• 说:“哈里法克斯银行已经观察名单上时间。”

    "HBOS had been on the watch list for a very, very long time," he said.


  • 希腊第四大银行比雷埃夫银行股价下跌6.7%,至3.65欧元

    Piraeus Bank sank 6.7 percent to 3.65 euros.


  • 美国银行美林收购银行对哈利法克斯银行的强制购买可怕事情

    Bank of America's purchase of Merrill Lynch and Lloyds TSB's takeover of HBOS have been horror stories.


  • 已经研究过座建筑了:我一点有关记载,仔细看过以前抢劫斯银行案例。

    I've researched the building: I read up on it a little and closely watched how they did the Fort Knox robbery in "Die Hard with a Vengeance".


  • 劳埃德集团可能会出售苏格兰分行,哈利法克银行在那儿已经占据很大的市场份额

    Lloyds may sell its branches in Scotland, where HBOS has a big market share.


  • 苏格兰皇家银行持续亏损,劳埃德银行苏格兰哈利法克斯银行削减成本运营整合尚未全面奏效。

    The slimming-down of RBS and the cost-cutting integration of the operations of Lloyds and HBOS have yet to take their full toll.


  • 零售银行巨头HBOS(哈里法克斯银行)惊人地倒下的同时许多小型银行包括银行倒下了。

    But a host of small, narrow Banks blew up too, including Northern Rock, while a big retail bank, HBOS, failed in spectacular fashion.


  • 新的劳埃德银行集团今天也承认纳税人持有股份上升至43%,才勉强被苏格兰哈里法克斯银行接收

    The new Lloyds Banking Group is expected to concede today that the taxpayer is to increase its 43% stake in the bank, which has been crippled by the HBOS takeover.


  • 英国央行行长文•透漏了2008年10月时,苏格兰皇家银行苏格兰哈里法克银行距破产有多

    Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, revealed how close Royal Bank of Scotland and HBOS came to collapse in October 2008.


  • 日记的作者一个无能得可笑计划根据街头混混杰克提供内幕消息抢劫美国克诺斯银行

    Synopsis: The journal of a ridiculously incompetent thief and his plans to rob Fort Knox with help from inside information supplied by a street bum named Jekk.


  • 的毕卜鲁银行可能受到影响,巴沙尔的堂(表)(弟)拉米·马克鲁该行的叙分行中持有相当股份

    Byblos Bank, in whose Syrian subsidiary Rami Makhlouf, the president’s cousin, has a big share, may be hit.


  • 银行集团41%股份为英国纳税人持有这个集团的老板-艾瑞克.丹尼尔宣布计划年内退休

    Eric Daniels, the boss of Lloyds Banking Group, which is 41% owned by British taxpayers, announced plans to retire in a year.


  • 条贯穿z道格拉银行之间道路上,似乎世纪闪耀各个角落出现过,之后消失在某些地方重新闪现。

    A cross between Zelig and Douglas Fairbanks, he seems to turn up everywhere in the last century's book of glamorous pursuits, then disappear and pop up again somewhere else.


  • 只有苏格兰哈里法克银行(HBOS)唯一一家英国银行出现了亏损,这可能超过巴塞尔3资本标准

    Only one of Britain’s big banks, HBOS, made losses that would have overwhelmed the new Basel standards.


  • 雷曼破产后不到天,英国最大抵押贷款银行哈里法克银行走到了崩溃边缘,10月初皇家苏格兰银行也危在旦夕。

    Within a day of Lehman going bust, Britain's biggest mortgage lender, HBOS, was on the brink of collapse and by early October so was Royal Bank of Scotland.


  • 议会听证会上这位hbos(苏格兰哈里法克银行)风险部门主管2004年因为警告HBOS扩张太快解雇。

    At the parliamentary hearing the former head of risk at HBOS said he had been dismissed in 2004 for warning the bank that it was expanding too quickly.


  • 加上苏格兰首都金融业核心、曾经辉煌的银行——苏格兰皇家银行苏格兰哈利法克斯银行肆意挥霍拖垮,看来问题根源深刻

    With its once-mighty Banks, RBS and HBOS, the heart of the Scottish capital's financial industry, brought low by reckless profligacy, the problems look deep.


  • 有关外国人士购房抵押贷款更多信息以及巴金斯银行巨大的,一系列可供选择额外贷款措施,当地的抵押贷款银行官员联系。

    For more information about the foreign national mortgage propram and BBVA Compass' vast range of additional mortgage options, please contact your local mortgage banking officer.


  • 显而易见欧盟委员会将会强令苏格兰皇家银行以及劳埃德银行集团合并后的劳埃德TSB银行哈利法克斯银行)进行改组

    The elephant in the room is what restructuring the commission will force on RBS and Lloyds Banking Group (the merged Lloyds TSB and HBOS).


  • 据euro2day.gr网站报道,比雷埃夫银行可能会召开股东会议希望获得批准增加5亿欧元资本,报道没有透露消息来源

    Greece’s fourth-biggest lender may call a shareholder meeting to seek approval for a 500 million- euro capital increase, euro2day.gr reported, without saying where it got the information.


  • 如此的话,2011年,本并购苏格兰哈里法克斯银行利润可观英国劳埃德船级协会,将会由于25%左右的零售市场份额英国而颇具风险。

    In that case, Lloyds's acquisition of HBOS, which in 2011 will start to come good in terms of profitability, looks vulnerable because of the combination's 25% or so retail-market share in Britain.


  • 银行集团宣布已经赚取季度的税前利润自从英国银行将优先股发给股东作为红利接管苏格兰哈里法克银行之后,是该行第一转亏为盈。

    Lloyds Banking Group said it had made a quarterly pre-tax profit, the first time the British bank has returned to the black since its bail-out and takeover of HBOS.


  • 除了适当联系沟通之外,使馆银行业务的特征行事谨慎,里银行的一位发言人如是说,该行美国首都其他任何银行拥有更多分行

    A hallmark of embassy banking, in addition to having the right sort of connections, is discretion, says a spokesman for Riggs bank, which has more branches than any other bank in the US capital.


  • 例如证券调查显示,银行集团的贷款存款为169%(1:1 . 69),巴克莱银行皇家苏格兰银行比率分别为130%134%。

    Lloyds Banking Group, for example, has a loans-to-deposit ratio of 169%, according to research by Nomura Securities. Barclays and RBS are at 130% and 134%, respectively.


  • 按照斯银行首席执行长丹尼尔(Eric Daniels)合同薪酬最高有望获得100万英镑年薪的225%,支付形式可能延迟支付的股票

    Under his compensation package, Lloyds Chief Executive Eric Daniels, could receive up to 225% of his GBP 1 million annual salary, which would be paid in shares deferred for three years.


  • 纳税人不得不通过紧急注资挽救银行——苏格兰皇家银行苏格兰哈里法克银行现在双双并入劳埃德银行集团) 。这促使一些管理人士本周出面道歉

    Taxpayers have had to rescue two big ones—Royal Bank of Scotland and HBOS (now absorbed into Lloyds Banking Group)—with emergency recapitalisations, prompting apologies this week from those in charge.


  • 主要股东表示,劳埃德集团处于一状况很大程度是因为做出了收购哈利法克斯银行决定。他还表示,布兰克埃里克当中人,或者两者承受相当压力

    A leading shareholder said Lloyds was "largely in this position because of the decision to buy HBOS", adding: "One or both [of Blank and Daniels] is going to come under quite a lot of pressure."


  • 假若那样的话,银行收购苏格兰哈里法克斯银行行为看上去相当不可靠,因为考虑后者的获利能力使其2011年走出困境,而双方联合后将占全国零份额的25%左右。

    In that case, Lloyds’s acquisition of HBOS, which in 2011 will start to come good in terms of profitability, looks vulnerable because of the combination’s 25% or so retail-market share in Britain.


  • 假若那样的话,银行收购苏格兰哈里法克斯银行行为看上去相当不可靠,因为考虑后者的获利能力使其2011年走出困境,而双方联合后将占全国零份额的25%左右。

    In that case, Lloyds’s acquisition of HBOS, which in 2011 will start to come good in terms of profitability, looks vulnerable because of the combination’s 25% or so retail-market share in Britain.


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