• 我们宾朋、八友好共同开发大地丰富宝藏

    We would like to pay sincere friends Quartet P Plus friendly, County jointly develop the rich treasure of the earth.


  • 鼓励广大学生刻苦学习成为优秀人才赠予受赠友好协商,由赠予受赠设立奖学金,双当事人为明确相互之间的权利义务关系,签订本合同。

    In order to encourage the students to study hard and become the top talents, and through friendly consultation between Donor and Donee, the Donor shall set up scholarship in Donee.


  • 一种可能性使用即时消息传递客户机作为友好数据库系统界面这种系统中,参与信息交换是数据库代理不是人。

    Using an instant messaging client as a friendlier interface into database systems, where one of the parties in the exchange is a database agent rather than a human, is yet another possibility.


  • 阿济莫夫,乌珍视同中国友好合作伙伴关系

    Azimov said that Uzbekistan cherishes the friendly partnership with China.


  • 希望进一步扩大基础设施、能源电信等领域合作推动尼中友好合作关系迈上新的台阶

    The Nigerian side hopes to further expand bilateral cooperation in infrastructure construction, energy and telecommunications and push the friendly cooperative relations to a new level.


  • 一如既往地坚持对华友好一道推动领域合作不断取得成果

    Mexico will as always continue friendship with China and would like to work with it to push bilateral cooperation in all areas to continuously score new achievements.


  • 面,LTA 则非常有用友好日志界面提供一项强大的、用于多个产品服务器之间日志关联功能

    LTA, on the other hand, is a very useful and friendly interface for logs, and also provides a great log correlation feature amongst multiple products and servers.


  • 当地社区之间关系可以说友好然而任何不会忘记,一世界最大四条腿捕食者

    The relationship between the local community and the bears could be described as being amicable, however neither party forget that one is the world's largest four-legged predator.


  • 高度重视对华关系希望兄弟般的友好合作关系不断得到加强。

    Sierra Leone attaches great importance to relations with China and hopes that this fraternal relationship of friendly cooperation will be strengthened.


  • 感谢提供的友好援助希望不断扩大深化国人民间的传统友谊合作

    The DPRK thanks China for its friendly assistance and expects to continuously expand and deepen the traditional friendship and cooperation between the two peoples.


  • 表示作为媒体继续积极致力于尼中友好促进国人民之间了解友谊合作

    The Nepalese side said that as Nepal's official Media, they would commit to Nepal-China friendship and promote understanding, friendship and cooperation of the two peoples.


  • 高度重视朝中关系两国友好合作关系取得成果感到高兴

    The DPRK attaches great importance to bilateral relations and is delighted with the achievements in their friendly cooperation.


  • 这项报告结论偏向于需求计划,它鼓励人们做出环境友好决定

    The conclusion of the report is that more demand-side schemes to encourage people to make environmentally-friendly decisions for themselves are needed.


  • 同中共同努力,不断巩固加强传统友谊不断扩大领域友好合作

    The DPRK will work with China to continuously consolidate and reinforce the traditional friendship between the two countries and expand the bilateral friendly cooperation in all fields.


  • 泰国吉祥物名为“小阿泰”,是一个可爱友好欢快的“小巨人”。 他场馆入口处欢迎来客

    The pavilion's mascot "Tai" - a cute, friendly and cheerful child-giantwill welcome visitors at the entrance.


  • 主持人身着奥斯卡奇异的服装吟唱小曲,阻扰,最不友好谈判颁发一二三等奖。

    Presenters wear Oscar-style fancy dress, sing a little ditty, and give third-, second- and first-prize awards for the most obstructionist, climate-unfriendly negotiating position.


  • 一道,进一步加强领域交流合作推动中传统友好关系不断迈上新的台阶。

    Sri Lanka is willing to join hands with China to further the exchange and cooperation in every sector and promote the long-term friendly relations between China and Sri Lanka.


  • 中国共同努力,把友好合作关系不断提高水平

    China would like to work with Uzbekistan to continuously promote the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries to a new level.


  • 虽然人们的注意力大多集中美国友好行为上,利比亚反应不容小觑

    Though attention has focused on America's hostile reaction, the Libyan view is also striking.


  • 中国共同努力加强往来扩大合作,把两国友好合作关系推向新的水平

    China stands ready to make concerted efforts with Jordan to step up contacts and augment cooperation with a view to boosting bilateral friendly relations and cooperation to a new high.


  • 我们以前过,只是鉴于长期友好关系,我们才给照顾

    As we said previously, it is only in view of our long friendly relations that we extend you this accommodation.


  • 为了我们友好关系可以接受价格不过提前交货

    For our good relationship, we may accept your price, but you should make earlier shipment.


  • 聘用外籍教师本着友好合作精神,同意签定合同保证认真履行合同约定的各项义务。

    The Employer and the Foreign Teacher, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to all the obligations stipulated in it.


  • 面,爱尔兰戈尔韦被评为了世界上友好城市游客为“他们遇到过的最友好”的故乡

    Galway in Ireland, on the other hand, was classed as the friendliest city in the world with visitors saying it was home to the "friendliest people they had every met".


  • 网络世界里情况不断变化并且目标可以不同国家计算机服务器包括友好的一

    Conditions constantly shift in cyberspace, and the targets can include computer servers in different countries, including friendly ones.


  • 网络世界里情况不断变化并且目标可以不同国家计算机服务器包括友好的一

    Conditions constantly shift in cyberspace, and the targets can include computer servers in different countries, including friendly ones.


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