• 招标方利弗莫/桑迪亚实验室设计模拟肯定完善可以再造先前试验称为“测试未来”的高招)。

    The models involved in the winning Livermore/Sandia bid are certainly good enough to recreate the results of earlier tests (a trick known ashindcasting”).


  • 不能解释为什么个由父母决定手的物种中,后代具有相同遗传倾向时,他们并非完全左撇子。

    Nor does it explain why, in a species where one parent determines handedness, a brood is not exclusively right or left-handed when the offspring would have the same genetic predisposition.


  • 不能解释为什么个由父母决定手的物种中,后代具有相同遗传倾向时,他们并非完全是右撇子或左撇子

    Nor does it explain why, in a species where one parent determines handedness, a brood is not exclusively right-or left-handed when the offspring would have the same genetic predisposition.


  • 西蒂(莎莉说):我想要说这个可能是个巨大的错误如同爸爸的那样,但是也许……也许拯救我的生命或者别的什么

    Felicity (to Sally) : I guess what I'm saying is this might all be a colossal mistake, as my dad would say, but on the other hand it may... maybe it'll save my life or something.


  • 支持哪一

    Larry: Who do you support?


  • 古老观点认为段关系中,女人通常是容易被套牢的一

    It may be an old notion that women are the ones who get attached in a relationship, Reilly says.


  • 认为欧洲只有有所作为之处才有裨益欧盟特定政策服务的工具是否合而为取决于这些政策能否奏效

    The other says that Europe is only good for what it can do; the EU is an instrument for specific policies and whether it is a net plus depends on whether the policies work.


  • 面,同样轻而易举漫不经心地谈论奥尔巴赫、登、特瓦克所有篮球教练的相关情况。

    On the other hand, I could toss around the philosophy of Auerbach, Wooden, and Litwack, basketball coaches all, with equally astonishing ease.


  • 面,那些学习了布拉德分娩法课程许多女人在没有药物帮助下成功分娩出了婴儿。

    On the other hand women who've taken Bradley classes swear by them and many have successfully delivered without drugs.


  • 面,那些学习了布拉德分娩法课程许多女人没有药物帮助成功分娩出了婴儿。

    On the other hand, women who've taken Bradley classes swear by them and many have successfully delivered without drugs.


  • 混合型公司支持者长期争论他们能获得因素:公共部门安全性私营部门的勇为。

    Their supporters have long argued that they enjoy the best of both worlds: the security of the public sector and the derring-do of the private sector.


  • 鼓励蒙特议定书》各缔约继续推进模式探求应对其他环境挑战特别是气候变化协同增效。

    I encourage Parties to the Montreal Protocol to continue to build on this model and to explore synergies that could help to address other environmental challenges, especially climate change.


  • 但是由于各国全球合规情况良好,《蒙特议定书》缔约这些有害化学品生产和消耗量减少了98%以上。

    Yet, as a result of strong national and global compliance, Parties to the Montreal Protocol have cut production and consumption of these harmful chemicals by more than 98 per cent.


  • 如果《蒙特尔议定书》各缔约集体单独建立强有力治理合规架构议定书无法取得如此巨大成就的。

    The Montreal Protocol could not have delivered such profound achievements without robust governance and compliance structures put in place by its Parties, both collectively and individually.


  • 而出版商一康诺那样,通过评判好奇选择出版哪个书稿

    The point of publishers is not, as Connolly implies, about employing "judgments or whims" to choose which manuscripts to publish.


  • 几个盟友已经叛变

    Several of his old allies had defected to Mr Rajoelina’s camp.


  • 成为党可望成功人各式各样----可能成为几十年来保守党吸纳最多议会会员的浪潮----这只是问题的

    The diversity of Tory hopefulsthere is likely to be the biggest influx of new Conservative MPs in decadesis one thing.


  • 因为当时正值第67届博览会筹划阶段,此届世博主办蒙特为举办展览竟然修建了岛屿

    That’s because it was during the planning stages of Expo 67, the world exposition for which the City of Montreal more or less built new islands upon which to stage the exposition.


  • 面,蒙特自行车分享系统拥有成熟的技术;另一面,我们城市直接签订合同

    Public Bike System created a better technology. And we have direct contracts with the cities.


  • 克劳提供了很多热衷于(Fours quare)企业案例但是很多企业主对此感到讨厌,甚至抱着敌对的态度。

    Crowley offers examples of businesses that love Foursquare, but there are plenty of business owners who are annoyed by or hostile to it as well.


  • 与此同时印度可口可乐公司总裁帕克·(Deepak Jolly)先生认为伙伴关系模式要求一个项目不同阶段,不同的益相关大量买进

    Meanwhile, the Vice President of Coca Cola in India, Mr. Deepak Jolly said that partnership models required a lot of buy-in from the different stakeholders at different stages of a project.


  • 这部影片酝酿甚银幕,构想源自已故制作人斯坦·库布里克18年前灵感。

    The film has had a long journey to the screen, starting as a conception of the late director Stanley Kubrick eighteen years ago.


  • 作为汽车发烧友开着辆奔驰车每年都远印第安纳波观看F1程序大赛

    A car enthusiast, he drove a Mercedes and made an annual pilgrimage to Indianapolis to watch Formula 1 RACES.


  • 一类贷款共有1110亿美元,借款主要是下面银行:花旗集团(Citigroup)()、美国银行(Bankof America)(次)摩根士丹(Morgan Stanley)(次)。

    There were $111 billion of loans in the group, made to three borrowers: Citigroup (C) (five times), Bank of America (BAC) (four times) and Morgan Stanley (MS) (once).


  • 这个研发中心耗资5000万欧元,面积达到3万平米,最初雇佣450名产品市场研究人员,联合全球六大研发中心之一

    It is one of six such facilities Unilever has globally, and it will initially employ 450 product and market researchers.


  • 只需30的时间就可以把马克位于明尼阿波西北部面积为700平英尺(约合65平米)的看个够。

    It only takes about 30 seconds to tour Mark's 700sq ft home in north-west Minneapolis.


  • 得到唯一给出爱,因为我们给出的最终会回到自己身上。”——莱斯特·文森

    "The only method of receiving love is to give love, because what we give out must come back." — Lester Levenson.


  • 得到唯一给出爱,因为我们给出的最终会回到自己身上。”——莱斯特·文森

    "The only method of receiving love is to give love, because what we give out must come back." — Lester Levenson.


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