• 桑迪原型太阳能采集器20(215英尺面积用于啤酒大小反应堆

    The Sandia prototype's solar collector has an area of about 20 square meters (215 square feet) for a reactor the size of a beer keg.


  • 面,"持股"意味着悠闲自由维多利后期许多人把这种有钱有闲生活视为伟大文明最高目标

    On the other hand "shareholding" meant leisure and freedom which was used by many of the later Victorians for the highest purpose of a great civilisation.


  • 面,知道戴丽就是帮助我,内心深处,我总是需要这么多的照顾思想上感到不安。

    I knew on one level that Dahlia loved me and just wanted to help, but always in the back of my mind I was inwardly embarrassed about needing so much care.


  • 尽管先生赞同低成本商业模式其中还是“钦佩对手们的。

    Although Mr Goyal does not think much of the low-cost business model, he admires his rivals in one way.


  • 这些问题由于澳大利经济分化造成

    In part, the problems are a result of Australia's split economy.


  • 面,委内瑞拉哥伦比墨西哥这些国家主要出口品石油

    On the other, the primary exports of countries such as Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico are fossil fuels.


  • 不过门口去的时候,他看到了那个大块头在向招手脸上挂着一丝暧昧的神态。克斯没有拒绝

    But as he pressed toward the door he saw the larger gangster waving to him, a leer on his square face, and Kostya did not resist.


  • 桑迪原型中太阳能采集器总面积约为20(215英尺),每个反应堆大小啤酒桶差不多。

    The Sandia prototype's solar collector has an area of about 20 square meters (215 square feet) for a reactor the size of a beer keg, Stechel says.


  • 面,极为一般洲人乘船到了澳大利海岸时,他们受到的则是冷遇。

    When boatloads of much more ordinary Asians approach the shores of Australia, on the other hand, they are received coolly.


  • 众人唱歌赞美的时候,耶和华就派伏兵击杀来攻击犹大人,摩押人,西山人,他们打败了。

    As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.


  • 铁矿石来说,中国最大供应-澳大利印度-已经无法满足其迅速增长需求

    Take iron ore. China's biggest suppliers-australia and india-have been unable to cope with the surge in demand.


  • 智利日本澳大利越南欧共体保留他们第三权力

    Chile, Japan, Australia, Viet Nam and the EC reserved their third party rights.


  • 吉欧主办寄希望于过去年里五个城市进行培训

    The Diageo initiative will build on training already delivered across five cities in the past two years.


  • 蒙古离中国莫桑比克则可以加入澳大利南非哥伦比共同成为一个大的出口

    Mongolia, which is also handily close to China, and Mozambique could join Australia, South Africa and Colombia as big exporters.


  • 43岁澳大利超模埃尔·麦成熟的韵味排第七

    Australian supermodel Elle Macpherson, 43, flies the flag for the more mature woman in seventh place.


  • 否则就像尔劳斯加士顿一样,双都会认为希望(或多负责然后什么事都不发生

    Otherwise, like Alphonse and Gaston, each recipient will think (or will hope) that the other recipient(s) are responsible, and nothing will happen.


  • 面,非洲生活成本最低的城市是博茨瓦纳首都嘉柏隆里、纳米比首都温特克、乌干达首都坎帕拉和埃塞俄比首都的斯贝巴

    On the other hand, the cheapest African cities to live in are Gabrone in Botswana, Windhoek in Namibia, Kampala in Uganda and Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. The full report is available here.


  • 次日,会议主办澳大利国立大学为表演对与会者造成所有冒犯行为发表了一道歉声明

    The Australian National University, which organized the conference, issued a statement the next day apologizing for any offense caused.


  • 面,莫纳测量二氧化碳问题似乎在于活火山

    On the other hand, there would seem to be a major problem with measuring carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa: the mountain is an active volcano.


  • 我们邀请其它合作加入以便不断成长使澳大利新西兰IT业界从中受益。

    We invite other partners to join so that we can grow this and make it available to the entire it industry in Australia and New Zealand to start with.


  • 即便如此由于面变化所致,澳大利还是一次为发觉自己孤立无援而忧心忡忡。

    Even so, Australia is once again feeling nervous about finding itself alone, prompted by three changes.


  • 招标胜利弗莫/桑迪实验室设计模拟肯定完善可以再造先前试验称为“测试未来”的高招)。

    The models involved in the winning Livermore/Sandia bid are certainly good enough to recreate the results of earlier tests (a trick known ashindcasting”).


  • 会议正式接纳俄罗斯澳大利新西兰加入,会议将扩大至48

    The eighth ASEM will officially absorb Russia, Australia and New Zealand and as a result will have a total number of 48 participating parties.


  • 尼雅所请的筵宴毕,听见声音。

    Adonijah and all the guests who were with him heard it as they were finishing their feast.


  • 面,英国航空公司(BA拥有伊比利10%股份对另外30%股份的优先取舍,凭借这些,英国航空公司可以阻碍得克萨斯太平洋集团的收购或者之合作,或者索性自己自行收购。

    British Airways (BA), which already owns 10% of Iberia and has right of first refusal on another 30%, could stymie progress, join forces with TPG, or mount a bid of its own.


  • 面,英国航空公司(BA拥有伊比利10%股份对另外30%股份的优先取舍,凭借这些,英国航空公司可以阻碍得克萨斯太平洋集团的收购或者之合作,或者索性自己自行收购。

    British Airways (BA), which already owns 10% of Iberia and has right of first refusal on another 30%, could stymie progress, join forces with TPG, or mount a bid of its own.


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