Snyder's new Superman movie, the Entertainment Weekly reported.


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