• 长成新株生出块茎

    The buds grow into new plants which produce new tubers.


  • 增殖性繁殖长成鳞茎。

    The new plant forms new bulbs in vegetative reproduction.


  • 中龄植很强,能不断生长

    Middle-aged indivedual is of strong ability of generation and gradually produce new one from mother individual.


  • 通过冷藏,对果实品质的指标进行测定,以评价新株果实的贮藏性。

    The internal quality were measured during the cold storage to evaluate the storability.


  • 逆转录病毒具有挑战性治疗因为他们迅速改变(突变)病毒

    Retroviruses are challenging to treat as they can rapidly alter (mutate) into new strains of virus.


  • 种子合适土壤表面时,植物就会在那里生长,由于它们体型不大,它们无法其他植物竞争空间水分阳光

    A new plant will spring up wherever a seed falls on a suitable soil surface, but because they do not build big bodies, they cannot compete with other plants for space, water, or sunlight.


  • 即使感染时候感冒病毒也会发生变异而且病毒经常出现,以至于制药商研制出针对其中一种变异疫苗血清已经过时了

    Colds mutate even while they're infecting you, and new strains pop up so often that by the time drug-makers create a vaccine against one variation, the serum is already out of date.


  • 突变产生核糖霉素的同时基本产生霉胺。

    This mutant produces ribostamycin, but almost no neamine is produced.


  • 但是他们补充道不能排除如下的可能性:这种产生于黑猩猩身上,然后传播给大猩猩然后传给了人类或者黑猩猩直接传播给了大猩猩以及人类。

    But they added they cannot rule out the possibility that the new strain arose in chimpanzees and moved into gorillas and then humans, or moved directly from chimpanzees to both gorillas and humans.


  • 荷兰设法植物带回阿姆斯特丹印尼殖民地因此欧洲很快就有了更便宜咖啡豆来源

    The Dutch also managed to get a plant back to Amsterdam and to their colonies in Indonesia, so Europe soon had new cheaper sources for their beans.


  • 发明的接穗方法这种方法可以南瓜能量食物转移一个果实上

    He has invented a grafting technique, for instance, that pushes the food and energy of two pumpkin plants into a single fruit.


  • 今天我们知道具有流行强大潜力病毒即H1N1病毒世界上一边另一个来源产生。

    Today, we know that a virus with great pandemic potential, the new strain of the H1N1 virus, has emerged from another source on another side of the world.


  • 因此,确认那些可以消化纤维素的基因,然后修改重组这些基因形成代谢途径就可以生成一些系统能够消化植物,并转化乙醇

    Identifying the genes for the enzymes that do this, modifying them and assembling them into new pathways would produce systems that could digest the whole plant and turn it into ethanol.


  • 这项研究表明一个典型寒冷季节多个流通传播重组合可能会导致迅速出现

    The study demonstrated that in a typical cold season, when many strains are circulating, recombination could cause new strains to emerge rapidly.


  • 2001年,乔治·布什颁发命令,禁止联邦资金支持胚胎细胞研究,这实际上是一种妥协意味着科学家们只能业已产生胚胎干细胞进行研究。

    In 2001 George Bush issued a ban on federal funding of research on new embryonic stem-cell lines-a compromise that meant that scientists could only work with cells from the batches they already had.


  • 证实几乎世界每一国家地区暴发H1N1病毒感染疫情,这些疫情显著不同季节性流感

    The outbreaks of infection with the new H1N1 virus, which have been confirmed in virtually every country and territory in the world, differ from seasonal influenza in distinct ways.


  • 因为小鸡禽流感病毒传播人类他们潜在流行病来源

    "Because chickens can transmit some ai strains to humans, they are a potential source for new pandemic strains," said Tiley.


  • 目前流行的一些H5N 1这些M2抑制剂完全耐药性然而如果病毒通过重组出现,M2抑制剂可能有效的。

    Some currently circulating H5N1 strains are fully resistant to these the M2 inhibitors. However, should a new virus emerge through reassortment, the M2 inhibitors might be effective.


  • 卫组织指出墨西哥感染病例中已有18证实感染H1N1型猪流感病毒一个

    The WHO said the virus from 18 of the Mexican patients was the same genetically as a new strain of swine flu, H1N1.


  • 当时,H1N1病毒不在视野之内也未文件中提及

    The new H1N1 virus was neither on the horizon at that time nor mentioned in the document.


  • 我们注意到,最近出现H5N1型禽流感可能导致目前使用的疫苗无法充分保护禽类不受疾病的侵染。

    We have also observed that new H5N1 avian influenza virus strains have recently emerged creating the possibility that vaccines currently in use may not be fully protecting poultry against the disease.


  • 然而,当今年初口蹄疫病毒突现再度经历了考验

    But it was put to the test earlier this year when the new FMD strain cropped up.


  • 古斯塔沃·帕拉西奥斯正在对种刚一只西班牙蝙蝠发现埃博拉病毒进行基因测序。——这是个令人不安的消息,因为这种病毒以往只在非洲地区发现过。

    Gustavo Palacios was sequencing the genes from a new strain of Ebola virus found in a bat in Spain - a worrisome development, since the fatal virus has almost never been found outside Africa.


  • 称为“流感”病毒一种甲型H1N 1流感病毒墨西哥感染死亡人数最多

    Mexico has the highest number of deaths and infections of the flu, which is caused by a new strain of the influenza a H1N1 virus.


  • 由于人们缺乏免疫力流感流行会对包括年轻人群在内更广泛人群产生甚至更大的影响3,4。

    Influenza pandemics can have an even bigger impact in the wider population, including younger age groups, because of a lack of population immunity to the new strain.


  • 由于人们缺乏免疫力流感流行会对包括年轻人群在内更广泛人群产生甚至更大的影响3,4。

    Influenza pandemics can have an even bigger impact in the wider population, including younger age groups, because of a lack of population immunity to the new strain.


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