• 远销丹麦苏丹越南、阿尔吉利亚、蒙古新加坡国家

    The products are sold far to Denmark, Sudan, Viet Nam, Algeria, Mongolia and Singapore, etc.


  • 麻婆豆腐由于名声卓著,流传全国,乃至日本、新加坡国家

    The Mapo Tofu is so popular that it has spread all over China and has been introduced into Japan and Singapore and other countries.


  • 产品远销美国俄罗斯希腊新加坡国家地区深受用户好评。

    Products are exported to the United States, Russia, Greece, Singapore and other countries and regions, praised by users.


  • 产品质量已通过ISO国际质量体系认证,并远销美国日本新加坡国家

    We are ISO certificated with our products exported to the United States, Japan, Singapore and so on.


  • 成功出口东南亚美国土尔其、新加坡国家广大用户中享有良好的信誉。

    By now it has successfully exported its products to Southeast Asia America Turkey and Singapore etc and enjoys high reputation among customers.


  • 成功出口东南亚美国土尔其、新加坡国家,在广大用户中享有良好的信誉。

    By now, it has successfully exported its products to Southeast Asia, America, Turkey and Singapore etc and enjoys high reputation among customers.


  • 美国长久以来一直泰国菲律宾新加坡国家保持紧密联系它们条约同盟国。

    America has long had close relations with countries like Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore (which are all treaty Allies).


  • 近视大多数地区都上升趋势,但是新加坡国家中,近视率已经达到了超乎寻常的水平

    Myopia is on the increase in most places, but in countries such as Singapore it has reached extraordinary levels.


  • TCL集团旗下主力产业中国美国法国新加坡国家设有研发总部几个研发分部

    TCL Group's main industries in China, the United States, France, Singapore and other countries with more than a dozen R &D headquarters and R &D Division.


  • 俄罗斯美国德国日本新加坡国家多个科研机构高校建立学术交流合作关系

    We have established an academic exchange and cooperation relationship with a number of institutes and universities, including Russia, the United States, Germany, Japan, Singapore and other countries.


  • 山东中联包装股份有限公司德国、英国、新加坡等国家引进具有国际先进水平全自动生产线

    Shandong Linyi Sino-Union Packaging Company Ltd. introduced advanced international standard automatic drum production lines from Germany, U.


  • 曲轴公司东北地区最大曲轴生产厂家产品远销美国日本新加坡国家以及国内30多个城市

    The crankshaft company is the biggest crank shaft manufacturer in the North-East region and the products are marketed in America Japan and Singapore etc. and more than 30 cities in the country.


  • 产品销往全国各地美国英国爱尔兰德国尔其、叙利亚印度巴基斯坦新加坡国家和地区。

    Our products are sold to every place throughout our country, and America, England, Ireland, Germany, Turkey, Syria, India, Pakistan, Singapore, etc.


  • 美国日本新加坡国家都把人才资源全球化作为重要战略目标,通过一系列行之有效的政策,在积极培养人才的同时,大力引进人才。

    Some countries such as USA, Japan, Singapore focus on human resource globalization as one of their key strategy, they made series of policies to train talents and attract talents as well.


  • 们走遍了中国和意大利、泰国、新加坡等20多个国家

    They travelled across China and more than 20 countries over the world, including Italy, Thailand and Singapore.


  • 中国新加坡马来西亚泰国柬埔寨外贸出口在国家工业产出占据很大比例

    China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia are some of the countries where exports account for a large proportion of national output.


  • 以色列新加坡其它国家签订购买合约。

    Other nations, including Israel and Singapore, have signed contracts to buy the aircraft.


  • 印度巴西新加坡希腊委内瑞拉墨西哥菲律宾权利距离较大的国家里,人们相信权力生活中的事实

    People in large-power-distance counties such as India, Brazil, Singapore, Greece, Venezuela, Mexico, and the Philippines believe that power and authority are facts of life.


  • 美国一家智库机构“自由”(FreedomHouse)将印度尼西亚评选当前东南亚地区唯一完全自由国家——这评选结果足以让那些经济更发达邻国例如马来西亚新加坡泰国感到惭愧

    Freedom House, an American think-tank, now rates Indonesia as the only completely free country in South-East asia-putting its richer neighbours, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, to shame.


  • 巴西加拿大新加坡泰国国家已经开始香烟包装印制警示图片

    Countries including Brazil, Canada, Singapore and Thailand have already been plastering picture warnings on cigarette packs.


  • 来自新加坡印度菲律宾德国英国10多个国家共计442家生产商,设立560个展位展示他们最新系列产品

    A total of 442 manufacturers from over 10 countries, including Singapore, India, the Philippines, Germany, and the United Kindom set up 560 booths to showcase their latest range of merchandises.


  • 乐福撤出新加坡马来西亚泰国市场集中占有领先地位的市场。

    France's Carrefour is leaving Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand to concentrate on markets where it has a leading position.


  • 产品遍布全国出口新加坡马来西亚俄罗斯利比亚国家地区

    Products throughout the country and exported to Singapore, Malaysia, Russia, Libya and other countries and regions.


  • 非洲亚洲许多国家比如南非新加坡马来西亚国,人们英语

    English is also spoken in many other countries in Africa and Asia, such as South Africa, Singapore and Malaysia.


  • 目前英国加拿大澳大利亚新西兰以及新加坡英联邦国家一共有1万3千多名军人驻扎阿富汗

    Well over 13,000 soldiers from the United Kingdom and across the Commonwealth - Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore - are currently serving in Afghanistan.


  • 研究人员商业上的考虑也是其中一个因素对于中国韩国新加坡印度新兴亚洲国家的人而言,澳大利亚做生意基地

    Business considerations also play a role: Australia is a good base for doing business in emerging Asian countries such as China, South Korea, Singapore and India, the researchers said.


  • 近几年马来西亚日本新加坡广泛使用汉字亚洲国家每年都会投票选出能代表一年的汉字。

    In several Asian countries where Chinese characters are widely used, such as Malaysia, Japan and Singapore, people have been voting for the most representative characters of the year in recent years.


  • 近几年马来西亚日本新加坡广泛使用汉字亚洲国家每年都会投票选出能代表一年的汉字。

    In several Asian countries where Chinese characters are widely used, such as Malaysia, Japan and Singapore, people have been voting for the most representative characters of the year in recent years.


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