• 打开汽车方向灯,向左转弯。

    He flipped his indicator, and took a left.


  • 检查方向刹车

    I'll check the signal lights and brake lights.


  • 方向好的产生漂亮柔和阴影散的光。

    The directional light was a good choice to generate nice, smooth shadows and caustics.


  • 为了完成一步,决定使用一个目标方向作为太阳

    To accomplish this I decided to use a targeted directional light, which was used as a sun.


  • 这里没什么特别模拟天空方向模拟阳光

    Lighting Nothing special here. I used GI to simulate the sky lights, Directional light to simulate the sun light.


  • 这个功能将会自动调整角度方向基于道路驾驶条件最小化眩光

    This feature will automatically adjust the headlight Angle and direction based on road and driving conditions to minimise glare.


  • 转弯时候,自动打开方向告诉对方自己行驶路线避免撞车

    Direction of turning, it will automatically open lamp tell each other their driving route, to avoid a collision.


  • 艾凡:好的现在一下。紧急煞车这儿方向这么打,喇叭在这儿…

    Right. Now, let's see. The emergency brake is here, the turn signals work this way, here's the horn


  • 避免多于一个像素pixel Light照亮任何单一物件尽量使用方向灯

    Avoid having more than one Pixel light affecting any single object, prefer it to be a directional light.


  • 显示电路包括车头前面方向后面方向灯车内驻车

    Display circuit including the direction of headlights headlamps, front and behind the direction of the light lamp lights, fog lamps, fall in car lights, lamps, etc.


  • 听着想像正在前往颗恒星,它方向回来,赞同这一目的方向,照亮你的生活

    As you listen, imagine you are traveling to this star, bringing its light of direction back with you, and aligning your life with this light of purpose and direction.


  • 正当离开时候,又亮了,而前面的那则熄灭,这样大厅里的这盏亮那盏灭的一直快速重复着,速度越来越朝着方向延伸过来。

    As I was about to walk away, it came back on as the light in front of it flicked off. It did this in rapid succession down the hall towards me, faster and faster.


  • 海面平静他们借着来自东南方向的一阵清新和风明亮的空下航行夜空上,上帝点亮指路一个世界

    The sea was calm, and, with a fresh breeze from the south-east, they sailed beneath a bright blue sky, in which God also lighted up in turn his beacon lights, each of which is a world.


  • 这种最小带有灵活设计可以让我们方便调节方向

    Minimal lamp comes with flexible design that allows easy adjustment of the light direction.


  • 打亮指示一边看看那条车道上有没有然后方向车转另一条车道。

    I put the indicator on, looked over my shoulder to make sure the lane was clear and turned the wheel to move the car into the other lane.


  • LED可以调节亮度,会朝各个方向发光,所发光线温和光谱白炽几乎一样

    They are dimmable, create light in all directions, and display virtually the same warmth and range of colors as incandescent bulbs.


  • 如果注意到了新娘脸部光线方向就能立即看出打到了哪个方向右上方墙上

    If you look at the direction of the light on her face, you'll immediately see where I bounced the flash from - the wall to my above right.


  • 没有必要时不要使用像素-选择只有个(最好是方向)像素的光线影响几何图形

    Do not use pixel Lights when it is not necessarychoose to have only a single (preferably directional) pixel light affecting your geometry.


  • 驾驶员特别注意路旁堆积杂物50——100减速、鸣号,转向手势表示行进方向

    The driver should pay special attention to the roadside accumulation of debris, in 50-100 meters, with steering lamp unit deceleration, or gesture direction.


  • 信号允许公共交通车辆在路口直行,转左转,其它方向的车辆面对红色交通

    This allows transit vehicles to go through, turn right or left, while all conflicting traffic faces a red light.


  • 聚光方向,在圆锥体范围发射光线。它们用作手电筒真是完美汽车车头或者。它们图形处理器耗费资源的。

    Spot lights only shine in one direction, in a cone. They are perfect for flashlights, car headlights or lamp posts. They are the most expensive on the graphics processor.


  • 仁爱之风,它如同茫茫人海中的霓虹,众人观视我们之美丽图景温暖一个心扉照亮一个人小径安抚着寻不到方向萤火

    Kindly, as in a vast sea of neon lights, the view, we said is the beauty of the picture, warm each one heart, enlightens every man's path, to soothe the couldn't find the blue firefly.


  • 成功之路上必须坚持你的方向指引黑暗中的你克服路途的阻碍

    On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way.


  • 轻轻朝着驾驶员方向拉动开关控制杆这一动作,就可以使前照远光泡点亮,而不用顾及数量

    The override action occurs when a slight pull toward the driver on the switch lever providers high beam headlights regardless of the amount of light on the sensor-amplifier.


  • 轻轻朝着驾驶员方向拉动开关控制杆这一动作,就可以使前照远光泡点亮,而不用顾及数量

    The override action occurs when a slight pull toward the driver on the switch lever providers high beam headlights regardless of the amount of light on the sensor-amplifier.


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