• 一对一关系符号表示

    The primary key side of a one-to-one relationship is denoted by a key symbol.


  • 新郎新郎、新郎的父亲、伴郎迎宾人员组成。

    The men in the wedding party are the groom and his father, the best man, and the ushers .


  • 这种合同应当包括仲裁条款,而仲裁选择同意

    The contract shall include arbitral articles and the arbitration party will be selected and agreed by both parties.


  • 我们遗憾告知方由「美女」号轮船运来的货物令人非常不满。

    We regret to inform you that the goods shipped per S. S.


  • 例:大庆”号轮所布的质量颜色样品布不符,我们遗憾地对此表示不满

    We regret to complain that your consignment of cotton piece goods shipped by m. v. "Taching" is not of the quality and color of the sample piece.


  • 说到底学生自主选择就是导致问题出现首要原因。

    After all, students making their own choices in this respect is what caused the problem in the first place.


  • 面,美术作品通常是受过艺术训练的人创作的。

    Fine art, on the other hand, is usually made by people who have had training in art.


  • 我们医疗费用第三支付我们要求尽可能我们任何事情,即使无用的。

    Shielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care, we demand everything that can possibly be done for us, even if it's useless.


  • 我们医疗费用第三支付我们要求尽可能我们任何事情,即使无用的。

    Shielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care, we demand everything that can possibly be done for us, even if it's useless.


  • 不能解释为什么父母决定手的物种中,后代具有相同遗传倾向时,他们并非完全是右撇子或左撇子

    Nor does it explain why, in a species where one parent determines handedness, a brood is not exclusively right-or left-handed when the offspring would have the same genetic predisposition.


  • 不能解释为什么父母决定习惯的物种中,后代具有相同遗传倾向时,他们并非完全左撇子。

    Nor does it explain why, in a species where one parent determines handedness, a brood is not exclusively right- or left-handed when the offspring would have the same genetic predisposition.


  • 不能解释为什么父母决定手的物种中,后代具有相同遗传倾向时,他们并非完全左撇子。

    Nor does it explain why, in a species where one parent determines handedness, a brood is not exclusively right or left-handed when the offspring would have the same genetic predisposition.


  • 移动支付正在中国变成一个支付宝等第三支付公司主导的“无现金社会”。

    Mobile payment is turning China into a "cashless society" led by the third party payment companies like Alipay.


  • 冲击波形成一个压缩气体分子构成圆锥体四面向后移动,一直延伸地面

    The shock wave forms a cone of pressurized air molecules which move outward and rearward in all directions and extend to the ground.


  • 报道,这个特大城市3.6亿只工蚁100万名蚁后组成,他们居住4500个相互连接巢穴中,这些巢穴分布在2.7公里土地上。

    This 'megalopolis' was reported to be composed of 360 million workers and a million queens living in 4,500 interconnected nests across a territory of 2.7 square kilometres.


  • 话来说,某个第三角度来说无法确定消息究竟发送创建还是接收创建的。

    In other words, from the perspective of some third party, you cannot determine whether the messages were created by the sender or the recipient.


  • 解决这个问题需要验证消息实际上发送发送的,需要认证正在您交换信息伙伴

    To address this problem, you need to verify that the message was actually sent by the sender, and authenticate the partner who you are exchanging information with.


  • 哈密,这一消费支出改变所造成的,同时反映企业正在学会弥补这种消费降低带来的损失。

    Tohamy said that is, in part, caused by a change in consumer spending, but it is also a reflection of companies learning to compensate for lower spending.


  • 例如一旦恶意的一以某种窃取发送创建合法消息消息就有可能被转发任何人

    For example, once a malicious party has somehow stolen a legitimate message created by a sender, the message could be forwarded to anyone.


  • 面,欧洲央行研究人员近期提出一份报告指出大额定期存单的部分问题在于它们用于投机而不单保值

    On the other hand, a recent paper by researchers at the European Central Bank says part of the problem with CDSs is that they are used for speculation, as well as hedging.


  • FUP工作人员指责管理招用这些管理人员监工组成的援军,宣称这些员工人力不足并且经过适当培训

    FUP officials criticized the use of back-ups, composed of managers and supervisors, declaring that the crews did not have enough personnel and that they were poorly trained.


  • 各自承担极少费用网站通过信用卡授权验证身份。

    Each pays a minimal fee to have his identify verified through a credit card authorization.


  • 需求不足工资涨幅导致然而,另一面是德国服务业发达。

    Puny demand was partly the result of small wage rises, but it was also because Germany's service sector is underdeveloped.


  • 租赁期内之,电,煤气费,电话费有线电视费等.每月根据实际用量结算,__按单缴付.

    Charges for water, elctricity , gas , telephone and cable TV are payable by -monthly to the relative bureau according to bills received.


  • 面,冻疮——严寒引起损伤——日常生活常见

    On the other hand, frostbite, an injury caused by freezing, is more common in everyday scenarios.


  • 创建两个端点连接唯一请求发起操作。

    The only way to create new connections between the two endpoints is if they are initiated by the requester.


  • 在使用这个选项时并不发送原始数据而是发送压缩数据,接收解压数据,这会加快传输速度—数据越少,花费时间少。

    Rather than send raw data, the data is compressed by the sender and decompressed by the receiver, making the transit across the wire faster-fewer bytes translates to better times.


  • 分发:将消息分发相关通常订阅者相关概要驱动

    Distribute: Distributes the message to a set of interested parties and is usually driven by the subscribers' interest profiles.


  • 分发:将消息分发相关通常订阅者相关概要驱动

    Distribute: Distributes the message to a set of interested parties and is usually driven by the subscribers' interest profiles.


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