• 那么,在不疏远听众情况下怎样迎合听众

    So how do you pander to the old audience without alienating the new one?


  • 需要故事。我找到朋友听众将自己的谎言变得精巧”(海伦·伊格莱西亚斯)。

    "I need to tell stories. I find new friends, new listeners, subtilize my lies" (Helen Yglesias).


  • 听众放了一张流行歌曲现代音乐唱片

    He plays a new record of the pop songs and modern music for his listeners.


  • 出现困难材料时,几乎所有听众面临一个挑战因为人类语言缺乏印刷文字稳定性持久性

    When new or difficult material is presented, almost all listeners are faced with a challenge, because human's speech lacks the stability and permanence of the printed word.


  • 面对资料难度较大资料时,几乎所有听众都会面临挑战因为人类口语缺乏书面文字稳定性永久性

    When new or difficult material is presented, almost all listeners are faced with a challenge because human speech lacks the stability and permanence of the printed word.


  • 印第安纳州州长米奇丹尼尔斯最近华盛顿一位听众描述美国医改时如是说

    That is how Mitch Daniels, the governor of Indiana, recently described America’s new health-reform law to an audience in Washington, DC.


  • 然而目光仍然集中在提供音乐听众服务商,很多涉足行业许久怀疑服务带来利润是否能够维持一家公司。

    Yet the focus remains on services that provide music to listeners, and many veterans of the field are skeptical that any of the new models can bring in the revenue to sustain a company.


  • 印第安纳州州长米奇丹尼尔斯最近华盛顿一位听众描述美国医改时如是说

    That is how Mitch Daniels, the governor of Indiana, recently described America's new health-reform law to an audience in Washington, DC.


  • 但是银行行长也是目标听众

    But was the bank's new President also among the intended audience?


  • 研究发现两个因素发挥作用:一个听众对于声音来源认识,另一个是我们那种令人遗憾形状

    A new study finds that there are two factors at work: the knowledge of where the sound is coming from and the unfortunate design of our ear canals.


  • 而言之,检验演讲是否成功标志在于,是否抓住了听众注意力,是否解答他们思想上的两个问题,是否传递信息

    Generally speaking, whether a speech has engaged the audience, has solved one or two of their questions, or has passed on new messages are critical standards measuring its failure or success.


  • 事实总是:当我们话题时,如果听众他们是否熟悉一项关键特性即使这项特性已经存在有一段时间了,大多数人还是没有听说过这项特性。

    It never fails: we're presenting on a topic and ask the audience if they are familiar with a new key feature, and most of the folks haven't heard about it, even thought it's been out for a while.


  • 潘多拉这个建立于2000年广告获得90%利润网播台,已经凭借独特的发现音乐服务培养了一忠实听众

    Pandora, which was founded in 2000 and generates more than 90 percent of its revenue through advertising, has cultivated a devoted fan base by offering a music discovery service.


  • 因为需要解释单词意思还有抓住听众注意力;我还做了一些卡片,写一些我想教给同学单词。

    Because I had to explain the meaning of the new vocabulary, and I wanted to catch the attention of my audience; I made some posters with the new words that I wanted to teach the students.


  • 这位歌手将京剧嘻哈音乐做有趣地结合,从而创造出了独特的听觉挑战听众的耳朵。

    The singer recorded an interesting mix of hip-hop and Chinese opera, creating a distinctive new sound ready to challenge listeners.


  • 说,这个电台现在角色:即听众提供一个国家问题自由发表意见催促国家进行变革的论坛。

    He says this station has a new role: to give listeners a place to talk freely about their country's problems and press the government for change.


  • 希望听众中的科学家医生想想做点什么

    He hopes the newly minted scientists and doctors in the audience at Commencement will think about how to do the same.


  • 卡特·韦伯对本身能够成为一个巨大的听众感到非常自满由于每当我认为一个伴侣的时候,所扮演倾诉者。

    Carter Webb: I pride myself on being this great listener, but whenever I meet somebody new I find Im doing all the talking.


  • 他们很久没有听众

    They haven't had a fresh audience in many a moon.


  • 一周它又迎来听众

    Next week, it will usher in a new audience.


  • 我们必须要抓住这些听众,我们可以转变音乐风格来迎合他们最近本地音乐销量持续走低表明他们对音乐没什么兴趣。

    We could switch to a music format tailored to their tastes, but a continuing decline in local sales of recorded music suggests limited interest in music.


  • 专辑即将三月发行听众期待这次音乐哪些突破

    His new album is set for a March release instead and all ears are on what new musical breakthroughs he will achieve this time.


  • 寻找途径促进网站达到听众扩展您的关键字的视野

    Find new ways to promote your website and reach your audience, when you broaden your keyword horizons.


  • 听众演讲的话题是“如何开办生意”,演讲蒂姆共进午餐

    I spoke to the group on "How to Build Your New Business," and after my speech Tim sat with me during lunch.


  • 可以确定一切都会提高现在,它主要价值就是有机结合多疑那些关注听众

    I'm sure things will improve, but for now the main value is an up to date organic combination of my usual suspects and those who've signaled me.


  • 对于听众可能留意一个比喻或许帮助

    For any new listeners that may be paying attention: I have an analogy that could potentially or might assist.


  • 现在开始学习,即将来临周日给聆听掌握的知识每一听众留下深刻的印象。

    Swot up now and come Sunday you'll be impressing anyone who'll listen with your new-found knowledge.


  • 现在开始学习,即将来临周日给聆听掌握的知识每一听众留下深刻的印象。

    Swot up now and come Sunday you'll be impressing anyone who'll listen with your new-found knowledge.


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进来说说原因吧 确定