• 名都位于顺义中央别墅区中心位置,靠近京顺路, 新国展,

    Capital Paradise locates in the middle of the central villa area in Shunyi, closed to Jingshu Rd and Wenyu River.


  • 父亲新国:“妈妈认为如果未来取得巨大成就,必须参加高考。”

    Yang Xinguo, Father, said, "Both his mother and I think he must take the college entrance exams if he wants to make big achievements in the future."


  • 浙江大学高分子研究所材料重点实验室曹健,孙景志,洪剑,杨新国陈红征,汪

    Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, People's Republic of China.


  • 印度尼西亚议员本月声称由于购买印尼本土的一家卫星设备公司对印尼军事机密产生了威胁

    Indonesian parliamentarians claimed this month that their military secrets were also at risk because the Singaporeans had bought into a local satellite firm.


  • 面共和旗帜上纹希腊马其顿王朝古老标志

    The republic's new flag was emblazoned with the ancient symbol of the Greek Macedonian dynasty.


  • 另一些人移民学习东道语言自然他们看作是确保自己能为社会做出贡献的一个条件

    Others say it's only natural that newcomers learn the language of their host nation, seeing it as a condition to ensure they can contribute to society.


  • 据联合的一份报告,在过去20年里,极端天气事件的数量急剧增加,这主要是由全球气温上升引起的。

    There has been a dramatic rise in the number of extreme weather events over the past 20 years, caused largely by rising global temperatures, according to a new report from the United Nations.


  • 根据我们考察我们建议欧盟成员克罗地亚考虑所有需要长期关怀服务人建立一种普遍基本保护体制

    Based on our review, we are suggesting that new European Union member states and Croatia consider a universal system of basic protection for all individuals requiring long-term care service.


  • 有些人被他们房子很多变成难民他们避难遇到威胁

    Some are driven from their homes or countries, and many who become refugees confront new threats in their countries of asylum.


  • 好消息,即使极度狂热中,依然有一些怀疑论者:每日野兽霍华德尔兹,大西洋月刊的詹姆斯•法斯,共和周刊的乔纳森•查特。

    The good news is that there were a few skeptics, even during the height of the mania: Howard Kurtz of The Daily Beast, James Fallows of The Atlantic and Jonathan Chait of The New Republic.


  • 尽管欧共体官员对劳动力流动好处存有信念奥地利尽可能地坚持成员劳动者限制

    Despite Eurocrats' faith in the benefits of Labour mobility, Germany and Austria have maintained restrictions on workers from new members until the last possible day.


  • 觉得我们面前出现了内陆生活节奏

    New inner states and new rhythms are all before us, I think.


  • 他们认为一事件对于关系严峻考验也是关系复杂性标志

    They described the episode as perhaps the most serious test yet of the new relationship as well as a sign of its enduring complexity.


  • 无论如何,吸纳几个成员所产生的问题应当成为将其他拒之门外理由

    In any case, teething troubles with a few new members should not become an excuse for slamming the door on others.


  • 例如印度出现一代富有消费者市场

    For example, emerging markets such as China and India have a new richer generation of consumers.


  • 一个答案常常其它成员产生有益的影响特别是那些成员

    One answer is that British influence has often been useful to others, and especially to newcomers.


  • 核心问题是巴勒斯坦边界问题、以色列安全耶路撒冷地位巴勒斯坦难民未来

    That means the borders of a new Palestinian state, security for Israel, the status of Jerusalem and the future of Palestinian refugees.


  • 亲眼目睹私人债务如何折磨南方种植园主乔治·华盛顿亚历山大·汉密尔顿的竭力劝说下接受公债巩固共和财政

    George Washington, who saw how private debt plagued Southern planters, had to be persuaded by Alexander Hamilton to embrace public debt as a kind of financial cement for the new republic.


  • 葡萄牙损失更大:2003到2006年间,四分之一工作都是被外来者拿走主要是来自欧盟成员

    Portugal has suffered more: a quarter of its job losses between 2003 and 2006 involved jobs heading overseas, mostly to new EU members.


  • 提高各机构工作效率无可厚非,甚至可以说欧盟吸收成员以及采纳政策需要各机构变得更加高效,这一定道理

    There is nothing wrong with greater efficiency. There is even a certain logic in arguing that expansion of the EU—both to new countries and to new policiesrequires more efficient institutions.


  • 只要成员不要染上懒散的毛病,就会一直保持繁荣兴盛

    The new members will thrive as long they do not become lazy, she says.


  • 不过最近敌意则对准欧盟东欧成员——尤其是波兰罗马尼亚——西迁而来,且规模甚的移民群体。

    But the latest hostility has been aimed at the far larger Numbers who have moved westwards from the new east European members of the European Union, notably Poland and Romania.


  • 波兰作为欧盟成员重中之重,她无疑能满足瑞典的需求!

    Poland—the biggest of the EU's new memberscould prove to be just that.


  • 然而总体来说援助认为他们模式更好

    But by and large the new donors think their model of giving aid is better.


  • 罗马尼亚保加利亚两个成员由于腐败问题欧盟削减资助基金,资格较大成员受到的待遇却完全不同。

    Two new members, Romania and Bulgaria, have had EU funds docked because of problems with corruption. Bigger, older members would not be treated the same way.


  • 我们认为可能创造经济机会同时降低我们星球上排放负荷

    We believe that could well lead to new economic opportunities in both countries, and a lower carbon emission load for our planet.


  • 欧盟委员会欧洲中央银行坚称成员必须严格恪守“马斯特里赫特条约标准才能加入欧元区

    The commission and the European Central Bank insist that they must be rigid in applying to new eu members the "Maastricht criteria" before they can join the euro.


  • 他认为成员成功建立三个因素上:便宜劳动力技术熟练、态度积极工人以及原有工业基础

    The newcomers' success was based on three things, says Mr Verheugen: cheap Labour, skilled and motivated workers, and an existing industrial base.


  • 形势下双方必要加强合作使关系焕发活力

    In the new situation, both sides need to strengthen cooperation so that bilateral relations will display a new vitality.


  • 形势下双方必要加强合作使关系焕发活力

    In the new situation, both sides need to strengthen cooperation so that bilateral relations will display a new vitality.


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