• 抵达新西兰之前如何申请一个新西兰银行的留学专用帐户

    How can I apply for a New Zealand bank account before I go to New Zealand?


  • 新西兰银行中国银联签订协议,银联用户可以新西兰自动取款机办理业务。

    The Bank of New Zealand has signed a contract with China Union Pay stipulating that customers can use their Union Pay CARDS in ATM's in New Zealand.


  • 澳新银行(澳大利亚新西兰银行集团有限公司)拥有超过179傲人历史我们应时所需,应变。

    ANZ (Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited) has a history that we can be proud of. For 179 years, we have evolved and adapted to the needs of The Times.


  • 澳新银行(澳大利亚新西兰银行集团有限公司)拥有超过180傲人历史我们应时所需,应变。

    ANZ Z (Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited) has a history that we can be proud of. For 180 years, we have evolved and adapted to the needs of The Times.


  • 如果申请获得批准帐户下的部分资金往特定新西兰教育机构用以支付学费,部分将被汇至学生新西兰银行开设的个人账户作为生活费

    If the application is approved the funds will then be transferred to the New Zealand education provider to cover the tuition payment and to a New Zealand bank to cover the living costs of the student.


  • 该国经济可能处于进入衰退第五个季度加拿大皇家银行认为新西兰央行逼不得已可能也会诉诸外汇干预

    The economy is probably in its fifth quarter of recession and the Royal bank of Canada thinks the New Zealand central bank may have to resort to foreign-exchange intervention.


  • 澳大利亚新西兰最大消费国供应国投资国也是最大银行物主

    NEW ZEALAND's biggest customer, supplier and investor is Australia, which is also the owner of its biggest Banks.


  • 新西兰储备银行1998年以来一直发布利率预测

    The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has been publishing interest-rate forecasts since 1998.


  • 目前新西兰银行没有一家达到这种门槛由于长期借贷费用较高,央行预计借贷成本增加10 - 20个基点

    None of the big new Zealand Banks currently meets the new threshold, and because longer-term borrowing is dearer, the central bank expects lending costs to increase by 10-20 basis points.


  • 我想也许许多可以让我们抱以此态度的理由:新西兰失业率非常,确切地说是3.9%;而且尽管我们已处于经济衰退且银行借贷情况有所紧缩,但到目前为止并没有大量工作机会损失的情况发生。

    Unemployment is very low in New Zealand - 3.9% in fact - and even though we are in recession and lending by Banks has tightened there haven't been massive job losses yet.


  • 新西兰储备银行1998年起就开始公布利率预测挪威央行2005年开始预测3年内利率

    The Reserve bank of New Zealand has been publishing interest-rate forecasts since 1998. In 2005 Norges bank, the Norwegian central bank, began projecting rates three years ahead.


  • 比如美国银行借记卡澳大利亚新西兰西太银行以及波兰弗罗茨瓦夫的德意志银行收取提现费用

    For example, with my bank of America ATM card I get fee free ATM withdrawals from any Westpac bank in Australia or New Zealand or Deutsche bank here in Wroclaw, Poland.


  • 新西兰储备银行自1998年以来一直发布利率预测

    The reserve bank of New Zealand has been publishing interest-rate forecasts since1998.


  • 新西兰哪家银行可以取款

    Which Banks in New Zealand can I withdraw my money from?


  • 去年10月,新西兰储备银行发行新版5元和10钞票作为“更明亮钱币系列一部分

    The Reserve Bank of New Zealand released the new $5 and $10 notes in October as part of its Brighter Money range.


  • 向给签发签证新西兰移民局办公室申请毕业或结业确认函,然后移民局签发的确认函中国留学专用账户申请银行办理取款

    You need a certificate confirming this, which you must apply for from the INZ branch that issued your visa. You can then take the certificate to the bank in China to arrange a refund.


  • 加盟Booz,Allen之前拉森先生业务遍及澳大利亚新西兰全国互惠集团”(属于AXA一部分)属下保险银行部门担任各种职位。

    Prior to working with Booz, Allen, Mr. Larsen worked in variety positions within the Insurance and Banking operations of the National Mutual Group in Australia and New Zealand (now part of AXA).


  • 约翰·基于二十世纪八十年代中期开始投资银行职业生涯,他曾在新西兰本地和美国投资银行美林银行的新加坡、伦敦悉尼分行工作。

    John launched his investment banking career in New Zealand in the mid-1980s, working in New Zealand, Singapore, London, and Sydney for United States investment banking firm Merrill Lynch.


  • 所以尽管一旦澳大利亚储备银行提高利率新西兰储备银行降低利率,新西兰澳大利亚的赤字很危险我们仍然期待澳元超过新西兰元。

    So although the deficits in New Zealand and Australia are both perilous if the RBA raise rates later this year and the RBNZ cut, then we would expect the AUD to out-perform the NZD.


  • 所以尽管一旦澳大利亚储备银行提高利率新西兰储备银行降低利率,新西兰澳大利亚的赤字很危险我们仍然期待澳元超过新西兰元。

    So although the deficits in New Zealand and Australia are both perilous if the RBA raise rates later this year and the RBNZ cut, then we would expect the AUD to out-perform the NZD.


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