• 经常接触各种蔬菜的孩子更有可能尝试的食物。”利·琼斯博士解释道。

    "Children who are often exposed to a variety of vegetables are more likely to try new foods," explains Dr. Kerry Jones.


  • 第二生日叔叔一双运动鞋一个足球

    The next day was Kevin's birthday, and his uncle bought him a pair of new trainers and a new soccer ball.


  • 根据连线杂志创始人之一·本书《科技需要什么》,美国燧石每年生产超过一百万支箭头矛头

    According to What Technology Wants, a book by Kevin Kelly, one of the founders of Wired magazine, America's flintknappers produce over a million new arrow and spear heads every year.


  • 回到家里老婆,“知道觉得你自己有钱但是阿里巴巴有钱无数倍。”

    When he came home, his wife said to him, "Cassim, I know you think yourself rich, but Ali Baba is infinitely richer than you."


  • 当然,于是他们多么吃惊发现尸体带走了,同时还有他们很多袋子金子

    Great, then, was their surprise to find Cassim's body taken away, with some of their bags of gold.


  • 因此文•豪尔所在国家糖尿病消化肾脏疾病研究所(马里兰州比色同事们决定方法研究这个问题

    So Kevin Hall and his colleagues at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, in Bethesda, Maryland, decided to look at the problem in a new way.


  • 唐宁街10根据自由法规披露信息表明调查戴维·博士死的报告发表当天默布二人也有过会谈。

    Information released by No 10 under freedom of information rules also showed the pair spoke on the day the Hutton report into the death of Dr David Kelly was published.


  • 目前中国暂停核电项目的审批,汉姆预计中国最终继续实行核计划

    China has currently suspended approvals of new nuclear plants, but Kenningham expects it to go ahead with its nuclear program eventually.


  • 远远他们就看到骡子岩石附近散乱着。背上都托着箱子

    At some distance they saw Cassim's mules straggling about the rock, with great chests on their backs.


  • 从前波斯城市里住着兄弟一个叫阿里巴巴

    There once lived in a town of Persia two brothers, one named Cassim and the other Ali Baba.


  • 为什么许多美国人看不到这些根深蒂固性别差异呢?西北大学管理学院的一项研究给了我们答案。

    New research from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University helps to explain why many Americans fail to see these persistent gender barriers.


  • 强盗自己手绢绑眼睛上跟着走直到刚好房子钱阿里巴巴此时住在里面

    The robber tied his handkerchief over his eyes, and walked by him till he stopped directly at Cassim's house, where Ali Baba then lived.


  • 卧室里,若琳-娜琪向我们介绍了她家的成员穿着斑纹连体服偎依在她臂弯里6周大的婴儿

    In her living room, Caroline Nagy introduces the newest member of her family - the 6-week-old infant in a striped onesie cradled in her arms.


  • 流动化-我们现在进入一个网络寓言时代,说道。我们从电脑的桌面开始再到网页的浏览。

    Flowing - "we're now into a new metaphor for the web," Kelly says noting that we started with the desktop on computers, then pages for the web.


  • 著作展示每一通讯发明,如非洲的传声第一台信号电报装置等,它们曾激发了万分美好极度恐怖的两预言

    Kelly: Your book shows that each new communication invention—the talking drums of Africa, the first semaphore telegraphs—inspired predictions of both utopian rhapsody and dire terror.


  • 一位有联系博客手,我喜欢生活并且每天都正视她的缺点

    Katie is a relatively new blogger and I love that she's living a debt free life and embracing the imperfections of the everyday.


  • 当然盔甲并非液体,它是夹心,中间是剪切增稠流体,两面是·拉尔纤维——一种广泛用于保护装置的高强度聚合物

    The new armour is not pure liquid, of course. Rather, the fluid is sandwiched between layers of Kevlar, a high-strength polymer commonly employed in protective gear.


  • 阿里巴巴帮着身体放置房子里嘱咐莫吉安娜做好负责的事情,然后就赶着驴子回去了。

    Ali Baba helped to place the body in Cassim's house, again recommended to Morgiana to act her part well, and then returned with his ass.


  • 开始厌恶兄弟不是一种情感

    Kevin was starting to dislike his brother, but this wasn't a new feeling.


  • 使银行领头羊蒙羞之后,观察家杂志称热罗姆•埃尔“仅一个周末之后就变成现代英雄”。

    By humiliating a leading bank, as Nouvel Observateur magazine put it, Jérôme Kerviel “has over the course of one weekend become a modern hero”.


  • 问题了:佩吉选取测量标准英国举办的演唱会而不是英国艺人开的演唱会带来的收入。

    But then we come across another problem. Page and Carey have chosen to measure it by revenue from gigs set in the UK, not earned by UK ACTS 'performances.


  • 迪卡·回到特里·斯塔姆大教堂寻找激起恶魔线索时从天而降彗星不偏不倚在暗黑破坏神到来时出现的地方

    When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristram's Cathedral seeking clues to new stirrings of evil, a comet from the heavens strikes the very ground where Diablo once entered the world.


  • 认为未来年内公司产生一个职位——首席云计算

    In the next few years, Carey sees companies creating the new position of chief cloud officer.


  • 英国首相已经访问了阿富汗道理米熊比起上任首相布郎扶持英国的战士,这点显而易见。

    The prime minister has already visited Afghanistan, where he embraced Britain’s fighting men more convincingly than his predecessor, Gordon Brown, ever managed to.


  • 老婆,想到他的老公担心保守这个秘密容易就被兄弟说服相信了他。

    Cassim's wife, considering how much it concerned her husband to keep the business secret, was the more easily persuaded to believe her brother-in-law.


  • 崔天会议开幕式致辞中表示全球化给我们带来机遇同时,也使一些全球性挑战更加突出

    Speaking at the opening ceremony, Cui said that while bringing about new opportunities globalization makes some global challenges more severe.


  • 老公的帐房

    Cassim, her husband, was at his counting-house.


  • 娶了有钱老婆变成了一个富裕商人

    Cassim married a very rich wife, and became a wealthy merchant.


  • 娶了有钱老婆变成了一个富裕商人

    Cassim married a very rich wife, and became a wealthy merchant.


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