• 囤积黄金视量化宽松通胀股票发烧友刺激增长手段债券市场中人放心能够充当国债的“最后购买人”。

    The gold bugs saw QE as inflationary, equity enthusiasts saw the tactic as boosting growth and the bond markets had the comfort that the Fed would be the "buyer of last resort" for Treasuries.


  • 职业生涯1998年作为训练球员在巴尼特开始,先后诺丁汉森林利兹沃特福德效力

    His career began in 1998 as a trainee at Barnet, and has taken in spells at Nottingham Forest, Leeds United and Watford.


  • 公开市场委员会正致力实现中期价格稳定性采取必须的行动实现目标

    The FOMC is committed to achieving medium-term price stability and will act as necessary to attain that objective.


  • 这将取决缅甸选举时间规模场选举在缅甸期待已久1990年党选举成功宣布无效之后是首次

    Much hinges on the timing and scope of Myanmar's long-awaited election, the first since an annulled 1990 vote won by the League.


  • 2008年一月第一前所未有举动来自伯南克当时开始拍卖贴现储备

    Then, in January 2008, the first of the unprecedented moves came from Bernanke when the Fed began auctioning off reserves at the discount window.


  • 大陆航空飞行员目前正在就一项新的劳工协议展开谈判,两家航空公司去年秋天合并。

    The pilots at Continental and United currently are in negotiations over a new joint labor agreement, following the merger last fall.


  • 得到确切的答案需要进一步研究比如测试暴露A中水平是否高浓度双酚A能够作为预测随后病情到来的依据等等。

    To determine that will require further research, such as testing BPA exposure and adiponectin levels, and whether high concentrations of BPA predict subsequent onset of new disease.


  • 一般认为驯服衰退受惠美国经济不断增强灵活性改善库存控制通胀的有力掌控。

    It is popularly argued that the tameness of the downturn was the benign result of the American economy's increased flexibility, better inventory control and the Fed's firmer grip on inflation.


  • 国际电致力连通世界,致力确保边远地区弱势群体亦能受益ICT。

    ITU is committed to connecting the world and to ensuring that the benefits of ICTs reach the remotest corners as well as the most vulnerable communities.


  • 长期以来少数央行行长(集中欧洲)很多观察家(包括TE)主张尽力防范泡沫

    A minority of central bankers (mainly in Europe) and many observers (including the Economist) have long argued that the Fed should try harder to prevent bubbles.


  • 字符实体类似C编程语言中的符(trigraphs):只是特定字符替代表示

    They're similar to trigraphs in the C programming language, just an alternate representation of a specific character.


  • 更多贷款不会创造资产信任寄希望7000亿美元的救市计划

    More lending by the Fed cannot create capital or trust; it is counting on the $700 billion bail-out plan for that.


  • 这位英格兰队长刚刚足踝韧带创伤(面对波尔图时)中康复以赶及这场决赛上场

    The England captain had only just recovered from damaged ankle ligaments, which he suffered in the Champions League tie at Porto, to play in the final.


  • 如果272航班每天11:05进入某管制员空域,那么每天时间就会预计看到那航班。

    If United flight 272 enters a controller's airspace at 11:05 every morning, she expects to see that aircraft show up at that time.


  • 纤维作用无限裂纹无限域中扩展等效半无限长裂纹在域中扩展

    The semi-infinite crack propagating in infinite region with the fiber bridging traction action is equal to the semi-infinite crack propagating in strip.


  • 国际世界女排大奖赛首屈一指年度女子锦标赛,2011年赛程8月5 -28日7国家12城市举行。

    The FIVB Volleyball World Grand Prix is the premier annual women's tournament with the 2011 edition running from August 5 to 28 in 12 cities across 7 countries.


  • 公司江苏省工商工业陶瓷同业商会常务理事单位,长期国内高校著名专家教授研讨,致力新型高技术陶瓷的应用开发。

    The company is a standing director member of ceramic General Chamber business association and cooperates with college technology experts to develop advanced structure ceramic products.


  • 据悉国际选择将“请勿迁怒信使!”

    The International Federation of Translators' choice of Don't Shoot the Messenger!


  • 不仅致力避免高失业也尽力控制通胀率

    Instead of working only to avoid unemployment, the Fed sought to bring inflation back under control.


  • 一直致力合作伙伴协作确保安全合规交易支付

    UnionPay is committed to working with our partners to ensure the delivery of a safe and compliant transaction in the payment system.


  • 最先悉尼当地时间周二下午澳洲会议,预计维持官方现金利率水平4.75%不变。

    The RBA is first up on Tuesday afternoon local Sydney time where the bank is expected to hold the OCR steady at 4.75%.


  • 建站最好性价比,莫过圣辉最好的用户体验满足需求

    The station is the best price, Shenghui union the best user experience, to meet your needs!


  • 律师事务所国内一家专注调解协商劳动法律师事务所。

    UnionTop law firm is the first law firm on labor laws dedicated in mediation and consultation.


  • 如果回教选择一意孤行的高调推行回教化,只不过该党的本身的决定,希望广大马来西亚人民不要因此而怪罪

    PAS can choose to proceed with their agenda but hopefully the people can understand that this is strictly a PAS action and have nothing to do with PR.


  • 如果回教选择一意孤行的高调推行回教化,只不过该党的本身的决定,希望广大马来西亚人民不要因此而怪罪

    PAS can choose to proceed with their agenda but hopefully the people can understand that this is strictly a PAS action and have nothing to do with PR.


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