• 列入关注的理由默拉皮火山属于林尼喷发,大约大规模爆发一次喷涌岩浆总量可达1千米,漫天飞扬的火山灰足有2050千米高)。

    Reasons to worry: Merapi is capable of producing a Plinian eruption (spewing at least 1 cubic kilometer of magma and producing 20 to 50 kilometer-high ash columns)every 1,000 years or so.


  • 位于英国南安敦的动物救助中心十字正在百计寻找新主人。只猫外表酷似《哈里 波特》电影中的伏地而无人敢于收养。

    The Blue Cross, an animal rescue center in Southampton, UK, is struggling to rehome a cat, because it looks like evil Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter films.


  • 尤其咄咄逼人广告消费者产生攻击靠不住且不顾一切地争夺买卖印象广告咨询专家辛迪·凯洛如是说。

    Particularly aggressive advertisements give the consumer the impression that the attacker is insecure and desperate for business, says Cindy Gallop, an advertising consultant.


  • 比利时参展代表、安特有关负责人出席开幕式活动送上美好祝福。

    Representatives of Belgium's exhibition in Expo 2010 and leaders from Antwerp City offered their best wishes to the event.


  • 一家拍卖行菲利浦斯·德瑞,2月6日伦敦举办了一大型中国当代艺术展卖,主角位中国艺术家力钧王广义

    Phillips DE Pury, another auction house, is hosting a large sale of Chinese contemporary art on February 6th in London that will feature Fang Lijun and Wang Guangyi, two fashionable Chinese artists.


  • 这里显示勒拿河三角洲,是美国地球资源卫星7号2000年拍摄的彩色图片覆盖了捷夫Laptev Sea)超过一万一千英里的区域。

    The Lena’s delta, shown here in a false-color image taken by the Landsat 7 satellite in 2000, covers more than 11,000 square miles on the Laptev Sea.


  • 第三定律,就是你们考试中和,作业中推导出:,周期等于4π的平乘以1,加上r2

    Kepler's Third Law, which you derived on your exam as well as on an assignment: r1 the period squared equals four pi squared times r1 plus r2 to the power three.


  • 亨利世(Henry VIII)将其位于(HamptonCourt Palace)的都(Tudor)御膳房扩张55间屋子占地3千英尺(合280)。

    Henry VIII extended the Tudor kitchens at Hampton Court Palace into 55 rooms, covering over 3, 000 square feet (280 square metres).


  • 现年25岁的曾效力曼联安特,目前在中超球队大连实德司职前锋。 据悉,待董完成体检后,双签订个为期一年半的合同

    The 25-year-old, having played for Manchester United and Royal Antwerp, is set to sign an 18-month contract with Legia once a medical is completed.


  • 这座2.2英里的隧道途径比利时安特省,全程装配1.6万个太阳能电池板,电池板总面积达5万相当于8个足球场

    The 2.2 mile long tunnel crossing Antwerp in Belgium is fitted with 16, 000 solar panels covering 50, 000 square metres, roughly eight football pitches.


  • 如果客户合同标的转让第三那么出于重要考虑可以拒绝其行使权利

    If the customer cedes the Object of Contract to third parties, then LPKF will deny this right only for significant concerns.


  • 通常工作时间内履行服务服务合同合同签约另有约定的除外。

    LPKF performs the services during the working hours customary with LPKF, unless the parties have agreed otherwise in the service Contract.


  • 关于降低价款幅度,合同要求一位客户和乐共同指定资质第三进行决定决定对合同签约具有约束力。

    Regarding the decrease of remuneration each party can request the decision by a qualified third party as jointly designated by the customer and LPKF whose decision is binding on the parties.


  • 下场镇乌迪内斯的比赛争夺冠军联赛席位的关键战,失败意味着竞争之中被淘汰。

    Samp's next engagement against Udinese is a crucial test in the battle for Champions League football, as a defeat for either side will realistically remove them from the equation.


  • 你们十分,慷慨大老伙计我们必须努力尽职,是吧,匹

    This is very generous of you, Pip. Very generous. Now, old boy, we must try to do our duty to each other Mustn't we, Pip?


  • 结果表明晶格材料不同,空穴掺杂双层三角晶格反铁磁体积分自旋动力学具有行为

    It is shown that unlike square antiferromagnets, the integrated spin dynamics of the hole doped bilayer triangular lattice does not show particularly universal behaviors.


  • 综合考虑有益于碳钢内部质量提高

    Comprehensive consideration, low drawing speed is good to the improvement of internal quality.


  • 基于模型参考适应模糊控制李亚诺夫第二提出了一种自适应模糊控制器设计

    A new design scheme of adaptive fuzzy controller is proposed based on the model reference adaptive fuzzy control (MRAFC) and Lyapunov s second method.


  • 通过混合策略叶斯纳什均衡给出第三测试过程适用条件,采用沙参与合作可能性进行探讨

    The applicability of third-part test process is illustrated as Bayesian Nash Equilibrium of the compound strategies game model, and a discussion on cooperation possibility is made with Shapley value.


  • 位于美丽地中海,卡·里蒂·贝奥宫廷皮亚·泽塔豪华酒店岛上主要

    Located on the stunningly beautiful Mediterranean, Capri Tiberio Palace is a luxury hotel near Piazzetta, the island's main square.


  • 位于美丽地中海,卡·里蒂·贝奥宫廷皮亚·泽塔豪华酒店岛上主要

    Located on the stunningly beautiful Mediterranean, Capri Tiberio Palace is a luxury hotel near Piazzetta, the island's main square.


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