• 前言目的观察自拟地合剂预防放射性食管炎的临床疗效

    Objective:To observe clinical effect of ShuangDi Decoction on preventing radiation esophagitis.


  • 西洋陆棋多少枚棋子

    How many pieces does each player have in backgammon?


  • 如果有一感觉很差变动可能产生了。

    If one or both of you feel bad, a change is indicated.


  • 总而言之,还要你们加入重建这个国家行列里来,重建,是美国221年来一直使用的唯一式,就是,长满老茧的,一一块砖地建,一片瓦一片瓦地盖。

    And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it's been done in America for 221 years - block by block, brick by brick, calloused hands by calloused hands.


  • 如果审判必要的,法院有权判定有一要为其配偶支付律师费赡养费子女抚养费子女监护权问题

    If a trial is necessary, the court has the authority to order one spouse to pay the other's attorney fees in alimony, child support and child custody matters.


  • 2005年战略伙伴关系确立,标志着两关系进入了一个新的阶段

    The establishment of the strategic partnership in 2005 brought our bilateral relations to a new stage.


  • 1994年停火,他们铺设了大量的管道阿塞拜疆输送

    A ceasefire came in 1994. Pipelines sprang up to ship oil and gas from Azerbaijan.


  • 缔约会议第四届会议回顾了当前以前工作计划执行情况,通过了2012-2013年度工作计划和预算。

    At its fourth session, the COP reviewed the performance of the current and previous workplans and adopted the workplan and the budget for the biennium 2012–2013.


  • 本场的第一就打了23个回合,最后穆雷正手失误结束。

    The first contained 23 strokes, ending with a mis-timed forehand by the Scot.


  • 2005年建立了气候变化伙伴关系

    As early as in 2005, the two sides established partnership on climate change.


  • 最近的怒火源于桩遗留数十年的边界争端,1962年曾为此开战之后,历经13谈判该争端仍未解决。

    The recent angry exchanges were prompted by a decades-old border dispute over which the two countries went to war in 1962, and which has proved impervious to 13 rounds of negotiations since.


  • 星期一就海峡两岸经济合作架构协议进行商谈重点讨论协议内容定于6月举办高层磋商。

    Monday's talks on the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement focused on the content of the pact ahead of higher-level negotiations which are set to take place in June.


  • 1000多人交战打死,周一同意停火重新出现相对平静

    More than 1,000 people were killed in the fighting and relative calm only returned when the two sides agreed to a cease-fire on Monday.


  • 2005年停止战斗时,我们应该发现这次非洲持续时间长久内战牺牲了250万人民的生命,另有好几百万人民流离失所。

    By the time the fighting stopped in 2005, Africa's longest civil war had cost 2.5m lives and displaced many millions more.


  • 情侣其中一单独出门这种短暂的分离,必然是留下来那个离开那个痛苦

    When one of the couple is to go off, it must be the left one who will feel more painful.


  • 为了逃避熟悉的眼睛,四来到了邻县的一家工厂临时工。

    After being released, he worked in a small factory in the neighboring country in order to avoid the familiar eyes.


  • 与其翅膀,不如给鱼池塘

    It is better to offer fish a pond than to offer them a wing.


  • 线装用连续铁丝穿过书本订口孔而成的一种活页装。

    Wire-o binding a method of loose-leaf binding in which a continuous double loop of wire runs through punched slots along the binding side of a booklet.


  • 不过面来说,有些争论互联网同时也便浪费时间而且只有电脑陪伴,会使我们现实生活隔离。 一些人可以修理最复杂的计算机,却不能修补一袜子。

    However, on the other hand, some people debate that it is also inconvenient and a waste of time as well as isolating us from real life only with the company of computers.


  • 本文第一人称叙述角度视角不可靠叙述者解析这一成长小说独特艺术魅力

    This article will analyze its artistic charm from three aspects - the first-person narrative point of view, double narrative point of view and unreliable narrator.


  • 泰比瑞亚斯一西亚努斯升很高的位置,竟至他们被称认为朋友

    With tiberius caesar sejanus had ascended to that height as they two were termed and reckoned as a pair of friends.


  • 泰比瑞亚斯一面西亚努斯很高的位置,竟至他们被称被认为朋友

    With Tiberius Caesar, Seianus had ascended to that height, as they two were termed and reckoned, as a pair of friends.


  • 先用烟气蒸发浓缩,再焚烧巧妙处理废水降低了锅炉烟尘,是低成本、低耗能废治废达标的

    Utilizing boiler waste gas for vaporization and concentration of waste water, burning of offal, the method not only deal with waste water skillfully, but also depress boiler dust efficiently.


  • 马丁望着看见硬檐帽,排扣短外衣大摇大摆肩头,他看见了那个流氓,当年

    Martin watched him and saw the stiff - rim , the square - cut , double - breasted coat and the swaggering shoulders , of the youthful hoodlum who had once been he.


  • 面,在众多的经济学文献中都一个模型解释证明所谓的“科斯定理”。

    On the other hand, multitudinous literatures explain or prove so-called Coase theorem with duopoly model.


  • 并将应用参数弹性地基动力分析中。

    This method is applied on the dynamical analysis of the Mindlin plate on two parameter elastic foundation.


  • 依据热泳基本原理设计了一新型湍流环形冷却通道

    A kind of new turbulent flow in annular square channel with two cooled wall was designed on basic thermophoresis principle.


  • 钢质体船柱,,艏升高甲板单层露天甲板,主机螺旋桨

    This vessel is made of steel, catamaran, fore raked stem, transom stern, round bilge, fore raised deck, single open deck, double main engines, double propellers, double rudders.


  • 钢质体船柱,,艏升高甲板单层露天甲板,主机螺旋桨

    This vessel is made of steel, catamaran, fore raked stem, transom stern, round bilge, fore raised deck, single open deck, double main engines, double propellers, double rudders.


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