• 如果目标标准学习方法每个人在同一时间同样的方式学习同样的东西那么通过实践来学习其实已经符合这个模式

    If your goal is to have standardized approaches to learning, where everybody learns the same thing at the same time in the same way, then learning by doing doesn't really fit that mold anymore.


  • 此相反,标准病理学方法需要至少3时间才能完成一个诊断而且只有84%的准确率研究人员提到

    In contrast, standard pathology methods typically require three or more days to produce a diagnosis and are only 84 percent accurate, the researchers noted.


  • 这些成本预测方法通过分析或者模拟形式,Palladio模型(PCM实例)中计算出标准结果(例如反应时间)。

    The approaches, by means of analyse or simulation, calculate metrics (e.g. response time) from Palladio models (instance of the PCM).


  • 使用精确计时作为方法执行时间标准时要小心测试建立销毁时间包含整个执行时间中。

    Be careful in using precise timings as a gauge for the execution time of a method; the setup and tear down time of a test is included in the overall execution time.


  • 换一种方法雇主可以削减标准一周工作时间比如(1周)40小时变为36个小时,减少掉10%的工时

    Alternatively, employers may cut the standard workweek, say from 40 hours to 36 hours, a 10% reduction in work hours.


  • 目前坚持日期时间数据数据库标准方法

    This is currently the standard way of persisting date and time data to the database.


  • 为了找到答案他们花了半年时间追踪了102000t witter用户,并且心理学标准方法分析1亿2千9百万条“不超过140”的用户围脖内容。

    To find out, they tracked 102, 000 Twitter users over six months, analysing the 140-character-or-less text from 129 million of their tweets with standard techniques from psychology.


  • 这个提供的方法可以用于通过标准数学转换比如 1分钟 =60,1 =24小时),将时间跨度转换标准单位(比如秒、小时)。

    Methods on this class can be used to convert to standard units such as seconds, minutes, and hours, using standard mathematical conversions (such as 60 seconds in a minute and 24 hours in a day).


  • 计算机运行结果表明这种方法缩短了符号电路分析时间而且限定误差标准,还可以用来分析大规模电路

    Computer implementations show that this new method reduces symbolic circuit analysis time and allows larger circuits to be analyzed when an error criterion is specified.


  • 分析装配线规划内容基础之上,提出了基于标准作业时间系统仿真装配线规划方法开发了相应原型系统

    Based on the content analysis of assembly line planning, a method for assembly line planning based on standard work time and simulation is proposed, and a corresponding prototype system developed.


  • 同时涂料标准方法测定了这些样品的漆膜的表时间光泽冲击强度附着力柔韧性等

    Film properties including surface drying time, luster value, shock strength, adhesion and flexibility were tested according to standard methods for coating.


  • 银河系标准银河系计算时间标准方法

    The Galactic standard Calendar was the standard measurement of time in the galaxy.


  • 寻找标准方法确定一个程序运行时间复杂度为。

    I am searching for a standard way to identify running time complexity of a program.


  • 模式采用显式时间差分格式,通过标准区域分割方法实现模式的并行化,并16个节点SP2上得到一些初步结果

    The model employs explicit finite difference techniques in time. It was parallelized using standard domain partitioning techniques. Several results were obtained by 16 SP2 node.


  • 计算程序运行时间标准方法

    Is there a standard method to calculate the running time of a program?


  • 结果表明方法重现性好,木二糖迁移时间面积相对标准偏差分别在0.5%和2.0%以内

    The result indicated that the relative standard deviations for xylobiose's migration time and peak area were all less than 0.5%, and 2.0% respectively.


  • 原则方法确定了在标准振荡作用下,混凝土拌合样本达到完全压实状态所需时间的测定程序

    PRINCIPLE This Method describes the procedure for determining the time required for a sample of fresh concrete to achieve full compaction when subjected to a standardized vibratory action.


  • 视频编码通过运动估计消除时间冗余信息匹配方法目前所有视频编码标准采用的运动估计方法

    The time redundancy in video sequences can be eliminated by motion estimation. Block matching is a popular motion estimation method, adopted by all video codec standards.


  • 目的利用正常血浆定标血浆,建立准确可靠易于实验室开展凝血酶原时间国际标准比值检测方法

    Objectives: Using normal plasmas and criterion plasmas to establish a kind of accurate and feasible method that could measure international normalized ratio (INR) of prothrombin time (PT).


  • 论文研究目标是通过研究明确税收优先权产生时间认定标准方法,理清税收优先权与其他相关债权的效力位序问题。

    Through research on defining explicitly recognized standards and taxation method of tax priority to make clear of the effect conflict between tax priority claims and other related claims.


  • 通过钻孔加工时间研究,初步建立不同工步单件加工时间标准资料探讨节省作业转换时间方法

    By studying some boring machining families, standard time datum for unit operation was set up. Some methods of shortening operation changing time were also presented.


  • 结果细菌鉴定报告时间缩短48小时常规方法对比其中标准菌株符合率为1 0 0 % ,临床分离株符合率为98%。

    Results The identification time was shortened to 4~8 hours. In comparison with routine methods, the consistent rate of the standard strains was 100%, and that of the clinical isolation was 98%.


  • 方法采用紫外分光光度法建立两者标准曲线测定回收率观察不同温度下、不同时间配伍稳定性

    Methods: Adopt UV separate established standard curve and determined recycle rate and observed stability of Cephradine in Tinidazole at varying time.


  • 标准查询方法标准化的错误代码集连接注册DBMS标准方法以及标准化的数据类型,都用户开发应用程序带来了巨大的方便节省了用户的精力时间

    It brings great convenience to users with standard query methods, standard error codes, standard data types and ways of connectivity and registration to DBMS, which also save users' time and energy.


  • 目的:探索客观结构化临床考试OSCE标准化病人(SP)在半天连续工作合理时间安排问题。方法:OSCE考试试验问卷调查相结合

    This paper aims to analyze what the reasonable length of SPs working time for OSCEs should be within half a day through the methods of OSCEs trials and questionnaire as well.


  • 某钢厂板坯连铸中间包为原型,利用数学模拟方法,以钢液停留时间分布曲线(RTD曲线)为评判标准,对目前使用的中间包内控流装置进行了优化

    Based on the standard of the residual time distribution curve (RTD curve), the flow control devices in the slab tundish were optimized by numerical simulation method.


  • 以前没有人知道地球小时西移15然而海员们确实知道速度时间来计算经度近似标准方法

    Nobody knew that the earth moved westwards 15 degrees every hour, but sailors did know an approximate method of calculating longitude using speed and time.


  • 以前没有人知道地球小时西移15然而海员们确实知道速度时间来计算经度近似标准方法

    Nobody knew that the earth moved westwards 15 degrees every hour, but sailors did know an approximate method of calculating longitude using speed and time.


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