• 羊皮纸是用羊皮制作羊皮纸手写传统方法相比,在上进行活字印刷大大降低生产书籍成本

    Printing with a moveable type on paper dramatically reduced the cost of producing a book compared with the old-fashioned ones handwritten on vellum, which comes from sheepskin.


  • 传统方法相比特性通过轻松监控分析查询统计数据帮助极大加强性能搜索质量。

    Compared to traditional methods, this new feature will greatly help you to enhance search performance and search quality by giving you an easy way to monitor and analyze your query statistics.


  • 与用传统方法学 英语的学生相比,接受“式 英语”训练的学生课堂要活跃他们的语言技能往往不如前者

    Taeglish students are far more energetic in the classroom than their peers who study through traditional methods but their language skills are often not as good as their peers.


  • 与用传统方法学英语的学生相比,接受“式英语”训练的学生课堂要活跃他们的语言技能往往不如前者

    Taeglish students are far more energetic in the classroom than their peers who study through traditional methods but their language skills are often not as good as their peers.


  • 传统网站相比这种方法使得用户界面可以灵敏地响应用户操作。

    This approach allows the user interface to be more responsive to the user than traditional websites.


  • 传统的基于线程池的方法相比减少大大降低同步成本

    This reduction in contention dramatically reduces the synchronization costs compared to a traditional thread-pool-based approach.


  • 相比而言,传统诊断方法结果过三不能需要更多被感染组织样本

    In comparison, results from more traditional diagnostic methods are typically not available for three days and require more invasive tissue sampling.


  • 这个人道方法传统解剖教育相比许多好处

    This humane method has many educational benefits over traditional dissection.


  • 这种小规模传统打渔方法相比刺网捕鱼,危害性要小得多。

    Such small-scale, traditional fishing methods are far less hazardous to botos than the growing use of gill nets, which can entrap and quickly kill dolphins.


  • 传统方法相比利用激光机器人可以高精度高效率完成焊接

    Using a laser, the robot can make highly accurate welds and position itself for each one a lot faster than it could if it were spot-welding in the normal way.


  • 另外传统文件系统方法(比如那些依赖fsck系统)相比日志文件系统大大地缩短了系统崩溃恢复时间

    Additionally, the crash recovery time for journaling file systems is dramatically reduced compared to more traditional file system methods (such as those that rely on FSCK).


  • 数据治理传统方法相比而言,好处就是低的成本获得更好的数据。

    The benefit of data governance in comparison to traditional approaches is better data at a lower cost.


  • 传统方法相比这种结构几个优点

    This structure has several advantages over more conventional approaches.


  • 传统SRS支持解决方案空间方法相比描述用户系统交互执行动作序列

    In contrast to the solution space approach espoused by the traditional SRS, use cases describe the sequences of actions that users perform as they interact with a system.


  • 思考这种形式方法传统习惯相比,与个性关系。

    It's a way of thinking about form that has more to do with individuality than it does with convention.


  • 传统使用哺乳细胞方法相比这种方法不仅成本大大降低,而且结果更加可靠

    This could be much cheaper and more reliable than the usual method, using mammalian cells.


  • 采用此模糊控制算法仿真结果表明此种方法不仅便于实现而且传统的控制方法相比具有好的控制效果

    The results of simulation indicate that this type of control method is not only easy to achieve but also has the better effects than traditional control methods.


  • 传统优化方法相比进一步提高了设计速度设计质量

    Compared with traditional optimization methods, it improves further the speed and quality of design.


  • 加法制造相比传统方法具有几个重大优势

    The additive approach to manufacturing has several big advantages over the conventional one. It cuts costs by getting rid of production lines.


  • 传统方法相比试验设备工作条件试验费用上,均明显优越性

    Compared with traditional methods, it has definite advantage whether in testing equipment, work condition or expenditure for the testing.


  • 与用传统CGI方法执行python脚本相比,这种方法要快得

    It is much faster than the traditional CGI method of executing Python scripts.


  • 传统备选方法相比这种方法提供安全访问以 root 的身份运行Web服务器,并提供转换文件访问权限实例

    This provides more secure access than a traditional alternative: Run the Web server as root (!), with instances switching to the privilege of the file accessor.


  • 脂肪醇催化化制工艺目前生产脂肪主要方法传统的酸法工艺相比具有明显优势

    The process of catalytic amination of fatty alcohols is the main method to produce tertiary amines and has obvious advantages compared with the conventional process of fatty acids.


  • 传统公交客流量预测方法相比模型预测结果具有更高的精度

    With traditional forecast method compare, the accuracy of this model forecast result is higher.


  • 传统PGD利用发育3胚胎相比,这种新方法将从发育5天的胚胎上进行细胞取样。

    It involves taking cells from an embryo at day five of its development, compared with typical PGD, which USES cells from day three.


  • UCI数据库实验结果表明传统方法相比算法能够短的时间内得到分类精度更高规则

    Experiments on UCI data sets show that compared with traditional methods our algorithm can get more accurate rules in a shorter time.


  • Model2或者StrutsWebWorkSpringMVC 之类框架使用的 “push-MVC”方法相比JSF中的 MVC实现接近传统GUI应用程序

    The MVC implementation in JSF more closely approximates the style of a traditional GUI application than the Model 2, or "push-MVC" approach used in frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Spring MVC.


  • Model2或者StrutsWebWorkSpringMVC 之类框架使用的 “push-MVC”方法相比JSF中的 MVC实现接近传统GUI应用程序

    The MVC implementation in JSF more closely approximates the style of a traditional GUI application than the Model 2, or "push-MVC" approach used in frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, and Spring MVC.


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