• 如果老板知道寻找一份新的工作那么百计这件事公之于

    If your boss knows you're on the lookout for a new job, then by all means let it be known.


  • 面,约翰逊如果有人必须服从上帝神高高在上,这些坏人坏事会减少毕竟,惩罚执行者不过就是一个义务警员,替天行道,只是执行上帝法律而已

    On the other hand, Johnson says, if there are Gods or a God who must be obeyed, these strains are reduced. After all, the punisher isn't a vigilante; he's simply enforcing God's law.


  • 一起对成果进行评估后此次迭代结束并且我们通过回顾能够懂得如何在下一个迭代中过程进行改进

    The iteration ends with an assessment (with stakeholders) of what was built, and a retrospective to understand how to improve the process for next iteration.


  • 亚多尼雅所请的筵宴毕,听见声音。

    Adonijah and all the guests who were with him heard it as they were finishing their feast.


  • 德赛尔论文中作了解释,另一宾塞在实地气候网站上以《“云层辐射说”的回应为题对此作了批判正一反拍成了题为《长处》《短处》两个视频,以期解释

    Dessler has amplified on his paper, and Spencer's critique, on RealClimate.org in a piece titled "Feedback on Cloud Feedback" and has created two videos, one short and one long, that explain the work.


  • 不过另外面,失利告诉火箭将,有些事情他们可以做得很好

    But it also should have revealed to the Rockets some of the things they are still capable of doing.


  • 商签多边协定签约将把大部分公共部门资助研究成果公之于或者寻求其他办法最小的成本分享一成果。

    To negotiate a multilateral agreement where signatories would place into the public domain, or find other means of sharing at modest cost, the results of largely publicly funded research.


  • 签署多边协定,签约将大部分公共部门资助研究成果公之于或者寻求其他办法以最小的成本分享这一成果

    A multilateral agreement where signatories would place into the public domain, or find other means of sharing at modest cost, the results of largely publicly funded research.


  • 在于。利之本,必。——海权

    For countries, lies in the trace. Trace, can learn German.


  • 因为甚至对于全人类而言强力东东征服万一心希腊,那些然而甚至之前意识到他们共同的东东的人,很难事情

    For, on one hand, even for the whole mankind prevailing Hellas being of the same mind, who, however, even before was in his awareness of his identical things, by strong force is difficult things.


  • 举目向四观看人都聚集来到这里。你的,你的怀抱而来。

    Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side.


  • 湖水清冽甘甜水草丰茂野鸟翔集、水产品极为丰富纵湖”清水大闸蟹闻名四海食客慕名而来者

    Lake Qinglie sweet, lush plants, birds Elique, aquatic extremely rich, especially the "big lake vertical card" universally known for clean water crabs, Octagon patrons were very admiring public.


  • 这次黄帝劳师动出访目的无非是高人,请教一些治国

    The purpose for which Yellow Empire took many attendants to visit there was nothing but to find a wise man to consult about governance.


  • 对于今天这场期待对局,斯普雷维尔表示希望乔丹一如既往地奋战一个对抗强敌机会

    It is for this today, look forward to the game, Sprewell on the one hand, as always, Jordan expressed the hope that the fighting and give him a chance to confront the enemy;


  • 60年代曾师从长安画派创始人石鲁蔡鹤汀、刘文西等研习中国画

    In the 60s, he studied Chinese painting from Shilu, Fang Jizhong, Cai Heting, Liu Wenxi, who were the initiators of Changan Painting Circle.


  • 60年代曾师从长安画派创始人石鲁蔡鹤汀、刘文西等研习中国画

    In the 60s, he studied Chinese painting from Shilu, Fang Jizhong, Cai Heting, Liu Wenxi, who were the initiators of Changan Painting Circle.


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