• 同心协力惠普员工顾客非常热情,都高度重视团队的协作、速度灵活性坚定信任尊重一个

    Together, employees in the new HP share a passion for customer, an intense focus on teamwork, speed and agility, and a commitment to trust and respect for all individuals.


  • 来自惠普实验室工作小组提出了一种的观点:奶牛制造沼气能够用于提供数据中心能源大量需求

    A team from HP Labs has shown that methane produced from cows could be used to support data centres requiring vast amounts of energy.


  • 整个行业需要变革现状意愿推动的行业标准,而惠普决定变革中始作俑者。

    There needs to be a catalyst though, with the willpower to make that change in the industry. HP is going to be that driving force.


  • 必将引发大规模来自IBM惠普的对抗反应可以预期,导致行业整合浪潮

    There will be massive competitive reactions from both IBM and HP, and we expect this will lead to a new wave of industry consolidation.


  • 作为惠普董事会一名成员惠特曼董事会撑腰,而且她可能旨意行事。

    As a recent board member, Whitman has the support of the board and is likely to act on its ideas.


  • 现在,又传言董事会成员梅格·惠特曼取代李艾科成为惠普一任CEO

    Now, it is being suggested that Leo Apotheker may be out and new board member Meg Whitman may become CEO.


  • 如果惠普无法顶尖人才发挥作用聘用董事会成员公司来说毫无意义。

    Hiring new board members will do a company little service if they do not put their best talents to work.


  • 惠普公司大的目标- - -设计容易升级电脑减少电脑更换频率

    But the firm would like to go further, designing computers so that they can be easily upgraded rather than replaced.


  • 身为过渡阶段临时执行董事刘易斯普菲特,威望甚高惠普执行官波音董事会成员赋予寻找掌门人重任。

    With a caretaker installed as interim chief executive, Lew Platt, the respected former boss of Hewlett-Packard and a Boeing board member, was given the job of finding a permanent replacement.


  • 由于潜在市场巨大这些推出产品功能可能提升惠普很多产品线销售量

    Since the addressable market is huge, the new solutions that are mostly product features are likely to boost sales across a number of HP product lines.


  • 比如ibm惠普已经其他公司大学合作设计架构

    IBM and HP, for instance, have teamed up with other firms and universities to design new cloud architectures.


  • 惠普而言,成功距离还有很远,他们不仅必须目前的半草根身份推出款具备竞争力的产品而且还需要确立产品平台

    The bar for success is high for HP. It must not only show a compelling product in an area where it is the umpteenth player, it has to establish a new platform.


  • 惠普公司个人电脑很快将要安装上企业Vidyo视频软件了。

    PCs from HP will soon come with video software from Vidyo, a start-up.


  • 惠普社交计算机技术实验室(HP ' sSocial Computing Lab)有了Friendlee消息,Friendlee是类型的社交网络,它专注好友家庭成员同事之间亲密关系

    From HP's social Computing Lab comes news of Friendlee, an entirely new kind of social network that focuses on the intimate connections between close friends, family, and colleagues.


  • 正如人们所预料那样,惠普董事会任命MegWhitman为该公司ceo。Meg Whitman是易趣-一家在线拍卖网站

    As many had expected, Hewlett-Packard's board appointed Meg Whitman, the former boss of eBay, an online-auction site, as the computer firm's new CEO.


  • 上个月遭受前任首席执行官奥。李艾科10月的灾难性经营后,惠普公司任命了首席执行官惠特曼

    Last month, HP installed Whitman as chief executive after a disastrous 10-month run by former CEO Leo Apotheker.


  • 惠普公司周四宣布他们计划继续保留个人计算机部门,这最近关于该部门进行拆分出售的面对面的讨论时,首席执行官梅格惠特曼做出的第一大胆决策。

    Thursday's announcement that it plans to keep its personal computing division is an about-face from recent talk of a sale or spinoff — and a bold first move by CEO Meg Whitman.


  • 所有业务属于成立的惠普企业包括相关硬件软件服务

    All of that cloud stuff, will fall to the new HP Enterprise unit, along with associated hardware, software and services.


  • 但董事会要的是利润,她只好离开惠普因此支付巨额离职金以便让CEO就任

    She had to leave and HP had to pay her enormously so that a new CEO can do the job.


  • 服务器主板布局优化冷却允许惠普每个机架背后使用四个风扇而不是每个服务器使用个风扇,可以使风扇在较低速率运行

    The server boards have a new layout to optimise cooling, allowing HP to use four large fans at the back of each rack instead of one for each server, and to run the fans at lower speeds.


  • 微软公司周一宣布,已经世界最大个人电脑公司惠普公司达成协议惠普个人电脑上安装微软实况搜索工具栏

    Microsoft has struck a deal with Hewlett-Packard, the world's largest personal computer maker, to place a toolbar on new PCs that leads to its Live Search engine, the companies said on Monday.


  • 通常惠普发布版本时有密钥文件服务OS

    Usually HP will release the new revision when there are new key file update or for service pack of OS.


  • 2006年,名前ibm员工曾将一份机密级ibm备忘录发给了惠普公司(HP)的上司。备忘录中包括IBM的商业机密——商业计划技术

    In 2006, a former IBM (IBM) employee sent his then new bosses at HP (HPQ) a confidential IBM memorandum containing trade secret business plans and technology.


  • 就像惠普承认的那样,如果公司客户资金设备上他们目前更喜欢花在手机平板电脑上。

    If corporate customers have cash to spend on new gadgets they currently prefer to spend it on cellphones and tablets, as HP concedes.


  • 就像惠普承认的那样,如果公司客户资金设备上他们目前更喜欢花在手机平板电脑上。

    If corporate customers have cash to spend on new gadgets they currently prefer to spend it on cellphones and tablets, as HP concedes.


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