• 实习地点在综合考虑意愿我们需要后,安排上海办公室苏州办公室。

    Taking into account both of your inclination and our needs, the internship will be arranged in Fangben Shanghai Office or Suzhou Office.


  • 作为方本培养高素质律师途径之一我们每年九月次年六月会应届毕业生提供为期三至六个月实习项目。

    As one of Fangben's approaches to train high-quality lawyers, we offer 3-6 months 'internship opportunity to the graduate seniors from every September to the next June.


  • 巧克力广告的制作英国视觉效果公司 Framestore 的蒂姆·韦伯表示:“过去年里,这种巧克力在部电影变得便宜,也更容易获得。”

    "In the last five years, it's become more affordable and more achievable in a whole movie," says Tim Webber at UK visual effects firm Framestore, the company behind the Hepburn chocolate ad.


  • 们拯救了0.3平公里雨林,净化了一百万公斤二氧化碳,给非洲赠送了两万两千图书,并为缺粮少食的人购买了两万公斤大米。

    They have saved 0.3 km2 of rainforest, cleaned up million kg of CO2, sent 22,000 books to Africa, and bought 20,000 kg of rice for people without enough food.


  • 保罗·查尔了一

    Paul Chalfont has written a book.


  • 豹可以进行230万的四次数学运算一般笔记电脑运算速度快大约10万

    Jaguar is capable of 2.3 quadrillion mathematical operations every second (which is about 100, 000 times faster than a typical laptop).


  • 豹可以进行230万的四次数学运算一般笔记电脑运算速度快大约10万

    Jaguar is capable of 2.3 quadrillion mathematical operations every second (which is about 100,000 times faster than a typical laptop).


  • 此外有些参与没有这个项目得到期望得到东西尤其是希望成为反应堆东道主的。

    Moreover, some parties have not got what they had hoped for out of the project, notably Japan, which had wanted to host the reactor.


  • 出版物汇集缔约会议第二届(2007年)、第三届(2008年)第四届(2010)会议通过准则

    This publication contains the guidelines adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its second (2007), third (2008) and fourth (2010) sessions.


  • “让这份论文走向应得读者唯一就是它出版成小书,”

    "The only way the essay would get the audience it deserved was to publish it as a small book," he said.


  • 只有公约的缔约成为议定书的缔约

    Only Parties to the Convention may be Parties to a protocol.


  • 笔记电脑智能电话就属于完整参与因为可以直接此类设备执行新的应用程序并且有必要还可以创建新的数据存储保存信息

    A laptop or a Smartphone are examples of full participants because new applications can be executed directly from the device and you can also create new data stores to persist information if required.


  • 在重奖的刺激下,现代运动员容易误入歧途,他们欺骗裁判做出错误有利于的判罚,是在钻空子,而不是比赛

    Modern athletes, fuelled by colossal rewards, can easily be tempted into misbehaviour. They end up playing the system not the game, by duping the ref into making wrong but favourable decisions.


  • 台式机笔记电脑曾经访问互联网唯一随着手机可以访问互联网,使得互联网访问变得真正可移动

    A desktop or laptop used to be the only way to access the Internet, but now with Internet enabled mobile phones the Internet has truly become mobile.


  • 注意到的工作环境里根没有桌子之类普通家具------是因为窗台做两用,既是工作台又是起居室;另一面是因为只要有台笔记,别的用不着了。

    You'll notice that I don't have the usual desk accoutrements in my workspace – partly because it doubles as my living room windowsill, and partly because I don't require much more than my laptop.


  • 注意到的工作环境里根没有桌子之类普通家具- - - - - -是因为窗台做两用,既是工作台又是起居室;另一面是因为只要有台笔记,别的用不着了。

    You'll notice that I don't have the usual desk accoutrements in my workspace - partly because it doubles as my living room windowsill, and partly because I don't require much more than my laptop.


  • 中国长城学会官员韩国威里斯的揭晓仪式上发表了讲话主办长城投票人们所做出的努力表示了感谢

    Han Guowei, a society official, addressed the gathering in Lisbon and appreciated the efforts of the organizers and people who voted for the Great Wall.


  • 另一,正在意大利阿尔卑斯山度假教皇星期天呼吁即刻停止战斗

    Meanwhile, from the Italian Alps where he is on vacation, Pope Benedict called Sunday for an immediate halt to the fighting.


  • 主要问题在于它们目前只实现的最佳观看位置——你不能任何一移动太远导致不能保留图像而导致最好情况下也会图像模糊或在坏的情况下令人头晕作呕(句请大侠指正……)。

    The chief problem: They tend to have a very narrow viewing sweet spot-you can't shift too far to either side without being left with an image that's blurry at best and nauseating at worst.


  • 根据公约第33条,缔约会议通过公约的议定书

    According to Article 33 of the Convention, the COP may adopt protocols to the Convention.


  • 布尔白色石一样,湖中也会涌出仙

    Out of this lake, as from the white square stone in Ben Bulben, issues an unearthly troop.


  • 面,如果作者拥有书籍,一多个作者称为对多关系

    On the other hand, if one author can have multiple books, and one book can also have multiple authors, it's called a many-to-many relation.


  • 早早领先英格兰龟缩防守,拱手将美国人引入半场

    England had withdrawn into their shell with the luxury of an early lead, allowing the Americans to pin them back in their own half.


  • 确定该如何第一分类,因此不能算作支持科幻奇幻区任一有力证据。

    You're not sure how to categorize Book 1, so it's not good evidence for either Science Fiction or Fantasy.


  • 当然面,电子书通过Whispernet发送给,与使用UPS所有这些送到家门口相比,可以为Amazon节省非常非常多的快递费用

    Of course, on the other hand, since it costs Amazon a heck of a lot less to send you a Kindle book via Whispernet than it does to UPS all those books to your door.


  • 面来说,同时又出版一百其中四十六成为国内或是国际上的畅销书,我的书架上堆满了各种奖项,作品三十种语言

    On the other hand, I also have 100 books published, 46 of which have been national or international bestsellers, I've got a shelf full of awards, and my work has been translated into 30 languages.


  • 面来说,同时又出版一百其中四十六成为国内或是国际上的畅销书,我的书架上堆满了各种奖项,作品三十种语言

    On the other hand, I also have 100 books published, 46 of which have been national or international bestsellers, I've got a shelf full of awards, and my work has been translated into 30 languages.


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