• 面,商科工程计算机的入人数在大幅上升

    On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up.


  • 计算机新闻这样的职业类课程往往注重研究,更适合在家考试

    Vocational-type classes, such as computer science or journalism, on the other hand, are often more research-oriented and lend themselves to take-home testing.


  • 面,计算机新闻这样职业课程通常偏重于研究,也便于他们在家进行测试

    Vocational type classes, such as computer science or journalism, on the other hand, are often more research oriented and lend themselves to take home testing.


  • 至于通过论据明显的论据而奏效说服正如辩证法中一归纳推理,另三段论或明显的三段论一样,在修辞也是如此

    With regard to the persuasion achieved by proof or apparent proof: just as in dialectic there is induction on the one hand and syllogism or apparent syllogism on the other, so it is in rhetoric.


  • 这位精神病专家法律诉讼不偏袒原告被告任何,如果有任何发现或决定,不管是有利于被告还是原告,都会在法庭上公布

    He or she is neither for nor against one party in alegal proceeding, and everything the expert discovers or determinesis reported in court, whether it favors the defense or prosecutionarguments.


  • 国人英语总喜欢那些文人墨客东西,押韵啦,填词啦,习语啦,这一面是因为英语的“顶层”的教授们,另一面是培养的目标翻译而不是双语应用

    The latter one, i.e. , the goal of learning English is for translation, not for bilingual use, is a problem we can change: the goal of learning English should be bilingual use.


  • 合同的授予是美国空军阿诺德工程开发中心

    The Air Force's Arnold Engineering Development Center awarded the contract.


  • 显然这种逆转录病毒基因填补了哺乳动物生物小生境但是面来说第一次感染此类病毒以前哺乳动物已经能够完美生殖了。

    Clearly, this retroviral gene fills an important niche in mammalian biology, but, on the other hand, mammals were able to reproduce perfectly well before they were first infected.


  • 有助于博物清晰度看起来不错

    It helps that natural history looks good in high-definition and in three dimensions.


  • 另一面,令人欣慰的是,提取能力储存能力的区分意味着就储存能力而言可能没有真正忘记儿时法语

    But the storage/retrieval distinction also means, consolingly, that you probably haven't really forgotten your childhood French, in terms of storage strength.


  • 老师们往往利用各种测试迫使在校努力

    On the one hand, teachers tend to make use of different kinds of testing to force students to work hard at school.


  • 另一由于人口统计数据里,增长最迅速的一类人群就是青少年人们发现这些青少年群体中的女孩所有商品来说,都一个巨大的市场衣服化妆品、夹趾拖鞋等等

    On the other hand, because one of the fastest-growing demographics was teenagers, teen girls were discovered as a market for all kinds of things: clothing, makeup, thongs, etc.


  • 首尔智囊团世宗研究院研究员认为,现在除了继续进行有关问题会谈外,别它法。

    That, argues Paik Hak Soon, a researcher at the Sejong Institute, a Seoul think tank, means that there is "no other way but to return to the six-party talks for the nuclear issue."


  • 所以增强研究的思辨性,借鉴解释陶冶史家知性悟性和善性等,都是必要应对之

    So these are indispensable solutions to improve the speculation in history study, to borrow methods from hermeneutic, and to cultivate the intellectuality, savvy and virtue of historians.


  • 因此本文根据民族文化理论物质文化、制度文化精神文化三面对彝族文化内涵特点加以探讨

    So this thesis, based on the ethnological culture theory, studies the meaning and culture of Yi Nationality, from the aspect of material culture, institutional culture and spiritual culture.


  • 鲍勃·多尔蒂:其他正在考虑买家红树林保护经济

    BOB DOUGHTY: Other groups are considering the economics of mangrove protection from the buyer's side.


  • 本文拟结合语言心理社会相关理论观点从表现成因应对探讨我国婚姻家庭夫妻话语冲突问题。

    For these reasons, combining the perspectives of linguistics, psychology and sociology, this paper explores the traits, causes and coping of couple talk's conflict in marriage and family.


  • 来自南加州生物教授史蒂夫•凯表示面来说,一旦打破我们生理节奏,可能导致忧郁、肥胖问题的产生。

    Disrupting our natural body rhythm, on the other hand, has been linked to problems such as depression and obesity, says Steve Key, a biology professor at the University of Southern California.


  • DNA计算固有超大规模并行性安全性依赖于数困难问题现代密码带来了新的挑战

    On one hand, the vast parallelism inherent in DNA computation brings new challenges to modern cryptography, which is based on hard mathematic problems.


  • 而且直到现代微生物技术出现使每一种病毒得以确认,至此这些病毒已至少分离出来

    And each had gone unrecognized until the advent of modern microbiological techniques, when the viruses could at least be isolated.


  • 道路景观生态目前国内还是一个较新的概念,作者认为领域主要包括内容道路生态影响、道路景观美评价、道路景观规划设计

    The conception of road landscape ecology is fresh in China, which mainly contains three aspects of contents: ecological effect of road, aesthetics quality assessment and landscape planning or design.


  • 经济是一面,FBI特战队贝克如何使用常规的FBI武器

    Economics talk aside, the FBI SWAT team also taught Baker how to shoot standard-issue FBI weapons.


  • 他们电视到了再校里不到东西所以我们电视又教育意义的。

    On the one hand, they learn from TV what they can't in school, so we say TV is educational.


  • 另一面,教育从其发生意义上讲,本体在于生活世界互动

    The post-modern thoughts consistent with the education noumenon belong to the living world as living world is the world of while education noumenon aims at human development.


  • 面,这些数据对于法医以及体质人类也是非常有用的。

    On the other hand, these data can be useful for forensic medicine and physical anthropology.


  • 经济做出价值论分配面是货币论这样区分认为,实在是一种错误的区分。

    The division of Economics between the Theory of Value and Distribution on the one hand and the Theory of Money on the other hand is, I think, a false division.


  • 经济做出价值论分配面是货币论这样区分认为,实在是一种错误的区分。

    The division of Economics between the Theory of Value and Distribution on the one hand and the Theory of Money on the other hand is, I think, a false division.


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