• 方式理解别人生活

    Please don't try to apprehend other's life by your own way.


  • 观众希望人性化方式理解一个反派

    The audience wants to relate to the villain in a human way.


  • 具有自我参考方式理解表征交流强烈倾向

    With reference to self the way to understand and characterization of strong tendency to communicate.


  • 而直到后来发觉方式理解父亲的一个桥梁

    Only later did I understand that this would be a bridge to understanding my father in another way.


  • 最终我们大脑演变最理想有效方式理解和反应周围世界

    As a result, our brains work out the ideal and most efficient ways to understand and respond to the world around us.


  • 最终我们大脑演变最理想有效方式理解和反应周围世界

    As a result our brains work out the ideal and most efficient ways to understand and respond to the world around us.


  • 心理学家们都知道他们可以引导某种特定的方式理解张图片

    Psychologists know that they can prime you to see the picture a certain way.


  • 还是孩子我说孩子的话,孩子的方式去理解世界。

    When I was a child, speak with a child, understood with a child.


  • 今天阿尔卑斯山开始城市化,但人们却不同方式去理解它,诸如:崇高感;

    With today's urbanization the Alpine world is perceived in different ways – as a sublime, unspoiled world of beauty, purity and innocence, the realm of freedom, a field of energy and mysticism;


  • 他们也可能类似方式理解的想法,毕竟语言不是一个完美的传递思想载体

    And they'll probably comprehend it similarly to how you imagined it. I mean language isn't really a perfect idea transmission vehicle.


  • 说明了当处于流动性陷阱中时仅仅思考货币供给需求并不能是个有效地方式理解这种困境

    That's not a bug, it's a feature; it says that when you're in a liquidity trap, thinking in terms of the supply and demand for money is just not a helpful way to approach the issues.


  • 使用思维导图会议中有效率因为全新方式理解概念以及他们之间的关系。

    Mind mapping will make you more effective during meetings because you'll be able to understand the concepts and interlink them in new ways.


  • 你们呢,你们需要摒弃,那种道德帝国主义态度,也就是,你们我们合作,不愿敞开心扉,用我们方式理解人权,从我们角度这个问题

    And you, you need not to be so ethically imperialist that you can't work with us to open up again the canon if you will of rights in the way we talk about it and to incorporate our perspectives.


  • 这里积极方法理解责任例如我们可以责任当做是坚持我们正在做事情一种方式

    There's a much more positive way to understand accountability, though: we can see accountability as a way to keep up with what we're doing.


  • 找到一种方式不是挽回时间年龄,而是承认它们将其仅仅理解绝望失败原因

    He wants to find a way to not so much redeem as affirm time and age and understand them not simply as a cause of despair or as a cause of defeat.


  • 高中数学老师KathCloud了很多时间寻找理解方式来为讲授数学,我到Cloud的班里学习之前,我一直对数学学习很痛苦,是她给了我信心,让我相信自己能够学好数学。

    My high school math teacher, Kathy Cloud, took the time to explain math to me in a way I could actually understand. I’d struggled with math until I got in Cloud’s classes.


  • 建立整个产品信息流良好理解因为可以帮助找到更好方式呈现这些信息

    Acquire a good understanding of the flow of the information throughout the product because it helps imagine better ways presenting that information.


  • 我们渴望一种全新方式感受理解反应

    We want to see, to feel, to understand, to respond in a new way.


  • 这些明星的背景或者他们思维方式他们容易理解士兵想法

    There's just something in their backgrounds or mentalities that makes it easier for them to understand the soldiers' point of view.


  • 因此,与以前机械讲话方式,以及注意他人方式不同,我们用心理解他们需要情绪选择词语语气沟通。

    Thus, instead of speaking mechanically, without really paying attention to others, we choose the words and the tone we use with care, realizing the needs and emotions that everyone lives.


  • 有效解决方式或许在于理解问题不是回避这一问题。

    A more successful remedy may lie in understanding the problem rather than evading it.


  • 自己身处城市时代有着非常深入理解而且找到了恰如其分方式表述自己这样一个特殊外部环境里生命体验

    He has a very in-depth understanding of his own time in the city, and he found a fitting way to express himself in such a special external environment of the life experience.


  • 有位读者称赞帮助自己更好地真实、更富有同情心方式去理解他人。

    One praised her for helping her better understand in "a more real and compassionate way."


  • 而“loan这个词掩盖了一点间接方式要求用户更深入的理解

    The word "loan" hints at this, but in an indirect manner that requires user interpretation.


  • 理解到Lovelock技术,1961年NASA(美国航天)邀请帮助设计探测火星生命方式

    Aware of Lovelock 's skills, NASA asked him in 1961 to help devise ways of detecting life on Mars.


  • 在下一个拐弯处也许不曾想到过冒险等你体验,希望梦想各种无法理解方式变成现实。

    There could be adventures you never imagined just waiting around the next bend and wishes and dreams just about to come true in ways you can't yet comprehend!


  • 与此同时你们试着理解地球上正在发生什么因为你们看见方式仍然还存在然而你们知道的改变正在开始显现

    Meanwhile, you try to make sense of what is happening on Earth as you see the old ways still in place, yet you hear of changes that are starting to manifest.


  • 使用这些元素时,请务必保证你理解它们语义。以错误方式使用一个语义元素远比按照原来的写法更加糟糕

    Make sure you understand the semantics of the elements you're using. It's worse to use a semantic element in a wrong way than staying neutral.


  • 使用这些元素时,请务必保证你理解它们语义。以错误方式使用一个语义元素远比按照原来的写法更加糟糕

    Make sure you understand the semantics of the elements you're using. It's worse to use a semantic element in a wrong way than staying neutral.


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