• 瞎说八道佩妮斯麦尔汀学校没挨饿,“弗姨父实话实说。””力吃不少啦,对吧,儿子

    "Nonsense, Petunia, I never went hungry when I was at Smeltings," said Uncle Vernon heartily. "Dudley gets enough, don't you, son?"


  • 我们今天生活,要感谢卡德卡欣以及其他美国时尚巴黎设计限制中解放出来女性

    We live today indebted to McCardell, Cashin, Hawes, Wilkins, and Maxwell, and other women who liberated American fashion from the confines of Parisian design.


  • 另外一家保守党智囊团“美国传统基金会黑索麦尔指出即使是瑟比列提出规定要求制定更多规定。

    Even Mrs Sebelius's new proposed rules cite the need for more proposed rules, points out Edmund Haislmaier of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank.


  • 著名电视工作者希瑟•密卡特尼本人是1993年一次严重事故之后输血受益者,她主持庆祝典礼

    Television personality Heather Mills-McCartney, herself a beneficiary of blood transfusion following a serious accident in 1993, will preside over celebrations.


  • 里昂商学院皮埃·伊夫·迄今为止,任命希拉克夫人表示法国总裁们最初反应一些反对他们女性

    So far, says Pierre-Yves Gomez of EMLYON Business School, appointments such as Mrs Chirac's confirm that the first reaction of French chief executives is to find women who will not challenge them.


  • 消失——最近几十年来,位于阿拉加州极地国家野生动物避难区的冰川正在加速融化

    Vanishing ice--The McCall glacier in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has undergone accelerating ice loss in recent decades.


  • 攻击手以往那般有名,总体资源丰富比如就是右边锋的替补。

    The attackers are not quite so distinguished as in the past but overall resources are rich, with, for instance, Maicon and Dani Alves as candidates for right-back.


  • ·奇拥有决定迈格·拉希是否移交释放最终决定权。他上周探视了被监禁格拉附近的格林·诺克监狱的迈格·拉希。

    MacAskill, who has the final say over whether Megrahi should be transferred or released, visited the Libyan last week in Greenock prison, near Glasgow.


  • 塔莱维亚区(译者注:伦敦上流住宅区)间酒吧里见到尤利斯.麦尔世时,看上去就像是有良好教养英国人的代表,说话带一丝英国口音

    MEET Julius Meinl V in a bar in Belgravia and he seems the epitome of the well-bred Englishman, with no trace of an accent.


  • 塞巴蒂安•若泽•德•卡•伊•罗(就是人们历史中所熟知侯爵),葡萄牙伟大的变革者之一,负责重建工作。

    The man in charge of reconstruction, Sebastião José Carvalho e Melo (better known to history as the Marquis of Pombal), was one of Portugal's great modernisers.


  • 亚军得主是美国纽约扬基棒球队运动员兰迪·约翰逊接下来上榜的人有美国著名影评人罗杰·伊伯特、美国心理学家兼电视节目主持人·福克电视台主持人艾伦·考姆

    New York Yankees pitcher Randy Johnson came in second followed by film critic Roger Ebert, television psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw and Fox television co-host Alan Colmes.


  • 很喜欢再也买不起了,”50托市街头摊贩Micaela Huan ca感慨道,是一座贫民数量较首都更多的城市

    "I adore quinoa, but I can't afford it anymore," said Micaela Huanca, 50, a street vendor in el Alto, a city of slums above the capital, la Paz.


  • 尽管乔布曾经赞扬用于苹果金托什(Macintosh电脑英特处理器但是表示这家处理器巨头“行动太慢”。

    While Jobs praised the Intel processors used in Apple’s Macintosh computers, he said the processor giant wastoo slow.”


  • 巴塞罗那,诸如安东尼·高迪(Antoni Gaudí)或者多梅内克·蒙塔内(DomènechiMontaner),想必同时艺术家和营造商,维也纳脱·瓦格纳(Otto Wagner)或者格拉的查·雷尼·托什(Charles Rennie Mackintosh)也是如此。

    In Barcelona, the likes of Antoni Gaudí or Domènech i Montaner were surely artists as well as builders, as were Otto Wagner in Vienna or Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow.


  • AssociatedPress报道,下加利福尼亚州市 市政防灾主任弗雷多·艾科拜多(Alfredo Escobedo)西卡利市政厅的一座多层停车场坍塌没有受伤

    The Associated Press, citing the Baja California state civil protection director, Alfredo Escobedo, said a multistory parking structure collapsed at the Mexicali city hall but no one was injured.


  • 这份榜单上有许多城市专门从事医疗服务(卡伦)、教育()两者并重(巴尼、奥古·安东尼奥)。

    Many of the cities on this list specialize in health care (McAllen) education (Austin) or both (Albany, Augusta, San Antonio).


  • ·法女士还建议求职者注意搜寻正出现工作机会

    Gomez Farrell advises workers to research emerging opportunities.


  • 例如科舍省西大学典型的单间价格约7,020加元,蒙特利大学的一间单间则需要11,533加元。

    For instance, at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia a typical single room residence is $7,020 while at McGill University a single room residence can reach $11,533 for a full year.


  • 中国一半咖啡出口来自于后谷,客户包括世界知名品牌雀巢卡夫

    Hogood accounts for about half of China's coffee exports, and its clients include such major brands as Nescafe, Maxwell and Kraft.


  • 例如我们欧洲·纳·太公司协同工作

    For example, we are working with Magna Steyr in Europe.


  • 麦尔·维没有偏向于传统医学观念因此研究是保持中立找到致使产妇死亡真正原因

    Semmelweis has no bias towards established medical opinions, so he could remain neutral when doing researches, which made him discover the true reason that led to the death of mothers.


  • 麦尔·市外英里的地方新近修好的教堂,裘德在那儿安装过石柱柱头

    A mile or two from Melchester there was a restored village church, to which Jude had originally gone to fix the new columns and capitals.


  • 霍利已经确认加里·卡利特将作为助手共同执教维拉

    Gerard Houllier has identified Gary McAllister as the man he wants to be his assistant at Aston Villa.


  • 麦尔·维发现,产褥热病例可以通过洗手大大减少

    Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection.


  • 替补:文字上来说,老雷没有任何替补。都在场上一起···他们赫德通,杰纳帕夫柳琴科巴松桑,乔卢卡汤森

    Subs: Presumably Harry's saying he doesn't have any. No wait, here they are: Gomes, Huddlestone, Jenas, Pavlyuchenko, Bassong, Corluka, Townsend.


  • 替补:文字上来说,老雷没有任何替补。都在场上一起···他们赫德通,杰纳帕夫柳琴科巴松桑,乔卢卡汤森

    Subs: Presumably Harry's saying he doesn't have any. No wait, here they are: Gomes, Huddlestone, Jenas, Pavlyuchenko, Bassong, Corluka, Townsend.


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