• 研究表明人工如何从一个人的话语中了解其孤独的程度。

    A new study shows how AI can know the degrees of loneliness from a person's words.


  • 接近董事会的人士星期四透漏,现在可以90%的肯定将由华组成高管团队

    One person close to the board said on Thursday it was now 90 per cent certain Mr Flint and Mr Gulliver would be the new top team.


  • 岁的平山之说:“希望自己在的一用功、聪明。”他用“晴空万里这个成语表达自己的年愿望。

    "I want to study harder and become more intelligent this year," said eight-year-old Tomoyuki Hirayama, whose vows were represented by the phrase "Clear blue skies.


  • 然而富国经合组织波士顿咨询集团发布的统计数据表明本土力量塑造全球的“综合网络”。

    Yet new statistics from the OECD, a rich-country think-tank, and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) show that the globalnetwork of networks” is shaped by local forces.


  • 保守党库”进行,对处于目标席位上的候选人调查显示出相当传统观点,该库是致力于说明保守党党内工作一个研究团体

    Surveys of candidates in target seats by Conservative Intelligence, a new research group devoted to illuminating the inner workings of the party, reveal quite traditional views.


  • 但是美国大西洋理事会彼得。法姆认为这样政策可能伤害到未来利比亚领导层关系

    But Pham of the Atlantic Council says that policy may hurt future relations with Libya's new leadership.


  • 计算销售额ClubT网络商店总裁博说:“推出的‘可不像你’文化衫供不应求。”款T恤有望成为他们店铺开张以来热销的产品。

    "We can't keep up with orders," said Tomohiro Miyake, president of online shop Club T, who was too busy to count sales, but added that the T-shirt was about to become his company's best-selling ever.


  • 一家华盛顿美国基金会发现2004年以来,多达2551丧命空袭

    The New America Foundation, a Washington think-tank, found that up to 2,551 people have been killed in the strikes since 2004.


  • 比亚·里斯·托克教授就算现在语言,再学习一种语言,尽管永远不能母语那么流利,仍旧可以帮助你避免失现象发生。

    And even if you only speak one language now Bialystok says learning a new language can help stave off the effects of dementia even if you never speak it like a native.


  • 大萧条时期开始的“大富翁就是桌面游戏最有名的,不但不能从这种确定性中获取任何成功而且产生大量金融游戏群。

    THE most famous board game of them all, "Monopoly", was launched during the Depression. This crisis may not produce anything quite as successful, but it has also spawned a crop of new financial games.


  • 花旗委托经济学人完成一份研究报告称,五年内,中国富人拥有资产美国富人两倍

    According to a new report by the Economic Intelligence Unit sponsored by Citigroup, China's wealthy will have double the assets of their U.


  • 库皮研究中心最近发表一个报告,该报道显示近三分之一美国人网上视频近乎三分之一的人称他们有线电视上闻。

    A new report by the Pew Research Centre, a think-tank, finds that a third of Americans now watch news videos online, about as many as say they watch news on cable television.


  • 通过三个层面冲突的分析,揭示社会桎梏、母爱的羁绊以及女性自我的困惑良心不安阻碍她们自由的道上大胆迈进的原因。

    It reveals that the shackles from family and society as well as their own puzzles and gritty are the obstacles on their way to freedom.


  • 吴锡尊;王;张文肾上腺素电氧化交流阻抗研究

    Zhang Zhanjun; Zhang Whenzhi; Chen Songying Studies on Electrochemical Oxidation of Adrenaline at a Glassy Carbon Electrode.


  • 摘要:英国葡萄酒市场调查公司发布了份关于中国葡萄酒市场的研究报告,报告显示中国千禧一代正在引领葡萄酒消费浪潮

    ABSTRACT: a new survey made by a market research company wine Intelligence shows that Chinese Millennials are leading a new way of wine consumption.


  • 过去年中主要200mm300 mm圆探针台和封装测试处理引入技术

    In the last two years, Electroglas has made major new technology introductions for 200mm and 300mm wafer probing and final test handling.


  • CSR环球网一个企业社会责任媒体传播平台库。

    CSR world is a new media platform and think tank of corporative social responsibility.


  • 有些商业模式并不这种公关噩梦的影响:据报道今年下半年Alphabet旗下地图应用软件位(Waze)启用服务模式,旧金山通勤者可以使用拼车服务。

    But this does not necessarily apply to all business models: later this year Waze, a mapping app owned by Alphabet, will reportedly launch a service designed to let San Francisco commuters share rides.


  • 奈良主人翁一个小孩,无论是想像著辽阔的未知世界或是早已身困充满未知的世界,她总是抱持著好奇心,随时准备好勇敢面对环境

    Nara's figure is a youthful child, dreaming of the greater unknown or, if caged in the unknown already, fearlessly preparing and curious for new encounters and circumstances.


  • 客家音乐前辈吴盛经典代表作,唱出男儿志在四方,无须为儿女私情所困。

    A classic song, made by senior Hakka musician Sheng-Chih, Wu, tells us a man shouldn't be bothered by the separation with his lover, and should always be brave to carve out his own future.


  • 英国葡萄酒市场调查公司发布了份关于中国葡萄酒市场的研究报告,报告显示中国千禧正在引领葡萄酒消费浪潮

    A new survey made by market research company wine Intelligence shows that Chinese Millennials are leading a new way of wine consumption.


  • 英国葡萄酒市场调查公司发布了份关于中国葡萄酒市场的研究报告,报告显示中国千禧正在引领葡萄酒消费浪潮

    A new survey made by market research company wine Intelligence shows that Chinese Millennials are leading a new way of wine consumption.


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