• 新阳光玻璃厂成立于1995年,专业从事手表镜片手机镜片,MP 3,MP 4镜片的生产厂家

    Sunshine of the new glass factory, established in 1995, is specialized in family watches lens, lens mobile phone, MP3, MP4 lens manufacturer.


  • 室内空间拥挤,使住户们不得不经常将临时的简易橱柜塞满整个院子,这使得过去空气新阳光充足的庭院顿时变成了一个拥挤的养殖场。

    Starved for space, the new residents often filled the courtyards with makeshift kitchens and sheds, transforming what had been airy, light-filled spaces into a suffocating warren of rooms.


  • 夏天树叶绿色的,因为它们富含叶绿素这种捕捉阳光分子可以将这些能量转化为树木生长材料

    Summer leaves are green because they are full of chlorophyll, the molecule that captures sunlight converts that energy into new building materials for the tree.


  • 阳光下找到一个地方来晾干它的壳和翅膀。

    The cicada finds a place in the sun to dry its new shell and wings.


  • 种子合适土壤表面时,植物就会在那里生长,由于它们体型不大,它们无法其他植物竞争空间水分阳光

    A new plant will spring up wherever a seed falls on a suitable soil surface, but because they do not build big bodies, they cannot compete with other plants for space, water, or sunlight.


  • 研究同样表明,那些突然发生1型糖尿病案例大多出现冬季,由于与夏季相比周围阳光照射较少

    Studies have also shown that new cases of type 1 diabetes crop up more often in winter, when there is less sunshine all around, than in summer.


  • 无论是诞生的、抑或是从昏死般沉睡中醒来的爱情产生一种阳光,将内心充满,并洋溢,喷薄外界

    Love, whether newly born, or aroused from a death-like slumber, must always create a sunshine, filling the heart so full of radiance, that it overflows upon the outward world.


  • 事实上行星可能会接收火星同等数量阳光意味着即使一个固体表面这个世界过于寒冷而不能支持生命的存在。

    In fact, the new planet likely receives about the same amount of sunshine as Mars, which means that, even if it had a solid surface, the world would be far too cold to support life.


  • 里根年代许下的那个打磨得熠熠生辉、阳光般照亮千年金色愿望,现在变成肮脏黄色了。

    The promised gold of the Reagan years, burnished to a shine in the new millennium, has turned a grimy yellow.


  • 也就是说一定程度上阳光照射所造成损害咖啡因消减并让健康细胞代替原来的位置。

    In other words, the damage that is accrued from previous sunburns can actually be undone to a certain extent by caffeine, allowing new and healthy cells to take their place.


  • 窗外看见阳光开始温暖一天

    Looking out the window, I see the sunshine beginning to warm a new day.


  • 植物学家》杂志一个研究证实园艺工人理念某些叶面水珠聚焦阳光使叶面灼伤。

    A study in the journal New Phytologist confirms the gardener's belief that droplets of water resting on some types of leaves can focus sunlight until the plant's surface actually burns.


  • 叶绿素作为色素植物藻类细菌都利用此色素通过光合作用阳光获取能量。 现在研究人员可能已经发现了一种叶绿素分子。

    Researchers may have found a new form of chlorophyll, the pigment that plants, algae and cyanobacteria use to obtain energy from light through photosynthesis.


  • 阳光活动、社交缺少组合构成了可能造成冬季抑郁的元凶”斯科舍省雅茅斯心理学家MarkPottie

    “It’s a combination of lack of sunlight, less activity, and lesssocializing that is probably most responsible, ” says Mark Pottier, apsychologist in Yarmouth, N.S.


  • 谢菲尔德大学一项研究表明阳光身体雄性雌性豆娘有吸引力

    Male damselflies that have warmed their bodies in the sun are more attractive to their female counterparts, according to a new study by researchers from the University of Sheffield.


  • 但是美国皮肤病学会(the American Academy of Dermatology)发布的调查显示没有获得这个信息女性多半会错误地认为日光浴天然阳光安全

    But a new survey by the American Academy of Dermatology suggests the message isn't reaching female tanners who might falsely believe that tanning beds are safer than natural sunlight.


  • 随后,他们俩牵着手,举国上下欢呼声中,走进了一个世界,一个充满了歌声鲜花,充满了阳光爱情的世界。

    Then, with the cheers of the kingdom , the two, hand in hand, walked into a new world-a world of songs and flower, of sunshine and love.


  • 一个地方探险沐浴阳光尝试一家饭店,这些都增进你们之间感情

    Exploring a new location, soaking up the sun, and trying new restaurants can help you further the bond of your relationship.


  • 德国阳光蓄电池安装完毕后一般要进行一次较长时间充电,充电说明书中的规定进行,待电池组充电完毕后后。

    New German battery sunshine after installed, typically for a long time of charging, charging needs to be done, as stated in the prospectus, battery charging is completed.


  • 法国斯特拉斯堡艺术建筑阁楼空间最近转化为一座充满阳光公寓

    The loft space of an art nouveau building in Strasbourg, France has been converted into this light-filled two-storey apartment.


  • 美国国家航空航天局拍摄照图他们表示这些照片说明太阳磁场我们想象中的更加汹涌,富有变化。

    NASA is offering new glimpses of the sun. It says these pictures prove that the sun's magnetic field is much more turbulent and dynamic than previously known.


  • 拆除这个屋顶创建了一个遮蔽双重高度空间阳光进入房子楼上能看到花园的美丽景色

    Dismantling this roof also produced a sheltered double-height space that allows daylight to reach the new house and provides views of the garden from the upper floor.


  • 1984年,一个特别的技术,太阳能能源系统实现阳光能源效率百分之29.4。

    In 1984, a particular new solar energy system achieved a sunlight-to-energy efficiency rate of 29.4 per cent.


  • 1984年,一个特别的技术,太阳能能源系统实现阳光能源效率百分之29.4。

    In 1984, a particular new solar energy system achieved a sunlight-to-energy efficiency rate of 29.4 per cent.


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